2024-10-28 18:25:03 +01:00

1256 lines
44 KiB

// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_download_epub' ) ) {
* Start and count ePUB download
* @since 4.0.0
* @param string $file_name File name of the ePUB to download.
* @param WP_Post|null $story_id Optional. The story post.
function fictioneer_download_epub( $file_name, $story = null ) {
// Setup
$path = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/epubs/' . $file_name;
$story_id = $story->ID ?: get_query_var( FICTIONEER_EPUB_ENDPOINT, null );
// Abort if...
if ( is_null( $story_id ) ) {
// Validate story ID again
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $story_id, 'fcn_story' );
// If path to file exists...
if ( file_exists( $path ) && is_readable( $path ) && $story_id ) {
// Count downloads per ePUB version
if ( $story_id ) {
// Download counter(s)
$downloads = get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_epub_downloads', true );
$downloads = is_array( $downloads ) ? $downloads : [];
// Generate version key based on timestamp
$key = md5( get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_epub_timestamp', true ) );
// Is this version already tracked?
$downloads[ $key ] = ( $downloads[ $key ] ?? 0 ) + 1;
// Update counter(s)
update_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_epub_downloads', $downloads );
// Erase any output buffer (errors, warnings) that might interfere
if ( ob_get_level() ) {
// Start download
$file_name = sanitize_file_name( $story->post_name ); // This is the slug!
header( 'Content-Type: application/epub+zip' );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file_name}.epub" );
header( 'Content-Length: ' . filesize( $path ) );
header( 'Expires: 0' );
header( 'Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0' );
header( 'Pragma: public' );
header( 'Connection: Keep-Alive' );
readfile( $path );
} else {
header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' );
echo __( 'File not found or not readable.', 'fictioneer' );
// Terminate
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_epub_return_and_exit' ) ) {
* Abort, redirect home, and terminate script
* @since 4.0.0
function fictioneer_epub_return_and_exit() {
wp_redirect( home_url() );
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_nav_point' ) ) {
* Create an return navPoint node
* @since 5.0.0
* @param DOMDocument $doc The document to add the node to.
* @param int $index Current numerical index.
* @param string $src Reference to file.
* @param string $text Nice name of the file.
* @return DOMElement The navPoint node.
function fictioneer_nav_point( $doc, $index, $src, $text ) {
$nav_point = $doc->createElement( 'navPoint' );
$nav_point->setAttribute( 'id', 'navpoint' . $index );
$nav_point->setAttribute( 'playOrder', strval( $index ) );
$nav_content = $doc->createElement( 'content' );
$nav_content->setAttribute( 'src', $src );
$nav_text = $doc->createElement( 'text' );
$nav_text->nodeValue = $text;
$nav_label = $doc->createElement( 'navLabel' );
$nav_label->appendChild( $nav_text );
$nav_point->appendChild( $nav_label );
$nav_point->appendChild( $nav_content );
return $nav_point;
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_fix_html_entities' ) ) {
* Replace invalid HTML entities with XML entities
* @since 5.0.6
* @param string $text The string with invalid HTML entities.
* @return string The string with XML entities.
function fictioneer_fix_html_entities( $text ) {
$replacements = array(
'&ndash;' => '&#8211;&#8203;', // Add zero-width space for line break control
'&mdash;' => '&#8212;&#8203;', // Add zero-width space for line break control
'&nbsp;' => '&#160;',
'&ldquo;' => '&#8220;',
'&rdquo;' => '&#8221;',
'&lsquo;' => '&#8216;',
'&rsquo;' => '&#8217;',
'&deg;' => '&#176;',
'&reg;' => '&#174;',
'&copy;' => '&#169;',
'&times;' => '&#215;',
'&tilde;' => '&#732;',
'&circ;' => '&#710;',
return strtr( $text, $replacements );
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_fix_tags' ) ) {
* Replace tags not valid in ePUB
* @since 5.8.2
* @param string $xml The XML string.
* @return string The fixed XML string.
function fictioneer_fix_tags( $xml ) {
$replacements = array(
'<figure' => '<div',
'</figure>' => '</div>',
'<cite' => '<div',
'</cite>' => '</div>',
'<figcaption' => '<div',
'</figcaption>' => '</div>',
'<u>' => '<span class="underline">',
'</u>' => '</span>',
'<s>' => '<span class="strike">',
'</s>' => '</span>',
'<tfoot' => '<tbody',
'</tfoot>' => '</tbody>'
return strtr( $xml, $replacements );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_prepare_build_directory' ) ) {
* Prepare clean directory and base files for build process
* @since 5.0.0
* @param string $dir The build template directory in the theme folder.
* @param string $epub_dir The target ePUB directory in the uploads folder.
* @param int $story_id The story ID the ePUB is based on.
function fictioneer_prepare_build_directory( $dir, $epub_dir, $story_id ) {
// Remove outdated build files from ePUB directory (if any)
if ( file_exists( $epub_dir ) ) {
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $epub_dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS );
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( $file->isDir() ){
rmdir( $file->getRealPath() );
} else {
unlink( $file->getRealPath() );
rmdir( $epub_dir );
// Create clean folders for new build
mkdir( $epub_dir, 0755, true);
mkdir( $epub_dir . '/META-INF', 0755, true);
mkdir( $epub_dir . '/OEBPS', 0755, true);
mkdir( $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Images', 0755, true);
mkdir( $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Text', 0755, true);
mkdir( $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Styles', 0755, true);
// Copy mimetype from build template
copy( $dir . '_build/templates/mimetype', $epub_dir . '/mimetype' );
// Copy/Edit CSS file
$css_path = $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Styles/style.css';
$css_edit = get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_story_epub_custom_css', true );
copy( $dir . '_build/templates/style.css', $css_path );
if ( ! empty( $css_edit ) ) {
$css_file = fopen( $css_path, 'a' );
fwrite( $css_file, $css_edit );
fclose( $css_file );
// Copy fallback image
copy( $dir . '_build/templates/image_fallback.jpg', $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Images/image_fallback.jpg' );
// Copy container XML
$dir . '_build/templates/container.xml',
$epub_dir . '/META-INF/container.xml'
// Copy (that the world apparently needed)
$dir . '_build/templates/',
$epub_dir . '/META-INF/'
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_add_epub_cover' ) ) {
* Copy cover image and HTML file to the ePUB directory
* @since 5.0.0
* @link
* @param string $dir The build template directory in the theme folder.
* @param string $epub_dir The target ePUB directory in the uploads folder.
* @param int $story_id The story ID the ePUB is based on.
function fictioneer_add_epub_cover( $dir, $epub_dir, $story_id ) {
// Abort if the story has no cover image...
if ( ! has_post_thumbnail( $story_id ) ) {
// Setup
$path_parts = pathinfo( get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $story_id, 'full' ) );
$path_extension = isset( $path_parts['extension'] ) ? $path_parts['extension'] : 'jpg';
$extension = preg_replace( '/(?<=\.jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|avif|apng|tiff).+/', '', '.' . $path_extension ); // Remove query params
// Copy image
get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $story_id, 'full' ),
$epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Images/cover' . $extension
// Build HTML from template
$cov = new DOMDocument();
$cov->load( $dir . '_build/templates/cover.html' );
$cov->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$cov->formatOutput = true;
$cover_img = $cov->getElementsByTagName( 'img' )->item( 0 );
$cover_img->setAttribute( 'src', '../Images/cover' . $extension );
$cover_file = fopen( $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Text/cover.html', 'w' );
// Write HTML to new file in ePUB directory
fwrite( $cover_file, $cov->saveXML() );
fclose( $cover_file );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_add_epub_chapters' ) ) {
* Process and add chapters to ePUB directory and lists
* @since 5.0.0
* @param string $dir The build template directory in the theme folder.
* @param string $epub_dir The target ePUB directory in the uploads folder.
* @param array $chapters Chapters in the story.
* @return array Collected items for the toc, ncx, opf, and image lists.
function fictioneer_add_epub_chapters( $dir, $epub_dir, $chapters ) {
// Setup
$toc_list = [];
$ncx_list = [];
$opf_list = [];
$image_list = [];
$index = 0;
$templateDoc = new DOMDocument();
$templateDoc->loadHTMLFile( $dir . '_build/templates/chapter.html' );
$templateDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$templateDoc->formatOutput = true;
$templateDoc->xmlStandalone = false;
// Abort if...
if ( empty( $chapters ) ) {
// Query
$chapter_objects = fictioneer_query_epub_chapters( $chapters );
// Process chapters
foreach ( $chapter_objects as $post ) {
// Setup
$title = fictioneer_sanitize_safe_title(
mysql2date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $post->post_date ),
mysql2date( get_option( 'time_format' ), $post->post_date )
$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content );
$processed = false;
// Prepare doc and nodes
$doc = clone $templateDoc;
$finder = new DOMXpath( $doc );
$head = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'head' )->item( 0 );
$frame = $finder->query( "*/div[contains(@class, 'content')]" )[0];
$frame->setAttribute( 'id', 'chapter-' . $index );
// Password?
if ( ! empty( $post->post_password ) && ! $processed ) {
$processed = true;
$head->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'title', _x( 'Password Protected Chapter', 'ePUB', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
$frame->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'h1', $title ) );
$doc->createElement( 'p', _x( 'This chapter requires a password and is only available on the website.', 'ePUB', 'fictioneer' ) )
// No content?
if ( empty( $content ) && ! $processed ) {
$processed = true;
$head->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'title', $title ) );
$frame->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'h1', $title ) );
$frame->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'p', _x( 'This chapter is empty.', 'ePUB', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
// Can chapter be processed?
if ( ! $processed ) {
$processed = true;
// Add title to <head>
$head->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'title', $title ) );
// Add title to frame if not hidden
if ( ! $post->hide_title ) {
$frame->appendChild( $doc->createElement( 'h1', $title ) );
// Start cleaning up content...
if ( strpos( $content, '<body>' ) !== false && strpos( $content, '</body>' ) !== false ) {
$content = str_replace( '<body>', '<div class="content__inner">', $content );
$content = str_replace( '</body>', '</div>', $content );
} else {
$content = '<div class="content__inner">' . $content . '</div>';
$content = str_replace( 'data-type="URL"', '', $content );
$content = preg_replace( ['(\s+)u', '(^\s|\s$)u'], [' ', ''], $content );
$content = preg_replace( '/data-align="([^"]*)"/', '', $content );
// Create temporary file to continue cleaning up content...
libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
$inner = new DOMDocument();
$inner->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $content );
$inner->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$inner->formatOutput = true;
$inner_finder = new DOMXpath( $inner );
// Add entire content block to chapter file
foreach ( $inner_finder->query( "*/div[contains(@class, 'content__inner')]" ) as $node ) {
$frame->appendChild( $doc->importNode( $node, true ) );
unset( $inner ); // No longer required
unset( $inner_finder ); // No longer required
// Remove sensitive-alternatives (only full chapters) from chapter file
foreach ( $finder->query( "//*[contains(@class, 'sensitive-alternative')]" ) as $node ) {
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
// Remove aria-hidden attributes from spacers
foreach ( $finder->query( "//*[contains(@class, 'wp-block-spacer')]" ) as $node ) {
$node->removeAttribute( 'aria-hidden' );
// Remove data-paragraph-id attributes from paragraphs in chapter file
foreach ( $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'p' ) as $node ) {
$node->removeAttribute( 'data-paragraph-id' );
// Remove data-id attributes from links in chapter file
foreach ( $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'a' ) as $node ) {
$node->removeAttribute( 'data-id' );
// Remove empty link tags from chapter file
foreach ( $finder->query( "//a[not(node())]", $frame ) as $node ) {
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
// Add tr-footer class to <tr> children of tfoot
foreach ( $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'tfoot' ) as $node ) {
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child_node ) {
$child_node->setAttribute( 'class', 'tr-footer' );
// Copy images displayed in chapter to ePUB directory and remember them for later
foreach ( $finder->query( "//*[contains(@class, 'wp-block-image')]" ) as $node ) {
// Extract image from wrapper(s)
$img = $node->childNodes->item( 0 );
if ( $img->childNodes->item( 0 ) ) {
$img = $img->childNodes->item( 0 );
// Get attributes
$url = urldecode( $img->getAttribute( 'src' ) );
$alt = urldecode( $img->getAttribute( 'alt' ) );
// Abort if...
if ( ! $url ) {
// Prepare path (remove unwanted extensions, e.g. '.jpg?_i=AA')
$path_parts = pathinfo( $url );
$path_extension = isset( $path_parts['extension'] ) ? $path_parts['extension'] : 'jpg';
$extension = preg_replace( '/(?<=\.jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|avif|apng).+/', '', '.' . $path_extension );
// Copy image to ePUb directory
copy( $url, $epub_dir . '/OEBPS/Images/' . $path_parts['filename'] . $extension );
// Create new image node
$new_img = $doc->createElement( 'img' );
$new_img->setAttribute( 'src', '../Images/' . $path_parts['basename'] );
$new_img->setAttribute( 'alt', $alt );
// Add image to list
$image_list[] = [ $path_parts['filename'] . $extension, substr( $extension, 1 ) ];
// Replace wrapped image node with cleaned image node
$node->parentNode->insertBefore( $new_img, $node->nextSibling );
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
// Remove all remaining WP blocks that are not pullquotes or tables
foreach (
$finder->query( "//figure[not(contains(@class, 'wp-block-pullquote') or contains(@class, 'wp-block-table'))]" ) as $node
) {
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
// Replace classes from figcaption elements
foreach (
$finder->query( "//figcaption" ) as $node
) {
$node->setAttribute( 'class', 'figcaption' );
// Replace classes from cite elements
foreach (
$finder->query( "//cite" ) as $node
) {
$node->setAttribute( 'class', 'cite' );
// Add to OPF list
array_push( $opf_list, $index );
// Add to NCX list
array_push( $ncx_list, array( $title, $index ) );
// Add to ToC list
array_push( $toc_list, array( "$title", "../Text/chapter-{$index}.html", $index ) );
// Save XML file to string
$file_content = $doc->saveXML();
// Terminate script on error
if ( $file_content === false ) {
// Fix remaining elements not valid in ePUBs...
$file_content = fictioneer_fix_tags( $file_content );
// Fix invalid entities (because of course)
$file_content = fictioneer_fix_html_entities( $file_content );
// Save chapter file in ePUB directory
$file_path = $epub_dir . "/OEBPS/Text/chapter-{$index}.html";
$file = fopen( $file_path, 'w' );
fwrite( $file, $file_content );
fclose( $file );
// Terminate script if no chapter has been added
if ( $index == 0 ) {
// Return lists
return array(
'toc' => $toc_list,
'ncx' => $ncx_list,
'opf' => $opf_list,
'images' => $image_list
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_query_epub_chapters' ) ) {
* Process and add chapters to ePUB directory and lists
* @since 5.26.0
* @param array $chapter_ids Chapters IDs of story.
* @return array Array of chapter objects.
function fictioneer_query_epub_chapters( $chapter_ids ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( empty( $chapter_ids ) ) {
return [];
$chapter_ids = array_map( 'intval', $chapter_ids );
$placeholders = implode( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $chapter_ids ), '%d' ) );
$sql =
COALESCE(pm_hide_title.meta_value, '0') AS hide_title
FROM {$wpdb->posts} p
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} pm_no_chapter
ON (p.ID = pm_no_chapter.post_id AND pm_no_chapter.meta_key = 'fictioneer_chapter_no_chapter')
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} pm_hidden
ON (p.ID = pm_hidden.post_id AND pm_hidden.meta_key = 'fictioneer_chapter_hidden')
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} pm_hide_title
ON (p.ID = pm_hide_title.post_id AND pm_hide_title.meta_key = 'fictioneer_chapter_hide_title')
WHERE p.ID IN ($placeholders)
AND p.post_type = 'fcn_chapter'
AND p.post_status = 'publish'
AND (pm_no_chapter.meta_value IS NULL OR pm_no_chapter.meta_value = '0' OR pm_no_chapter.meta_value = '')
AND (pm_hidden.meta_value IS NULL OR pm_hidden.meta_value = '0' OR pm_hidden.meta_value = '')";
$chapters = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, ...$chapter_ids ) );
$chapter_map = array_column( $chapters, null, 'ID' );
$ordered_chapters = array_map( fn( $id ) => $chapter_map[ $id ] ?? null, $chapter_ids );
return array_filter( $ordered_chapters );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_generate_epub_opf' ) ) {
* Generate and add OPF file to ePUB directory
* @since 5.0.0
* @param int $story_id The story ID the ePUB is based on.
* @param array $args Collection of ePUB data.
function fictioneer_generate_epub_opf( $story_id, $args ) {
// Description
$description = wp_strip_all_tags( $args['fictioneer_story_short_description'], true );
// Create temporary file from build template
$opf = new DOMDocument();
$opf->load( $args['dir'] . '_build/templates/content.opf' );
$opf->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$opf->formatOutput = true;
// Update attributes with values
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'identifier' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['permalink'];
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'rights' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = sprintf(
__( 'Original Content Copyright © %s. All rights reserved.', 'fictioneer' ),
implode( ', ', $args['all_authors'] )
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'title' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['title'];
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'description' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $description;
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'publisher' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['home_link'];
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'source' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['permalink'];
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'creator' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['author'];
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'date' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['epub_last_updated'];
// Get list nodes
$manifest = $opf->getElementsByTagName( 'manifest' )->item( 0 );
$spine = $opf->getElementsByTagName( 'spine' )->item( 0 );
$guide = $opf->getElementsByTagName( 'guide' )->item( 0 );
// Cover node (if any)
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $story_id ) ) {
$path_parts = pathinfo( get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $story_id, 'full' ) );
$path_extension = isset( $path_parts['extension'] ) ? $path_parts['extension'] : 'jpg';
$extension = preg_replace( '/(?<=\.jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|svg|avif|apng).+/', '', '.' . $path_extension );
$cover_meta = $opf->createElement( 'meta' );
$cover_meta->setAttribute( 'name', 'cover' );
$cover_meta->setAttribute( 'content', 'cover' . $extension );
$opf->getElementsByTagName( 'metadata' )->item( 0 )->appendChild( $cover_meta );
$m_item = $opf->createElement( 'item' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'href', 'Images/cover' . $extension );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'id', 'cover' . $extension );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'media-type', 'image/' . substr( $extension, 1 ) );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'fallback', 'fictioneer_image_fallbackjpg' );
$manifest->appendChild( $m_item );
$m_item = $opf->createElement( 'item' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'href', 'Text/cover.html' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'id', 'cover' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'media-type', 'application/xhtml+xml' );
$manifest->appendChild( $m_item );
$s_item = $opf->createElement( 'itemref' );
$s_item->setAttribute( 'idref', 'cover' );
$spine->appendChild( $s_item );
$g_item = $opf->createElement( 'reference' );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'href', 'Text/cover.html' );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'title', 'Cover' );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'type', 'cover' );
$guide->appendChild( $g_item );
// Image nodes
foreach ( $args['image_list'] as $img ) {
$m_item = $opf->createElement( 'item' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'href', 'Images/' . $img[0] );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'id', $img[0] );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'media-type', 'image/' . $img[1] );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'fallback', 'fictioneer_image_fallbackjpg' );
$manifest->appendChild( $m_item );
// Front Matter node
$s_item = $opf->createElement( 'itemref' );
$s_item->setAttribute( 'idref', 'frontmatter' );
$spine->appendChild( $s_item );
// Table of Contents node
$s_item = $opf->createElement( 'itemref' );
$s_item->setAttribute( 'idref', 'toc' );
$spine->appendChild( $s_item );
// $opf_list is filled in the chapters loop
foreach ( $args['opf_list'] as $index ) {
$m_item = $opf->createElement( 'item' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'href', "Text/chapter-$index.html" );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'id', "chapter-$index" );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'media-type', 'application/xhtml+xml' );
$manifest->appendChild( $m_item );
$s_item = $opf->createElement( 'itemref' );
$s_item->setAttribute( 'idref', "chapter-$index" );
$spine->appendChild( $s_item );
$g_item = $opf->createElement( 'reference' );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'href', "Text/chapter-$index.html" );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
$guide->appendChild( $g_item );
// Afterword node
if ( get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_story_epub_afterword', true ) ) {
$m_item = $opf->createElement( 'item' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'href', 'Text/afterword.html' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'id', 'afterword' );
$m_item->setAttribute( 'media-type', 'application/xhtml+xml' );
$manifest->appendChild( $m_item );
$s_item = $opf->createElement( 'itemref' );
$s_item->setAttribute( 'idref', 'afterword' );
$spine->appendChild( $s_item );
$g_item = $opf->createElement( 'reference' );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'href', 'Text/afterword.html' );
$g_item->setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
$guide->appendChild( $g_item );
// Save in ePUB directory
$opf_file = fopen( $args['epub_dir'] . '/OEBPS/content.opf', 'w' );
fwrite( $opf_file, $opf->saveXML() );
fclose( $opf_file );
// =============================================================================
// NCX
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_generate_epub_ncx' ) ) {
* Generate and add NCX file to ePUB directory
* @since 5.0.0
* @link
* @param int $story_id The story ID the ePUB is based on.
* @param array $args Collection of ePUB data.
function fictioneer_generate_epub_ncx( $story_id, $args ) {
// Create work document from build template
$ncx = new DOMDocument();
$ncx->load( $args['dir'] . '_build/templates/toc.ncx' );
$ncx->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$ncx->formatOutput = true;
// Get node and set attributes
$navmap = $ncx->getElementsByTagName( 'navMap' )->item( 0 );
$node = $ncx->createElement( 'meta' );
$node->setAttribute( 'content', get_permalink( $story_id ) );
$node->setAttribute( 'name', 'dtb:uid' );
$ncx->getElementsByTagName( 'head' )->item( 0 )->appendChild( $node );
$ncx->getElementsByTagName( 'docTitle' )->item( 0 )->getElementsByTagName( 'text' )->item( 0 )->nodeValue = $args['title'];
// Start index
$index = 1;
// Add cover node (if any)
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $story_id ) ) {
$navmap->appendChild( fictioneer_nav_point( $ncx, $index, 'Text/cover.html', __( 'Cover', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
// Add front matter node
$navmap->appendChild( fictioneer_nav_point( $ncx, $index, 'Text/frontmatter.html', __( 'Front Matter', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
// Add table of contents node
$navmap->appendChild( fictioneer_nav_point( $ncx, $index, 'Text/toc.html', __( 'Table of Contents', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
// Add each item in list
foreach ( $args['ncx_list'] as $item ) {
$navmap->appendChild( fictioneer_nav_point( $ncx, $index, 'Text/chapter-' . $item[1] . '.html', $item[1] . '. ' . $item[0] ) );
// Add afterword node
if ( get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_story_epub_afterword', true ) ) {
$navmap->appendChild( fictioneer_nav_point( $ncx, $index, 'Text/afterword.html', __( 'Afterword', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
// Save NCX to ePUB directory
$ncx_file = fopen( $args['epub_dir'] . '/OEBPS/toc.ncx', 'w' );
fwrite( $ncx_file, $ncx->saveXML() );
fclose( $ncx_file );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_generate_epub_toc' ) ) {
* Generate and add table of content file to ePUB directory
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $args Collection of ePUB data.
function fictioneer_generate_epub_toc( $args ) {
// Create work document from build template
$toc = new DOMDocument();
$toc->loadHTMLFile( $args['dir'] . '_build/templates/toc.html' );
$toc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$toc->formatOutput = true;
$toc->xmlStandalone = false;
// Get list node
$table_of_contents = $toc->getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )->item( 0 );
// Add each item in list
foreach ( $args['toc_list'] as $item ) {
$toc_item = $toc->createElement( 'li' );
$toc_link = $toc->createElement( 'a' );
$toc_title = $toc->createElement( 'span', $item[0] );
$toc_num = $toc->createElement( 'span', $item[2] . '.' );
$toc_num->setAttribute( 'class', 'num' );
$toc_link->setAttribute( 'href', $item[1] );
$toc_link->appendChild( $toc_num );
$toc_link->appendChild( $toc_title );
$toc_item->appendChild( $toc_link );
$table_of_contents->appendChild( $toc_item );
// Save to ePUB directory
$toc_file = fopen( $args['epub_dir'] . '/OEBPS/Text/toc.html', 'w' );
fwrite( $toc_file, $toc->saveXML() );
fclose( $toc_file );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_generate_epub_front_matter' ) ) {
* Generate and add front matter file to ePUB directory
* @since 5.0.0
* @param int $story_id The story ID the ePUB is based on.
* @param array $args Collection of ePUB data.
function fictioneer_generate_epub_front_matter( $story_id, $args ) {
// Setup
$preface = fictioneer_get_content_field( 'fictioneer_story_epub_preface', $story_id );
$preface = fictioneer_fix_html_entities( $preface );
$short_description = fictioneer_get_content_field( 'fictioneer_story_short_description', $story_id );
$short_description = fictioneer_fix_html_entities( $short_description );
// Create work document from build template
$ftm = new DOMDocument();
$ftm->loadHTMLFile( $args['dir'] . '_build/templates/frontmatter.html' );
$ftm->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$ftm->formatOutput = true;
$ftm->xmlStandalone = false;
// Get main container and add title
$ftm_frame = $ftm->getElementsByTagName( 'div' )->item( 0 ); // Only one at the start
$ftm_frame->appendChild( $ftm->createElement( 'h1', $args['title'] ) );
// Add preface (if any)
if ( ! empty( $preface ) ) {
// Clean-up...
$preface = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $preface );
$preface = preg_replace( '/(\r|\n){2,}/', '</p><p>', $preface );
if ( substr( $preface, 0, 1 ) !== '<' ) {
$preface = '<p>' . str_replace( '<p></p>', '</p>', $preface );
$preface = str_replace( '<p>&nbsp;</p>', '', $preface );
$preface = '<div class="preface">' . $preface . '</div>';
// Create temporary work document
$temp = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
$temp->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $preface );
$temp->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$temp->formatOutput = true;
$temp_finder = new DOMXpath( $temp );
// Extract content and append to main container
foreach ( $temp_finder->query( "*/div[@class='preface']" )[0]->childNodes as $node ) {
$ftm_frame->appendChild( $ftm->importNode( $node, true ) );
if ( ! empty( $short_description ) ) {
// Add heading
$ftm_frame->appendChild( $ftm->createElement( 'h2', __( 'Description', 'fictioneer' ) ) );
// Clean-up...
$short_description = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $short_description );
$short_description = preg_replace( '/(\r|\n){2,}/', '</p><p>', $short_description );
if ( substr( $short_description, 0, 1 ) !== '<' ) {
$short_description = '<p>' . str_replace( '<p></p>', '</p>', $short_description );
$short_description = str_replace( '<p>&nbsp;</p>', '', $short_description );
$short_description = '<div class="description"><p>' . $short_description . '</p></div>';
// Create temporary work document
$temp = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
$temp->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $short_description );
$temp->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$temp->formatOutput = true;
$temp_finder = new DOMXpath( $temp );
// Extract content and append to main container
foreach ( $temp_finder->query( "*/div[@class='description']" )[0]->childNodes as $node ) {
$ftm_frame->appendChild( $ftm->importNode( $node, true ) );
// Save to ePUB directory
$ftm_file = fopen( $args['epub_dir'] . '/OEBPS/Text/frontmatter.html', 'w' );
fwrite( $ftm_file, $ftm->saveXML() );
fclose( $ftm_file );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_generate_epub_afterword' ) ) {
* Generate and add afterword file to ePUB directory
* @since 5.0.0
* @param int $story_id The story ID the ePUB is based on.
* @param array $args Collection of ePUB data.
function fictioneer_generate_epub_afterword( $story_id, $args ) {
// Setup
$afterword = fictioneer_get_content_field( 'fictioneer_story_epub_afterword', $story_id );
$afterword = fictioneer_fix_html_entities( $afterword );
if ( ! empty( $afterword ) ) {
// Create work document from build template
$atw = new DOMDocument();
$atw->loadHTMLFile( $args['dir'] . '_build/templates/afterword.html' );
$atw->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$atw->formatOutput = true;
$atw->xmlStandalone = false;
// Get main container
$atw_frame = $atw->getElementsByTagName( 'div' )->item( 0 ); // Only one at the start
// Clean-up...
$afterword = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $afterword );
$afterword = preg_replace( '/(\r|\n){2,}/', '</p><p>', $afterword );
if ( substr( $afterword, 0, 1 ) !== '<' ) {
$afterword = '<p>' . str_replace( '<p></p>', '</p>', $afterword );
$afterword = str_replace( '<p>&nbsp;</p>', '', $afterword );
$afterword = '<div class="afterword">' . $afterword . '</div>';
// Create temporary work document
$temp = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
$temp->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $afterword );
$temp->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$temp->formatOutput = true;
$temp_finder = new DOMXpath( $temp );
// Extract content and append to main container
foreach ( $temp_finder->query( "*/div[@class='afterword']" )[0]->childNodes as $node ) {
$atw_frame->appendChild( $atw->importNode( $node, true ) );
// Save to ePUB directory
$atw_file = fopen( $args['epub_dir'] . '/OEBPS/Text/afterword.html', 'w' );
fwrite( $atw_file, $atw->saveXML() );
fclose( $atw_file );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Generate ePUB and save it to the uploads directory
* @since 4.0.0
function fictioneer_generate_epub() {
// Get story ID from parameter
$story_id = get_query_var( FICTIONEER_EPUB_ENDPOINT, null );
// Abort if this is not an /download-epub/ URL...
if ( is_null( $story_id ) ) {
// Abort if no story ID provided or ePUB download is disabled...
if (
empty( $story_id ) ||
! get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_epubs' ) ||
get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_story_no_epub', true )
) {
// Validate story ID
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $story_id, 'fcn_story' );
// Abort if not a valid story ID or password protected...
if ( ! $story_id || post_password_required( $story_id ) ) {
// Locked?
$lock = get_transient( "fictioneer_epub_wip_{$story_id}" );
if ( ! empty( $lock ) && absint( $lock ) + 30 < time() ) {
// Setup
$story = get_post( $story_id );
$dir = get_template_directory() . '/epubs/';
$folder = "{$story_id}";
$chapters = fictioneer_get_story_chapter_ids( $story_id );
$author = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $story->post_author );
$co_authors = get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_story_co_authors', true ) ?: [];
$all_authors = [];
$short_description = fictioneer_get_content_field( 'fictioneer_story_short_description', $story_id, false );
$short_description = fictioneer_fix_html_entities( $short_description );
$story_last_modified = get_the_modified_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $story_id );
$epub_last_built = get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_epub_timestamp', true );
$toc_list = [];
$ncx_list = [];
$opf_list = [];
$image_list = [];
// Build list of authors
if ( is_array( $co_authors ) && ! empty( $co_authors ) ) {
foreach ( $co_authors as $co_author_id ) {
$co_author_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', intval( $co_author_id ) );
if ( ! empty( $co_author_name ) && $co_author_name != $author ) {
$all_authors[] = $co_author_name;
$co_authors = $all_authors; // Names of co-authors
array_unshift( $all_authors, $author ); // Prepend main author
// Uploads directory path (create if it does not yet exist)
wp_mkdir_p( trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . 'epubs' );
$uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/epubs/';
$epub_dir = $uploads_dir . $folder;
// Abort if the build templates are missing or the story has no chapters...
if ( ! file_exists( $dir . '_build/templates' ) || empty( $chapters ) ) {
// Download last generated ePUB if still up-to-date
if ( $epub_last_built === $story_last_modified && file_exists( $uploads_dir . "$folder.epub" ) ) {
fictioneer_download_epub( "{$folder}.epub", $story );
// Lock!
set_transient( "fictioneer_epub_wip_{$story_id}", time(), 30 );
// Prepare build clean directory
fictioneer_prepare_build_directory( $dir, $epub_dir, $story_id );
// Copy cover image (if any)
fictioneer_add_epub_cover( $dir, $epub_dir, $story_id );
// Add chapters and merge returned lists
$lists = fictioneer_add_epub_chapters( $dir, $epub_dir, $chapters );
$toc_list = array_merge( $toc_list, $lists['toc'] );
$ncx_list = array_merge( $ncx_list, $lists['ncx'] );
$opf_list = array_merge( $opf_list, $lists['opf'] );
$image_list = array_merge( $image_list, $lists['images'] );
// Prepare shared arguments
$epub_args = array(
'home_link' => home_url(),
'story_id' => $story_id,
'title' => fictioneer_fix_html_entities( fictioneer_get_safe_title( $story_id ) ),
'permalink' => get_permalink( $story_id ),
'author' => $author,
'co_authors' => $co_authors,
'all_authors' => $all_authors,
'fictioneer_story_short_description' => $short_description,
'story_last_modified' => $story_last_modified,
'epub_last_updated' => wp_date( 'c', strtotime( $epub_last_built ) ),
'dir' => $dir,
'uploads_dir' => $uploads_dir,
'epub_dir' => $epub_dir,
'toc_list' => $toc_list,
'ncx_list' => $ncx_list,
'opf_list' => $opf_list,
'image_list' => $image_list,
// Add OPF file
fictioneer_generate_epub_opf( $story_id, $epub_args );
// Add NCX file
fictioneer_generate_epub_ncx( $story_id, $epub_args );
// Add table of contents
fictioneer_generate_epub_toc( $epub_args );
// Add front matter
fictioneer_generate_epub_front_matter( $story_id, $epub_args );
// Add afterword
fictioneer_generate_epub_afterword( $story_id, $epub_args );
// Zip as epub and save to uploads directory
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip->open( $uploads_dir . "{$folder}.epub", ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE );
$directory = $uploads_dir . $folder;
$mimetype_path = $uploads_dir . $folder . '/mimetype';
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $directory ), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY );
$zip->addFile( $mimetype_path, substr( $mimetype_path, mb_strlen( $directory ) + 1) );
foreach ( $files as $name => $file ) {
if ( $name == 'mimetype' ) {
if ( ! $file->isDir() ) {
$filePath = $file->getRealPath();
$relativePath = substr( $filePath, mb_strlen( $directory ) + 1);
$zip->addFile( $filePath, $relativePath );
// Clean up build data...
if ( file_exists( $uploads_dir . $folder ) ) {
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $uploads_dir . $folder, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS );
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( $file->isDir() ){
rmdir( $file->getRealPath() );
} else {
unlink( $file->getRealPath() );
rmdir( $uploads_dir . $folder );
// Remember date
update_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_epub_timestamp', $story_last_modified );
// Unlock
delete_transient( "fictioneer_epub_wip_{$story_id}" );
// Download
fictioneer_download_epub( "{$folder}.epub", $story );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'fictioneer_generate_epub' );
// =============================================================================
// > Return early if no AJAX functions are required.
// =============================================================================
if ( ! wp_doing_ajax() ) {
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Start ePUB download if ready
* @since 5.7.2
function fictioneer_ajax_download_epub() {
// Rate limit
fictioneer_check_rate_limit( 'fictioneer_ajax_download_epub', 10 );
// Setup
$story_id = absint( $_POST['story_id'] ?? 0 );
$lock = get_transient( "fictioneer_epub_wip_{$story_id}" );
if ( ! empty( $lock ) && absint( $lock ) + 30 < time() ) {
} else {
if ( get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_epubs' ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_ajax_fictioneer_ajax_download_epub', 'fictioneer_ajax_download_epub' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_fictioneer_ajax_download_epub', 'fictioneer_ajax_download_epub' );