While not intended, some admins may opt to remove recommendations and collections. If so, they will not longer show up in the select but technically still work.
381 lines
18 KiB
381 lines
18 KiB
* Search form
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Fictioneer
* @since 5.0
* @internal $args['simple'] Optional. Hide advanced options.
* @internal $args['placeholder'] Optional. Change search placeholder.
* @internal $args['preselect_type'] Optional. Default post type to query.
* @internal $args['cache'] Whether to account for active caching.
// Setup
$simple_mode = isset( $args['simple'] ) && $args['simple'];
$cache_mode = isset( $args['cache'] ) && $args['cache'];
$show_advanced = ! get_option( 'fictioneer_disable_theme_search' ) && ! $simple_mode;
$placeholder = $args['placeholder'] ?? _x( 'Search keywords or phrase', 'Advanced search placeholder.', 'fictioneer' );
$toggle_id = wp_unique_id( 'fictioneer-advanced-search-toggle-' );
$post_type = $_GET['post_type'] ?? $args['preselect_type'] ?? 'any';
$sentence = $_GET['sentence'] ?? '0';
$order = $_GET['order'] ?? 'desc';
$orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ?? 'modified';
$all_authors = get_users(
'has_published_posts' => ['fcn_story', 'fcn_chapter', 'fcn_recommendation', 'post'],
'fields' => ['ID', 'display_name']
$skip_author_keywords = count( $all_authors ) > FICTIONEER_AUTHOR_KEYWORD_SEARCH_LIMIT;
$queried_authors_in = $_GET['authors'] ?? 0;
$queried_authors_out = $_GET['ex_authors'] ?? 0;
$author_name = $_GET['author_name'] ?? 0; // Simple text field
$all_tags = get_tags();
$all_genres = get_tags( ['taxonomy' => 'fcn_genre'] );
$all_fandoms = get_tags( ['taxonomy' => 'fcn_fandom'] );
$all_characters = get_tags( ['taxonomy' => 'fcn_character'] );
$all_warnings = get_tags( ['taxonomy' => 'fcn_content_warning'] );
$queried_genres = $_GET['genres'] ?? 0;
$queried_fandoms = $_GET['fandoms'] ?? 0;
$queried_characters = $_GET['characters'] ?? 0;
$queried_warnings = $_GET['warnings'] ?? 0;
$queried_tags = $_GET['tags'] ?? 0;
$queried_ex_genres = $_GET['ex_genres'] ?? 0;
$queried_ex_fandoms = $_GET['ex_fandoms'] ?? 0;
$queried_ex_characters = $_GET['ex_characters'] ?? 0;
$queried_ex_warnings = $_GET['ex_warnings'] ?? 0;
$queried_ex_tags = $_GET['ex_tags'] ?? 0;
$is_advanced_search = $post_type != 'any' || $sentence != '0' || $order != 'desc' || $orderby != 'modified';
$is_advanced_search = $is_advanced_search || $queried_tags || $queried_genres || $queried_fandoms || $queried_characters || $queried_warnings;
$is_advanced_search = $is_advanced_search || $queried_ex_tags || $queried_ex_genres || $queried_ex_fandoms || $queried_ex_characters || $queried_ex_warnings;
$is_advanced_search = $is_advanced_search || $queried_authors_in || $queried_authors_out || $author_name;
// Prepare data JSONs
$all_terms = array_merge( $all_tags, $all_genres, $all_fandoms, $all_characters, $all_warnings );
$allow_list = [];
foreach ( $all_terms as $term ) {
$allow_list[ rawurlencode( strtolower( $term->name ) ) ] = $term->term_id;
if ( ! $skip_author_keywords ) {
foreach ( $all_authors as $author ) {
$allow_list[ rawurlencode( strtolower( $author->display_name ) ) ] = $author->ID;
class="search-form <?php if ( ! $show_advanced ) echo '_simple'; ?>"
action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>"
<?php if ( $show_advanced ) : ?>
<div class="allow-list" hidden><?php echo json_encode( $allow_list ); ?></div>
<input type="checkbox" class="search-form__advanced-control" id="<?php echo $toggle_id; ?>" autocomplete="off" hidden>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="search-form__bar">
placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr( $placeholder ); ?>"
value="<?php echo trim( get_search_query() ); ?>"
<div class="search-form__bar-actions">
<?php if ( $show_advanced ) : ?>
for="<?php echo $toggle_id; ?>"
><?php _ex( 'Advanced', 'Advanced search toggle.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></label>
<?php endif; ?>
<button type="submit" class="search-form__submit" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr__( 'Submit search request', 'fictioneer' ) ?>"><i class="fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass"></i></button>
<?php if ( $show_advanced ) : ?>
<div class="search-form__current">
<?php if ( $is_advanced_search && ! $cache_mode ) : ?>
data-reset="<?php echo esc_attr_x( 'Search form reset.', 'Advanced search reset message.', 'fictioneer' ) ?>"
><?php _ex( 'Reset', 'Advanced search reset button.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></button>
<span class="search-form__current-type"><?php
$translations = array(
'any' => _x( 'Any', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'fcn_chapter' => _x( 'Chapters', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'fcn_story' => _x( 'Stories', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'fcn_recommendation' => _x( 'Recommendations', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'fcn_collection' => _x( 'Collections', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'post' => _x( 'Posts', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' )
_x( '<b>Type:</b> <span>%s</span>', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' ),
$translations[ $post_type ] ?? __( 'Invalid Value', 'fictioneer' )
<span class="search-form__current-match"><?php
$translations = array(
'0' => _x( 'Keywords', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'1' => _x( 'Phrase', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' )
_x( '<b>Match:</b> <span>%s</span>', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' ),
$translations[ $sentence ] ?? __( 'Invalid Value', 'fictioneer' )
<span class="search-form__current-sort"><?php
$translations = array(
'relevance' => _x( 'Relevance', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'date' => _x( 'Published', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'modified' => _x( 'Updated', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'title' => _x( 'Title', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' )
_x( '<b>Sort:</b> <span>%s</span>', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' ),
$translations[ $orderby ] ?? __( 'Invalid Value', 'fictioneer' )
<span class="search-form__current-order"><?php
$translations = array(
'desc' => _x( 'Descending', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ),
'asc' => _x( 'Ascending', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' )
_x( '<b>Order:</b> <span>%s</span>', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' ),
$translations[ $order ] ?? __( 'Invalid Value', 'fictioneer' )
// [query string, type, class suffix, summary heading]
$queried_terms = array(
[$queried_genres, 'fcn_genre', 'genres', 'genres_and', _x( '%sGenres:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' ),],
[$queried_fandoms, 'fcn_fandom', 'fandoms', 'fandoms_and', _x( '%sFandoms:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_characters, 'fcn_character', 'characters', 'characters_and', _x( '%sCharacters:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_warnings, 'fcn_content_warning', 'warnings', 'warnings_and', _x( '%sWarnings:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_tags, 'post_tag', 'tags', 'tags_and', _x( '%sTags:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_authors_in, 'author', 'authors', 'authors_and', _x( '%sAuthors:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$author_name, 'author_name', 'author', 'author_and', _x( '%sAuthor:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_ex_genres, 'fcn_genre', 'ex-genres', 'ex_genres_and', _x( '%sExcluded Genres:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_ex_fandoms, 'fcn_fandom', 'ex-fandoms', 'ex_fandoms_and', _x( '%sExcluded Fandoms:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_ex_characters, 'fcn_character', 'ex-characters', 'ex_characters_and', _x( '%sExcluded Characters:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_ex_warnings, 'fcn_content_warning', 'ex-warnings', 'ex_warnings_and', _x( '%sExcluded Warnings:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_ex_tags, 'post_tag', 'ex-tags', 'ex_tags_and', _x( '%sExcluded Tags:', 'Excluded Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
[$queried_authors_out, 'author', 'authors', 'ex_authors_and', _x( '%sExcluded Authors:', 'Advanced search summary.', 'fictioneer' )],
foreach ( $queried_terms as $quad ) {
// Skip if nothing has been queried
if ( empty( $quad[0] ) ) continue;
// Open wrapper
echo "<span class='search-form__current-{$quad[2]}'>";
// AND/OR?
$and = isset( $_GET[ $quad[3] ] ) && $_GET[ $quad[3] ] == '1' ? _x( '[&] ', 'Advanced search summary AND operation note.', 'fictioneer' ) : '';
// Heading (needs whitespace left and right)
printf( ' <b>' . $quad[4] . '</b> ', $and );
// Item names from IDs
$item_ids = explode( ',', $quad[0] );
$names = [];
// Author or taxonomy?
switch ( $quad[1] ) {
case 'author':
foreach ( $item_ids as $author_id ) {
$author = get_user_by( 'ID', $author_id );
if ( $author ) $names[] = $author->display_name;
case 'author_name':
$names[] = $author_name;
foreach ( $item_ids as $term_id ) {
$term = get_term_by( 'term_id', $term_id, $quad[1] );
if ( $term ) $names[] = $term->name;
echo implode( ', ', $names );
// Close wrapper
echo '</span>';
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="search-form__advanced">
<div class="search-form__select-group">
<div class="search-form__select-wrapper select-wrapper">
<div class="search-form__select-title"><?php _ex( 'Type', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></div>
<select name="post_type" class="search-form__select" autocomplete="off">
<option value="any" <?php echo $post_type == 'any' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Any', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="fcn_chapter" <?php echo $post_type == 'fcn_chapter' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Chapters', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="fcn_story" <?php echo $post_type == 'fcn_story' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Stories', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<?php if ( post_type_exists( 'fcn_recommendation' ) ) : ?>
<option value="fcn_recommendation" <?php echo $post_type == 'fcn_recommendation' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Recommendations', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( post_type_exists( 'fcn_collection' ) ) : ?>
<option value="fcn_collection" <?php echo $post_type == 'fcn_collection' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Collections', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<?php endif; ?>
<option value="post" <?php echo $post_type == 'post' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Posts', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<div class="search-form__select-wrapper select-wrapper">
<div class="search-form__select-title"><?php _ex( 'Match', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></div>
<select name="sentence" class="search-form__select" autocomplete="off">
<option value="0" <?php echo $sentence == '0' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Keywords', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="1" <?php echo $sentence == '1' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Phrase', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<div class="search-form__select-wrapper select-wrapper">
<div class="search-form__select-title"><?php _ex( 'Sort', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></div>
<select name="orderby" class="search-form__select" autocomplete="off">
<option value="relevance" <?php echo $orderby == 'relevance' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Relevance', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="date" <?php echo $orderby == 'date' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Published', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="modified" <?php echo $orderby == 'modified' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Updated', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="title" <?php echo $orderby == 'title' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Title', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<div class="search-form__select-wrapper select-wrapper">
<div class="search-form__select-title"><?php _ex( 'Order', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></div>
<select name="order" class="search-form__select" autocomplete="off">
<option value="desc" <?php echo $order == 'desc' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Descending', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<option value="asc" <?php echo $order == 'asc' ? 'selected' : ''; ?>><?php _ex( 'Ascending', 'Advanced search option.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></option>
<?php if ( count( $allow_list ) > 1 ) : ?><hr><?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_genres ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Genres', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_genres, 'genres', 'genres_and', 'genre', 'genres' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_fandoms ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Fandoms', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_fandoms, 'fandoms', 'fandoms_and', 'fandom', 'fandoms' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_characters ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Characters', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_characters, 'characters', 'characters_and', 'character', 'characters' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_tags ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Tags', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_tags, 'tags', 'tags_and', 'tag', 'tags' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_warnings ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Warnings', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_warnings, 'warnings', 'warnings_and', 'warning', 'warnings' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( count( $all_authors ) > 1 ) : ?>
<?php if ( $skip_author_keywords ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Author', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<input type="text" class="search-form__text-input" name="author_name" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $_GET['author_name'] ?? '' ); ?>" placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr_x( 'Search for an author', 'Advanced search placeholder.', 'fictioneer' ); ?>">
<?php else : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Authors', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_authors_input( $all_authors, 'authors', 'author', 'authors' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( count( $allow_list ) > 1 ) : ?><hr><?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_genres ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Exclude Genres', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_genres, 'ex_genres', 'ex_genres_and', 'genre', 'genres' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_fandoms ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Exclude Fandoms', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_fandoms, 'ex_fandoms', 'ex_fandoms_and', 'fandom', 'fandoms' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_characters ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Exclude Characters', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_characters, 'ex_characters', 'ex_characters_and', 'character', 'characters' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_tags ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Exclude Tags', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_tags, 'ex_tags', 'ex_tags_and', 'tag', 'tags' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $all_warnings ) ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Exclude Warnings', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_taxonomies_input( $all_warnings, 'ex_warnings', 'ex_warnings_and', 'warning', 'warnings' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( count( $all_authors ) > 1 && ! $skip_author_keywords ) : ?>
<h6 class="search-form__option-headline"><?php _ex( 'Exclude Authors', 'Advanced search heading.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></h6>
<?php fcn_keyword_search_authors_input( $all_authors, 'ex_authors', 'author', 'authors' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="search-form__advanced-actions">
<div class="search-form__advanced-actions-left">
<button type="button" class="search-form__advanced-reset reset button _secondary" data-reset="<?php echo esc_attr_x( 'Search form reset.', 'Advanced search reset message.', 'fictioneer' ) ?>"><?php _ex( 'Reset', 'Advanced search reset button.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></button>
<div class="search-form__advanced-actions-right">
<button type="submit" class="search-form__advanced-submit submit button"><?php _ex( 'Search', 'Advanced search submit.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></button>
<?php endif; ?>