General (default: 200). * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Fictioneer * @since 4.7.0 * @see single-fcn_collection.php * * @internal $args['collection'] Collection post object. * @internal $args['collection_id'] The collection post ID. * @internal $args['title'] Safe collection title. * @internal $args['current_page'] Number of the current page or 1. * @internal $args['max_pages'] Total number of pages or 1. * @internal $args['featured_list'] IDs of featured items in the collection. Already cleaned. * @internal $args['featured_query'] Paginated query of featured items. Already cleaned. */ // No direct access! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) OR exit; // Setup $statistics = fictioneer_get_collection_statistics( $args['collection_id'] ); ?>