Mostly formatting to satisfy my OCD, but I also fixed that footnotes were counted even if they did not exist. The sup element was also always rendered in the dialog.
2436 lines
96 KiB
2436 lines
96 KiB
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'fictioneer_shortcode_query' ) ) {
* Returns query for shortcode
* @since 5.4.9
* @param array $args Query arguments.
* @return WP_Query The query result.
function fictioneer_shortcode_query( $args ) {
// Query
$result = new WP_Query( $args );
// Prime author cache
if (
get_option( 'fictioneer_show_authors' ) &&
! empty( $result->posts ) &&
function_exists( 'update_post_author_caches' )
) {
update_post_author_caches( $result->posts );
return $result;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Register relationships for posts with certain shortcodes
* @since 5.0.0
* @param int $post_id The ID of the saved post.
* @param WP_Post $post The saved post object.
function fictioneer_update_shortcode_relationships( $post_id, $post ) {
// Prevent multi-fire
if ( fictioneer_multi_save_guard( $post_id ) ) {
// Setup
$registry = fictioneer_get_relationship_registry();
// Look for blog shortcode
if ( str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_blog' ) ) {
$registry['always'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['always'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for story data shortcode
if (
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_story_data' ) ||
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_story_comments' ) ||
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_story_actions' ) ||
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_story_section' ) ||
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_subscribe_button' )
) {
$registry['always'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['always'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for article cards shortcode
if ( str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_article_cards' ) ) {
$registry['always'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['always'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for showcase shortcode
if ( str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_showcase' ) ) {
$registry['always'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['always'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for post-related shortcode
if ( str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_latest_posts' ) ) {
$registry['ref_posts'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['ref_posts'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for chapter-related shortcodes
if (
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_chapter_list' ) ||
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_latest_chapters' )
) {
$registry['ref_chapters'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['ref_chapters'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for story-related shortcodes
if (
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_latest_stories' ) ||
str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_latest_updates' )
) {
$registry['ref_stories'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['ref_stories'][ $post_id ] );
// Look for recommendation-related shortcodes
if ( str_contains( $post->post_content, 'fictioneer_latest_recommendations' ) ) {
$registry['ref_recommendations'][ $post_id ] = 'shortcode';
} else {
unset( $registry['ref_recommendations'][ $post_id ] );
// Update database
fictioneer_save_relationship_registry( $registry );
add_action( 'save_post', 'fictioneer_update_shortcode_relationships', 10, 2 );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Returns sanitized arguments extracted from shortcode attributes
* @since 5.7.3
* @param array $attr Attributes passed to the shortcode.
* @param int $def_count Default for the 'count' argument.
* @return array The extracted arguments.
function fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, $def_count = -1 ) {
//--- Sanitize attributes ----------------------------------------------------
$attr = is_array( $attr ) ?
array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $attr ) : sanitize_text_field( $attr );
//--- Extract arguments ------------------------------------------------------
$seamless_default = get_theme_mod( 'card_image_style', 'default' ) === 'seamless';
$thumbnail_default = get_theme_mod( 'card_image_style', 'default' ) !== 'none';
$uid = wp_unique_id( 'shortcode-id-' );
$args = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'type' => $attr['type'] ?? 'default',
'count' => max( -1, intval( $attr['count'] ?? $def_count ) ),
'offset' => max( 0, intval( $attr['offset'] ?? 0 ) ),
'order' => $attr['order'] ?? '',
'orderby' => $attr['orderby'] ?? '',
'page' => max( 1, get_query_var( 'page' ) ?: get_query_var( 'paged' ) ),
'posts_per_page' => absint( $attr['per_page'] ?? 0 ) ?: get_option( 'posts_per_page' ),
'post_ids' => fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['post_ids'] ?? '' ),
'author' => sanitize_title( $attr['author'] ?? '' ),
'author_ids' => fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['author_ids'] ?? '' ),
'excluded_authors' => fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['exclude_author_ids'] ?? '' ),
'excluded_tags' => fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] ?? '' ),
'excluded_cats' => fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] ?? '' ),
'taxonomies' => fictioneer_get_shortcode_taxonomies( $attr ),
'relation' => strtolower( $attr['rel'] ?? 'and' ) === 'or' ? 'OR' : 'AND',
'ignore_sticky' => filter_var( $attr['ignore_sticky'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'ignore_protected' => filter_var( $attr['ignore_protected'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'only_protected' => filter_var( $attr['only_protected'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'vertical' => filter_var( $attr['vertical'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'seamless' => filter_var( $attr['seamless'] ?? $seamless_default, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'aspect_ratio' => sanitize_css_aspect_ratio( $attr['aspect_ratio'] ?? '' ),
'thumbnail' => filter_var( $attr['thumbnail'] ?? $thumbnail_default, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'lightbox' => filter_var( $attr['lightbox'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'words' => filter_var( $attr['words'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'date' => filter_var( $attr['date'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'date_format' => sanitize_text_field( $attr['date_format'] ?? '' ),
'nested_date_format' => sanitize_text_field( $attr['nested_date_format'] ?? '' ),
'footer' => filter_var( $attr['footer'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_author' => filter_var( $attr['footer_author'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_chapters' => filter_var( $attr['footer_chapters'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_words' => filter_var( $attr['footer_words'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_date' => filter_var( $attr['footer_date'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_comments' => filter_var( $attr['footer_comments'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_status' => filter_var( $attr['footer_status'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'footer_rating' => filter_var( $attr['footer_rating'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'classes' => esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['classes'] ?? $attr['class'] ?? '' ) ) . " {$uid}",
'infobox' => filter_var( $attr['infobox'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'source' => filter_var( $attr['source'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'splide' => sanitize_text_field( $attr['splide'] ?? '' ),
'cache' => filter_var( $attr['cache'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN )
//--- Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update count if limited to post IDs
if ( ! empty( $args['post_ids'] ) ) {
$args['count'] = count( $args['post_ids'] );
// Prepare Splide JSON
if ( ! empty( $args['splide'] ) ) {
$args['splide'] = str_replace( "'", '"', $args['splide'] );
if ( ! fictioneer_is_valid_json( $args['splide'] ) ) {
$args['splide'] = false;
} else {
$splide = json_decode( $args['splide'], true );
// Turn arrows off by default
if ( ! preg_match( '/"arrows"\s*:\s*true/', $args['splide'] ) ) {
$splide['arrows'] = false;
// Change default arrow SVG path
if ( ! isset( $splide['arrowPath'] ) ) {
$splide['arrowPath'] = 'M31.89 18.24c0.98 0.98 0.98 2.56 0 3.54l-15 15c-0.98 0.98-2.56 0.98-3.54 0s-0.98-2.56 0-3.54L26.45 20 13.23 6.76c-0.98-0.98-0.98-2.56 0-3.54s2.56-0.98 3.54 0l15 15';
$args['splide'] = json_encode( $splide );
//--- Finish -----------------------------------------------------------------
return $args;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Extract taxonomies from shortcode attributes
* @since 5.2.0
* @param array $attr Attributes of the shortcode.
* @return array Array of found taxonomies.
function fictioneer_get_shortcode_taxonomies( $attr ) {
// Setup
$taxonomies = [];
// Tags
if ( ! empty( $attr['tags'] ) ) {
$taxonomies['tags'] = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['tags'] );
// Categories
if ( ! empty( $attr['categories'] ) ) {
$taxonomies['categories'] = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['categories'] );
// Fandoms
if ( ! empty( $attr['fandoms'] ) ) {
$taxonomies['fandoms'] = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['fandoms'] );
// Characters
if ( ! empty( $attr['characters'] ) ) {
$taxonomies['characters'] = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['characters'] );
// Genres
if ( ! empty( $attr['genres'] ) ) {
$taxonomies['genres'] = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['genres'] );
// Return
return $taxonomies;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Get shortcode Tax Query
* @since 5.2.0
* @param array $args Arguments of the shortcode partial.
* @return array Tax Query.
function fictioneer_get_shortcode_tax_query( $args ) {
// Setup
$tax_query = [];
// Are there taxonomies?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies'] ) ) {
// Relationship?
if ( count( $args['taxonomies'] ) > 1 ) {
$tax_query['relation'] = $args['relation'];
// Tags?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies']['tags'] ) ) {
$tax_query[] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $args['taxonomies']['tags']
// Categories?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies']['categories'] ) ) {
$tax_query[] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $args['taxonomies']['categories']
// Fandoms?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies']['fandoms'] ) ) {
$tax_query[] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'fcn_fandom',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $args['taxonomies']['fandoms']
// Characters?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies']['characters'] ) ) {
$tax_query[] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'fcn_character',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $args['taxonomies']['characters']
// Genres?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies']['genres'] ) ) {
$tax_query[] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'fcn_genre',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $args['taxonomies']['genres']
// Return
return $tax_query;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Returns inline script to initialize Splide ASAP
* Note: The script tag is only returned once in case multiple sliders
* are active since only one is needed.
* @since 5.25.0
* @return string The inline script.
function fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init() {
static $done = null;
if ( $done ) {
return '';
$done = true;
return '<script class="temp-script" data-jetpack-boost="ignore" data-no-defer="1" data-no-optimize="1" data-no-minify="1">document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",()=>{document.querySelectorAll(".splide:not(.no-auto-splide, .is-initialized)").forEach(e=>{e.querySelector(".splide__list")&&"undefined"!=typeof Splide&&(e.classList.remove("_splide-placeholder"),new Splide(e).mount())})});</script>';
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to display showcase
* @since 5.0.0
* @param string $attr['for'] What the showcase is for. Allowed are chapters,
* collections, recommendations, and stories.
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default 8.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['order'] Optional. Order direction. Default 'DESC'.
* @param string|null $attr['orderby'] Optional. Order argument. Default 'date'.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['fandoms'] Optional. Limit posts to specific fandom names.
* @param string|null $attr['genres'] Optional. Limit posts to specific genre names.
* @param string|null $attr['characters'] Optional. Limit posts to specific character names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['vertical'] Optional. Whether to show the vertical variant.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['aspect_ratio'] Optional. Aspect ratio of the item. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['height'] Optional. Override the item height. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['min_width'] Optional. Override the item minimum width. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['lightbox'] Optional. Whether the thumbnail is opened in the lightbox. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $args['splide'] Optional. Configuration JSON for the Splide slider. Default empty.
* @param string|null $args['quality'] Optional. Size of the images. Default 'medium'.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_showcase( $attr ) {
// Abort if...
if ( empty( $attr['for'] ) ) {
return '';
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, 8 );
// Height/Width/Quality
$args['height'] = sanitize_text_field( $attr['height'] ?? '' );
$args['min_width'] = sanitize_text_field( $attr['min_width'] ?? '' );
$args['quality'] = sanitize_text_field( $attr['quality'] ?? 'medium' );
// Specifics
$args['no_cap'] = filter_var( $attr['no_cap'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
switch ( $attr['for'] ) {
case 'collections':
$args['post_type'] = 'fcn_collection';
case 'chapters':
$args['post_type'] = 'fcn_chapter';
case 'stories':
$args['post_type'] = 'fcn_story';
case 'recommendations':
$args['post_type'] = 'fcn_recommendation';
// Abort if...
if ( ! isset( $args['post_type'] ) ) {
return '';
// Extra classes
if ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) {
$args['classes'] .= ' splide _splide-placeholder';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_showcase' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$type = $args['post_type'];
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_showcase_{$type}_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
get_template_part( 'partials/_showcase', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) && strpos( $args['classes'], 'no-auto-splide' ) === false ) {
$html .= fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init();
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_showcase', 'fictioneer_shortcode_showcase' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show latest chapters
* @since 3.0
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default 4.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['type'] Optional. Choose between 'default', 'simple', and 'compact'.
* @param string|null $attr['order'] Optional. Order argument. Default 'DESC'.
* @param string|null $attr['orderby'] Optional. Orderby argument. Default 'date'.
* @param string|null $attr['spoiler'] Optional. Whether to show spoiler content.
* @param string|null $attr['source'] Optional. Whether to show the author and story.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['fandoms'] Optional. Limit posts to specific fandom names.
* @param string|null $attr['genres'] Optional. Limit posts to specific genre names.
* @param string|null $attr['characters'] Optional. Limit posts to specific character names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['vertical'] Optional. Whether to show the vertical variant.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['aspect_ratio'] Optional. Aspect ratio for the image. Only with vertical.
* @param string|null $attr['lightbox'] Optional. Whether the thumbnail is opened in the lightbox. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['date_format'] Optional. String to override the date format. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['footer'] Optional. Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_author'] Optional. Whether to show the chapter author. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_date'] Optional. Whether to show the chapter date. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_words'] Optional. Whether to show the chapter word count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_comments'] Optional. Whether to show the chapter comment count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_status'] Optional. Whether to show the chapter status. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_rating'] Optional. Whether to show the story/chapter age rating. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $args['splide'] Configuration JSON for the Splide slider. Default empty.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_latest_chapters( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, 4 );
// Specifics
$args['simple'] = false;
$args['spoiler'] = filter_var( $attr['spoiler'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
// Type
$type = sanitize_text_field( $attr['type'] ?? 'default' );
// Extra classes
if ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) {
$args['classes'] .= ' splide _splide-placeholder';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_latest_chapters' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_latest_chapters_{$type}_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
switch ( $type ) {
case 'compact':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-chapters-compact', null, $args );
case 'list':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-chapters-list', null, $args );
$args['simple'] = $type == 'simple';
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-chapters', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) && strpos( $args['classes'], 'no-auto-splide' ) === false ) {
$html .= fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init();
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_latest_chapters', 'fictioneer_shortcode_latest_chapters' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show latest stories
* @since 3.0
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default 4.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['type'] Optional. Choose between 'default' and 'compact'.
* @param string|null $attr['order'] Optional. Order argument. Default 'DESC'.
* @param string|null $attr['orderby'] Optional. Orderby argument. Default 'date'.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['fandoms'] Optional. Limit posts to specific fandom names.
* @param string|null $attr['genres'] Optional. Limit posts to specific genre names.
* @param string|null $attr['characters'] Optional. Limit posts to specific character names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['vertical'] Optional. Whether to show the vertical variant.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['aspect_ratio'] Optional. Aspect ratio for the image. Only with vertical.
* @param string|null $attr['lightbox'] Optional. Whether the thumbnail is opened in the lightbox. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['date_format'] Optional. String to override the date format. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['terms'] Optional. Either 'inline', 'pills', 'none', or 'false' (only in list type).
* Default 'inline'.
* @param string|null $attr['max_terms'] Optional. Maximum number of shown taxonomies. Default 10.
* @param string|null $attr['footer'] Optional. Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_author'] Optional. Whether to show the story author. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_date'] Optional. Whether to show the story date. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_words'] Optional. Whether to show the story word count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_chapters'] Optional. Whether to show the story chapter count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_status'] Optional. Whether to show the story status. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_rating'] Optional. Whether to show the story age rating. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $args['splide'] Configuration JSON for the Splide slider. Default empty.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_latest_stories( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, 4 );
// Type
$type = sanitize_text_field( $attr['type'] ?? 'default' );
// Terms
$args['terms'] = fictioneer_sanitize_query_var( $attr['terms'] ?? 0, ['inline', 'pills', 'none', 'false'], 'inline' );
$args['max_terms'] = absint( ( $attr['max_terms'] ?? 10 ) ?: 10 );
// Extra classes
if ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) {
$args['classes'] .= ' splide _splide-placeholder';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_latest_stories' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_latest_stories_{$type}_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
switch ( $type ) {
case 'compact':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-stories-compact', null, $args );
case 'list':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-stories-list', null, $args );
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-stories', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) && strpos( $args['classes'], 'no-auto-splide' ) === false ) {
$html .= fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init();
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_latest_stories', 'fictioneer_shortcode_latest_stories' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show latest story updates
* @since 4.3.0
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default 4.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['type'] Optional. Choose between 'default', 'simple', 'single', and 'compact'.
* @param string|null $attr['single'] Optional. Whether to show only one chapter item. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['fandoms'] Optional. Limit posts to specific fandom names.
* @param string|null $attr['genres'] Optional. Limit posts to specific genre names.
* @param string|null $attr['characters'] Optional. Limit posts to specific character names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['vertical'] Optional. Whether to show the vertical variant.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['aspect_ratio'] Optional. Aspect ratio for the image. Only with vertical.
* @param string|null $attr['lightbox'] Optional. Whether the thumbnail is opened in the lightbox. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['words'] Optional. Whether to show the word count of chapter items. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['date'] Optional. Whether to show the date of chapter items. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['date_format'] Optional. String to override the date format. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['nested_date_format'] Optional. String to override any nested date formats. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['terms'] Optional. Either 'inline', 'pills', 'none', or 'false' (only in list type).
* Default 'inline'.
* @param string|null $attr['max_terms'] Optional. Maximum number of shown taxonomies. Default 10.
* @param string|null $attr['footer'] Optional. Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_author'] Optional. Whether to show the story author. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_date'] Optional. Whether to show the story date. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_words'] Optional. Whether to show the story word count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_chapters'] Optional. Whether to show the story chapter count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_status'] Optional. Whether to show the story status. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_rating'] Optional. Whether to show the story/chapter age rating. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $args['splide'] Configuration JSON for the Splide slider. Default empty.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_latest_story_updates( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, 4 );
$args['single'] = filter_var( $attr['single'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
// Type
$type = sanitize_text_field( $attr['type'] ?? 'default' );
// Terms
$args['terms'] = fictioneer_sanitize_query_var( $attr['terms'] ?? 0, ['inline', 'pills', 'none', 'false'], 'inline' );
$args['max_terms'] = absint( ( $attr['max_terms'] ?? 10 ) ?: 10 );
// Extra classes
if ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) {
$args['classes'] .= ' splide _splide-placeholder ';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_latest_updates' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_latest_updates_{$type}_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
switch ( $type ) {
case 'compact':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-updates-compact', null, $args );
case 'list':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-updates-list', null, $args );
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-updates', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) && strpos( $args['classes'], 'no-auto-splide' ) === false ) {
$html .= fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init();
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_latest_updates', 'fictioneer_shortcode_latest_story_updates' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show latest recommendations
* @since 4.0.0
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default 4.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['type'] Optional. Choose between 'default' and 'compact'.
* @param string|null $attr['order'] Optional. Order argument. Default 'DESC'.
* @param string|null $attr['orderby'] Optional. Orderby argument. Default 'date'.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['fandoms'] Optional. Limit posts to specific fandom names.
* @param string|null $attr['genres'] Optional. Limit posts to specific genre names.
* @param string|null $attr['characters'] Optional. Limit posts to specific character names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['vertical'] Optional. Whether to show the vertical variant.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['aspect_ratio'] Optional. Aspect ratio for the image. Only with vertical.
* @param string|null $attr['lightbox'] Optional. Whether the thumbnail is opened in the lightbox. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $args['splide'] Configuration JSON for the Splide slider. Default empty.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_latest_recommendations( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, 4 );
// Type
$type = sanitize_text_field( $attr['type'] ?? 'default' );
// Terms
$args['terms'] = fictioneer_sanitize_query_var( $attr['terms'] ?? 0, ['inline', 'pills', 'none', 'false'], 'inline' );
$args['max_terms'] = absint( ( $attr['max_terms'] ?? 10 ) ?: 10 );
// Extra classes
if ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) {
$args['classes'] .= ' splide _splide-placeholder';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_latest_recommendations' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_latest_recommendations_{$type}_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
switch ( $type ) {
case 'compact':
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-recommendations-compact', null, $args );
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-recommendations', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) && strpos( $args['classes'], 'no-auto-splide' ) === false ) {
$html .= fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init();
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_latest_recommendations', 'fictioneer_shortcode_latest_recommendations' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show the latest post
* @since 4.0.0
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default 1.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_latest_posts( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr, 1 );
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_latest_posts' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_latest_posts_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
get_template_part( 'partials/_latest-posts', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_latest_posts', 'fictioneer_shortcode_latest_posts' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show bookmarks
* @since 4.0.0
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default -1 (all).
* @param string|null $attr['show_empty'] Optional. Whether to show the "no bookmarks" message. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_bookmarks( $attr ) {
// Sanitize attributes
$attr = is_array( $attr ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $attr ) : sanitize_text_field( $attr );
// Setup
$seamless_default = get_theme_mod( 'card_image_style', 'default' ) === 'seamless';
$thumbnail_default = get_theme_mod( 'card_image_style', 'default' ) !== 'none';
// Buffer
get_template_part( 'partials/_bookmarks', null, array(
'count' => max( -1, intval( $attr['count'] ?? -1 ) ),
'show_empty' => $attr['show_empty'] ?? false,
'seamless' => filter_var( $attr['seamless'] ?? $seamless_default, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ),
'thumbnail' => filter_var( $attr['thumbnail'] ?? $thumbnail_default, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN )
// Return minified buffer
return fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_bookmarks', 'fictioneer_shortcode_bookmarks' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show cookie consent actions
* Renders buttons to handle your consent and stored cookies.
* @since 4.7.0
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_cookie_buttons( $attr ) {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<div class="cookies spacing-top spacing-bottom ">
<button type="button" data-click="reset-consent" class="button"><?php _e( 'Reset Consent', 'fictioneer' ); ?></button>
<button type="button" data-click="clear-cookies" data-message="<?php _e( 'Cookies and local storage have been cleared. To keep it that way, you should leave the site.', 'fictioneer' ); ?>" class="button"><?php _e( 'Clear Cookies', 'fictioneer' ); ?></button>
<?php // <--- End HTML
return fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_cookie_buttons', 'fictioneer_shortcode_cookie_buttons' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Returns empty chapter list
* @since 5.9.4
* @see fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list()
* @param string|null $attr['heading'] Optional. Show <h5> heading above list.
* @return string The captured HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list_empty( $attr ) {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<div class="chapter-group chapter-list _standalone _empty">
<?php if ( ! empty( $attr['heading'] ) ) : ?>
<button class="chapter-group__name" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Toggle chapter group: %s', 'fictioneer' ), $attr['heading'] ) ); ?>" tabindex="0">
<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down chapter-group__heading-icon"></i>
<span><?php echo $attr['heading']; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<ol class="chapter-group__list">
<li class="chapter-group__list-item _empty"><?php _e( 'No chapters published yet.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></li>
<?php // <--- End HTML
return fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
* Shortcode to show chapter list outside of story pages
* @since 5.0.0
* @see fictioneer_validate_id()
* @see fictioneer_get_story_data()
* @param string $attr['story_id'] Either/Or. The ID of the story the chapters belong to.
* @param string|null $attr['chapter_ids'] Either/Or. Comma-separated list of chapter IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of items. Default -1 (all).
* @param string|null $attr['offset'] Optional. Skip a number of posts.
* @param string|null $attr['group'] Optional. Only show chapters of the group.
* @param string|null $attr['heading'] Optional. Show <h5> heading above list.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list( $attr ) {
// Sanitize attributes
$attr = is_array( $attr ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $attr ) : sanitize_text_field( $attr );
// Return empty case if...
if ( empty( $attr['story_id'] ) && empty( $attr['chapter_ids'] ) ) {
return fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list_empty( $attr );
// Setup
$cache = filter_var( $attr['cache'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$count = max( -1, intval( $attr['count'] ?? -1 ) );
$offset = max( 0, intval( $attr['offset'] ?? 0 ) );
$group = empty( $attr['group'] ) ? false : strtolower( trim( $attr['group'] ) );
$heading = empty( $attr['heading'] ) ? false : $attr['heading'];
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $attr['story_id'] ?? -1, 'fcn_story' );
$prefer_chapter_icon = get_option( 'fictioneer_override_chapter_status_icons' );
$hide_icons = get_option( 'fictioneer_hide_chapter_icons' );
$can_checkmarks = get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_checkmarks' ) && ( is_user_logged_in() || get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_ajax_authentication' ) );
$classes = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' );
$chapter_ids = [];
$chapters = [];
// Extract chapter IDs (if any)
if ( ! empty( $attr['chapter_ids'] ) ) {
$chapter_ids = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['chapter_ids'] );
// Get chapters...
if ( $story_id && empty( $chapter_ids ) ) {
// ... via story
$hide_icons = $hide_icons || get_post_meta( $story_id, 'fictioneer_story_hide_chapter_icons', true );
$story_data = fictioneer_get_story_data( $story_id, false ); // Does not refresh comment count!
$chapters = $story_data['chapter_ids'];
} elseif ( ! empty( $chapter_ids ) ) {
// ... via chapter IDs
$chapters = $chapter_ids;
// Extra classes
if ( $hide_icons ) {
$classes .= ' _no-icons';
if ( get_option( 'fictioneer_collapse_groups_by_default' ) && ! str_contains( $classes, 'no-auto-collapse' ) ) {
$classes .= ' _closed';
// Apply offset and count
if ( ! $group ) {
$chapters = array_slice( $chapters, $offset );
$chapters = $count > 0 ? array_slice( $chapters, 0, $count ) : $chapters;
// Return empty case if...
if ( empty( $chapters ) ) {
return fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list_empty( $attr );
// Query chapters
$query_args = array(
'fictioneer_query_name' => 'fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list',
'post_type' => 'fcn_chapter',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post__in' => $chapters, // Cannot be empty!
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'orderby' => 'post__in', // Preserve order from meta box
'posts_per_page' => -1, // Get all chapters (this can be hundreds)
'no_found_rows' => true, // Improve performance
'update_post_term_cache' => false // Improve performance
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_chapter_list' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $cache ) {
$base = serialize( $query_args ) . serialize( $attr ) . $classes;
$base .= ( $hide_icons ? '1' : '0' ) . ( $can_checkmarks ? '1' : '0' );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Query
$chapter_query = fictioneer_shortcode_query( $query_args );
// Return empty case if...
if ( ! $chapter_query->have_posts() ) {
return fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list_empty( $attr );
// Buffer
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<div class="chapter-group chapter-list _standalone <?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>">
<?php if ( $heading ) : ?>
<button class="chapter-group__name" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Toggle chapter group: %s', 'fictioneer' ), $heading ) ); ?>" tabindex="0">
<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down chapter-group__heading-icon"></i>
<span><?php echo $heading; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<ol class="chapter-group__list">
$render_count = 0;
global $post;
while( $chapter_query->have_posts() ) {
// Setup
$chapter_id = get_the_ID();
$chapter_story_id = get_post_meta( $chapter_id, 'fictioneer_chapter_story', true );
// Skip not visible chapters
if ( get_post_meta( $chapter_id, 'fictioneer_chapter_hidden', true ) ) {
// Check group (if any)
if ( $group && $group != strtolower( trim( get_post_meta( $chapter_id, 'fictioneer_chapter_group', true ) ) ) ) {
// Count renderings
// Apply offset if limited to group (not working in query for 'posts_per_page' => -1)
if ( $group && $offset > 0 && $render_count <= $offset ) {
// Apply count if limited to group
if ( $group && $count > 0 && $render_count > $count ) {
// Data
$warning = get_post_meta( $chapter_id, 'fictioneer_chapter_warning', true );
$icon = fictioneer_get_icon_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_icon', $chapter_id );
$text_icon = get_post_meta( $chapter_id, 'fictioneer_chapter_text_icon', true );
$prefix = get_post_meta( $chapter_id, 'fictioneer_chapter_prefix', true );
$title = fictioneer_get_safe_title( $chapter_id, 'shortcode-chapter-list' );
$has_password = ! empty( $post->post_password );
$extra_classes = '_shortcode';
if ( $warning ) {
$extra_classes .= ' _warning';
if ( $has_password ) {
$extra_classes .= ' _password';
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<li class="chapter-group__list-item <?php echo $extra_classes; ?>" data-post-id="<?php echo $chapter_id; ?>">
if ( ! $hide_icons ) {
// Icon hierarchy: password > scheduled > text > normal
if ( ! $prefer_chapter_icon && $has_password ) {
$icon = '<i class="fa-solid fa-lock chapter-group__list-item-icon"></i>';
} elseif ( ! $prefer_chapter_icon && get_post_status( $chapter_id ) === 'future' ) {
$icon = '<i class="fa-solid fa-calendar-days chapter-group__list-item-icon"></i>';
} elseif ( $text_icon ) {
$icon = "<span class='chapter-group__list-item-icon _text text-icon'>{$text_icon}</span>";
} else {
$icon = "<i class='{$icon} chapter-group__list-item-icon'></i>";
echo apply_filters( 'fictioneer_filter_chapter_icon', $icon, $chapter_id, $story_id );
href="<?php the_permalink( $chapter_id ); ?>"
class="chapter-group__list-item-link truncate _1-1 <?php echo $has_password ? '_password' : ''; ?>"
if ( ! empty( $prefix ) ) {
// Mind space between prefix and title
echo apply_filters( 'fictioneer_filter_list_chapter_prefix', $prefix ) . ' ';
echo $title;
// Chapter subrow
echo fictioneer_get_list_chapter_meta_row(
'id' => $chapter_id,
'warning' => $warning,
'password' => $has_password,
'timestamp' => get_the_time( 'c' ),
'list_date' => get_the_date( '' ),
'words' => fictioneer_get_word_count( $chapter_id ),
<?php if ( $can_checkmarks && ! empty( $chapter_story_id ) && get_post_status( $chapter_story_id ) === 'publish' ) : ?>
class="checkmark chapter-group__list-item-checkmark"
data-story-id="<?php echo $chapter_story_id; ?>"
data-id="<?php echo $chapter_id; ?>"
aria-label="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Chapter checkmark for %s.', 'fictioneer' ), $title ); ?>"
><i class="fa-solid fa-check"></i></button>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php // <--- End HTML
// Restore postdata
<?php // <--- End HTML
// Store buffer
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( $transient_enabled && $cache ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_chapter_list', 'fictioneer_shortcode_chapter_list' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show a contact form
* @since 5.0.0
* @param string|null $attr['title'] Optional. Title of the form.
* @param string|null $attr['submit'] Optional. Submit button caption.
* @param string|null $attr['privacy_policy'] Optional. Must accept privacy policy.
* @param string|null $attr['required'] Optional. Make all fields required
* @param string|null $attr['email'] Optional. Email field.
* @param string|null $attr['name'] Optional. Name field.
* @param string|null $attr["text_{$i}"] Optional. Up to 6 extra text field(s).
* @param string|null $attr["check_{$i}"] Optional. Up to 6 extra checkbox field(s).
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_contact_form( $attr ) {
// Sanitize attributes
$attr = is_array( $attr ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $attr ) : sanitize_text_field( $attr );
// Setup
$title = $attr['title'] ?? _x( 'Nameless Form', 'Contact form.', 'fictioneer' );
$submit = $attr['submit'] ?? __( 'Submit', 'fictioneer' );
$privacy_policy = filter_var( $attr['privacy_policy'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$required = isset( $attr['required'] ) ? 'required' : '';
$email = $attr['email'] ?? '';
$name = $attr['name'] ?? '';
$classes = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' );
$fields = [];
// HTML snippets
if ( ! empty( $email ) ) {
$fields[] = "<input style='opacity: 0;' type='email' name='email' maxlength='100' placeholder='{$email}' {$required}>";
if ( ! empty( $name ) ) {
$fields[] = "<input style='opacity: 0;' type='text' name='name' maxlength='100' placeholder='{$name}' {$required}>";
// Custom text fields
for ( $i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++ ) {
$field = $attr["text_{$i}"] ?? '';
if ( ! empty( $field ) ) {
$fields[] = "<input style='opacity: 0;' type='text' name='text_{$i}' maxlength='100' placeholder='{$field}' {$required}><input type='hidden' name='text_label_{$i}' value='{$field}'>";
// Custom checkboxes
for ( $i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++ ) {
$field = $attr["check_{$i}"] ?? '';
if ( ! empty( $field ) ) {
$fields[] = "<label class='checkbox-label'><input class='_no-stretch' style='opacity: 0;' type='checkbox' value='1' name='check_{$i}' autocomplete='off' {$required}><span>{$field}</span></label><input type='hidden' name='check_label_{$i}' value='{$field}'>";
// Privacy policy checkbox
$privacy_policy_link = get_option( 'wp_page_for_privacy_policy' ) ? esc_url( get_privacy_policy_url() ) : false;
if ( $privacy_policy && $privacy_policy_link ) {
$fields[] = "<label class='checkbox-label'><input class='_no-stretch' style='opacity: 0;' type='checkbox' value='1' name='privacy_policy' autocomplete='off' required><span>" . sprintf( fcntr( 'accept_privacy_policy' ), $privacy_policy_link ) . "</span></label><input type='hidden' name='require_privacy_policy' value='1'>";
// Apply filters
$fields = apply_filters( 'fictioneer_filter_contact_form_fields', $fields, get_the_ID() );
// Buffer
* The inline "opacity: 0" style is a reverse bot trap. They are made visible again with CSS,
* but dumb bots might think this is a trap for them and ignore the fields. Not a reliable
* spam protection, but this is security in depth.
* The "phone" and "terms" inputs are honeypots.
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<form class="fcn-contact-form <?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>">
<div class="fcn-contact-form__message">
<textarea class="fcn-contact-form__textarea adaptive-textarea" style="opacity: 0;" name="message" maxlength="65525" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Please enter your message.', 'fictioneer' ); ?>" required></textarea>
<?php if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) : ?>
<div class="fcn-contact-form__fields">
<?php foreach ( $fields as $field ) : ?>
<div class="fcn-contact-form__field"><?php echo $field; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="terms" value="1" autocomplete="off" tabindex="-1">
<input type="tel" name="phone" autocomplete="off" tabindex="-1">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="<?php echo $title; ?>">
<div class="fcn-contact-form__actions">
<button class="fcn-contact-form__submit button" type="button" data-enabled="<?php echo esc_attr( $submit ); ?>" data-disabled="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Sending…', 'fictioneer' ); ?>" data-done="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Message sent!', 'fictioneer' ); ?>"><?php echo $submit; ?></button>
<?php // <--- End HTML
// Return minified buffer
return fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_contact_form', 'fictioneer_shortcode_contact_form' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show the latest post
* @since 5.0.0
* @param string|null $attr['simple'] Optional. Hide the advanced options.
* @param string|null $attr['placeholder'] Optional. Placeholder text.
* @param string|null $attr['type'] Optional. Default post type to query.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_search( $attr ) {
// Sanitize attributes
$attr = is_array( $attr ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $attr ) : sanitize_text_field( $attr );
// Setup
$args = array( 'cache' => true );
$simple = isset( $attr['simple'] ) ? $attr['simple'] == 'true' || $attr['simple'] == '1' : false;
$placeholder = $attr['placeholder'] ?? false;
$type = $attr['type'] ?? false;
$pre_tags = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['tags'] ?? '' );
$pre_genres = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['genres'] ?? '' );
$pre_fandoms = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['fandoms'] ?? '' );
$pre_characters = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['characters'] ?? '' );
$pre_warnings = fictioneer_explode_list( $attr['warnings'] ?? '' );
// Prepare arguments
$args['expanded'] = filter_var( $attr['expanded'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
if ( $simple ) {
$args['simple'] = $simple;
if ( $placeholder ) {
$args['placeholder'] = $placeholder;
if ( $type && in_array( $type, ['any', 'story', 'chapter', 'recommendation', 'collection', 'post'] ) ) {
$args['preselect_type'] = in_array( $type, ['story', 'chapter', 'recommendation', 'collection'] ) ? "fcn_{$type}" : $type;
if ( $pre_tags ) {
$args['preselect_tags'] = array_map( 'absint', $pre_tags );
if ( $pre_genres ) {
$args['preselect_genres'] = array_map( 'absint', $pre_genres );
if ( $pre_fandoms ) {
$args['preselect_fandoms'] = array_map( 'absint', $pre_fandoms );
if ( $pre_characters ) {
$args['preselect_characters'] = array_map( 'absint', $pre_characters );
if ( $pre_warnings ) {
$args['preselect_warnings'] = array_map( 'absint', $pre_warnings );
// Buffer
get_search_form( $args );
// Return minified buffer
return fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_search', 'fictioneer_shortcode_search' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show blog with pagination
* @since 5.2.0
* @param string|null $attr['per_page'] Optional. Number of posts per page.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_sticky'] Optional. Whether to ignore sticky posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_blog( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr );
// Query arguments
$query_args = array(
'fictioneer_query_name' => 'blog_shortcode',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'paged' => $args['page'],
'posts_per_page' => $args['posts_per_page'],
'ignore_sticky_posts' => $args['ignore_sticky']
// Author?
if ( ! empty( $args['author'] ) ) {
$query_args['author_name'] = $args['author'];
// Author IDs?
if ( ! empty( $args['author_ids'] ) ) {
$query_args['author__in'] = $args['author_ids'];
// Taxonomies?
if ( ! empty( $args['taxonomies'] ) ) {
$query_args['tax_query'] = fictioneer_get_shortcode_tax_query( $args );
// Excluded tags?
if ( ! empty( $args['excluded_tags'] ) ) {
$query_args['tag__not_in'] = $args['excluded_tags'];
// Excluded categories?
if ( ! empty( $args['excluded_cats'] ) ) {
$query_args['category__not_in'] = $args['excluded_cats'];
// Excluded authors?
if ( ! empty( $args['excluded_authors'] ) ) {
$query_args['author__not_in'] = $args['excluded_authors'];
// Exclude protected
if ( $args['ignore_protected'] ) {
$query_args['has_password'] = false;
// Apply filters
$query_args = apply_filters( 'fictioneer_filter_shortcode_blog_query_args', $query_args, $args );
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_blog' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $query_args ) . serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = 'fictioneer_shortcode_blog_html_' . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Query
$blog_query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
// Prime author cache
if ( function_exists( 'update_post_author_caches' ) ) {
update_post_author_caches( $blog_query->posts );
// Pagination
$pag_args = array(
'current' => $args['page'],
'total' => $blog_query->max_num_pages,
'prev_text' => fcntr( 'previous' ),
'next_text' => fcntr( 'next' ),
'add_fragment' => '#blog'
// Buffer
if ( $blog_query->have_posts() ) {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<section id="blog" class="scroll-margin-top blog-posts _nested <?php echo $args['classes']; ?>">
while ( $blog_query->have_posts() ) {
get_template_part( 'partials/_post', null, array( 'nested' => true, 'context' => 'shortcode_fictioneer_blog' ) );
if ( $blog_query->max_num_pages > 1 ) {
echo '<nav class="pagination">' . fictioneer_paginate_links( $pag_args ) . '</nav>';
<?php // <--- End HTML
} else {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<article class="post _empty">
<span><?php _e( 'No (more) posts found.', 'fictioneer' ); ?></span>
<?php // <--- End HTML
// Store buffer
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_blog', 'fictioneer_shortcode_blog' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show article cards with pagination
* @since 5.7.3
* @param string|null $attr['post_type'] Optional. The post types to query. Default 'post'.
* @param string|null $attr['post_ids'] Optional. Limit posts to specific post IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['per_page'] Optional. Number of posts per page.
* @param string|null $attr['count'] Optional. Maximum number of posts. Default -1.
* @param string|null $attr['order'] Optional. Order argument. Default 'DESC'.
* @param string|null $attr['orderby'] Optional. Orderby argument. Default 'date'.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_sticky'] Optional. Whether to ignore sticky posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['ignore_protected'] Optional. Whether to ignore protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['only_protected'] Optional. Whether to query only protected posts. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['author'] Optional. Limit posts to a specific author.
* @param string|null $attr['author_ids'] Optional. Only include posts by these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_author_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these author IDs.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_tag_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these tags.
* @param string|null $attr['exclude_cat_ids'] Optional. Exclude posts with these categories.
* @param string|null $attr['categories'] Optional. Limit posts to specific category names.
* @param string|null $attr['tags'] Optional. Limit posts to specific tag names.
* @param string|null $attr['fandoms'] Optional. Limit posts to specific fandom names.
* @param string|null $attr['genres'] Optional. Limit posts to specific genre names.
* @param string|null $attr['characters'] Optional. Limit posts to specific character names.
* @param string|null $attr['rel'] Optional. Relationship between taxonomies. Default 'AND'.
* @param string|null $attr['seamless'] Optional. Whether to render the image seamless. Default false (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['aspect_ratio'] Optional. Aspect ratio for the image.
* @param string|null $attr['lightbox'] Optional. Whether the thumbnail is opened in the lightbox. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['thumbnail'] Optional. Whether to show the thumbnail. Default true (Customizer).
* @param string|null $attr['date_format'] Optional. String to override the date format. Default empty.
* @param string|null $attr['footer'] Optional. Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_author'] Optional. Whether to show the post author. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_date'] Optional. Whether to show the post date. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['footer_comments'] Optional. Whether to show the post comment count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $args['splide'] Configuration JSON for the Splide slider. Default empty.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_article_cards( $attr ) {
// Defaults
$args = fictioneer_get_default_shortcode_args( $attr );
// Terms
$args['terms'] = fictioneer_sanitize_query_var( $attr['terms'] ?? 0, ['inline', 'pills', 'none', 'false'], 'inline' );
$args['max_terms'] = absint( ( $attr['max_terms'] ?? 10 ) ?: 10 );
// Post type(s)...
$post_types = sanitize_text_field( $attr['post_type'] ?? 'post' );
$post_types = fictioneer_explode_list( $post_types );
$allowed_post_types = array(
'post' => 'post',
'posts' => 'post',
'page' => 'page',
'pages' => 'page',
'story' => 'fcn_story',
'stories' => 'fcn_story',
'chapter' => 'fcn_chapter',
'chapters' => 'fcn_chapter',
'collection' => 'fcn_collection',
'collections' => 'fcn_collection',
'recommendation' => 'fcn_recommendation',
'recommendations' => 'fcn_recommendation'
// ... must be in array
$query_post_types = array_map( function( $item ) use ( $allowed_post_types ) {
return $allowed_post_types[ $item ] ?? null;
}, $post_types);
// ... remove null values
$query_post_types = array_filter( $query_post_types, function( $value ) {
return ! is_null( $value );
// ... fix array
$query_post_types = array_unique( $query_post_types );
$query_post_types = array_values( $query_post_types );
$query_post_types = empty( $query_post_types ) ? ['post'] : $query_post_types;
// ... add to args
$args['post_type'] = $query_post_types;
// Extra classes
if ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) {
$args['classes'] .= ' splide _splide-placeholder';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_article_cards' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
$base = serialize( $args ) . serialize( $attr );
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_article_cards_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Buffer
get_template_part( 'partials/_article-cards', null, $args );
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
if ( ( $args['splide'] ?? 0 ) && strpos( $args['classes'], 'no-auto-splide' ) === false ) {
$html .= fictioneer_get_splide_inline_init();
if ( $transient_enabled && $args['cache'] ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_article_cards', 'fictioneer_shortcode_article_cards' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show story section
* @since 5.14.0
* @param string $attr['story_id'] The ID of the story.
* @param string|null $attr['tabs'] Optional. Whether to show the tabs above chapters. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['blog'] Optional. Whether to show the blog tab. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['pages'] Optional. Whether to show the custom page tabs. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['scheduled'] Optional. Whether to show the scheduled chapter note. Default false.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_story_section( $attr ) {
global $post;
// Abort if...
if ( ! is_page_template( 'singular-story.php' ) ) {
return fictioneer_notice(
__( 'The [fictioneer_story_section] shortcode requires the "Story Page" template.' ),
// Setup
$cache = filter_var( $attr['cache'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $attr['story_id'] ?? 0, 'fcn_story' );
$post = get_post( $story_id );
$story_data = fictioneer_get_story_data( $story_id );
$classes = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' );
$show_tabs = filter_var( $attr['tabs'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$show_pages = filter_var( $attr['pages'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$show_blog = filter_var( $attr['blog'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$show_scheduled = filter_var( $attr['scheduled'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$hook_args = array( 'story_id' => $story_id, 'story_data' => $story_data, 'password_required' => post_password_required() );
// Abort if...
if ( ! $story_data ) {
return '';
// Prepare classes
if ( ! get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_checkmarks' ) ) {
$classes .= ' _no-checkmarks';
if ( ! $show_pages || ! $show_tabs ) {
$classes .= ' _no-pages';
if ( ! $show_blog || ! $show_tabs ) {
$classes .= ' _no-blog';
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_story_section' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $cache ) {
$base = serialize( $attr ) . $classes;
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_story_section_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Require functions (necessary in post editor for some reason)
require_once __DIR__ . '/hooks/_story_hooks.php';
// Setup post data
setup_postdata( $post );
// Buffer
echo '<div class="story-section-shortcode story _shortcode ' . esc_attr( $classes ) . '">';
if ( $show_tabs ) {
fictioneer_story_tabs( $hook_args );
if ( $show_scheduled ) {
fictioneer_story_scheduled_chapter( $hook_args );
if ( $show_tabs && $show_pages ) {
fictioneer_story_pages( $hook_args );
fictioneer_story_chapters( $hook_args );
if ( $show_tabs && $show_blog ) {
fictioneer_story_blog( $hook_args );
echo '</div>';
// Store buffer
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
// Reset post data
// Cache in Transient
if ( $transient_enabled && $cache ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified buffer
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_story_section', 'fictioneer_shortcode_story_section' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show story actions
* @since 5.14.0
* @param string $attr['story_id'] The ID of the story.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $attr['follow'] Optional. Whether to show the Follow button if enabled. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['reminder'] Optional. Whether to show the Reminder button if enabled. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['subscribe'] Optional. Whether to show the Subscribe button if enabled. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['download'] Optional. Whether to show the Download button if enabled. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['rss'] Optional. Whether to show the RSS links if enabled. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['share'] Optional. Whether to show the Share buttons if enabled. Default true.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_story_actions( $attr ) {
// Abort if...
if ( ! is_page_template( 'singular-story.php' ) ) {
return fictioneer_notice(
__( 'The [fictioneer_story_actions] shortcode requires the "Story Page" template.' ),
// Setup
$cache = filter_var( $attr['cache'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $attr['story_id'] ?? 0, 'fcn_story' );
$story_data = fictioneer_get_story_data( $story_id );
$classes = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' );
$follow = filter_var( $attr['follow'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$reminder = filter_var( $attr['reminder'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$subscribe = filter_var( $attr['subscribe'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$download = filter_var( $attr['download'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$rss = filter_var( $attr['rss'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$share = filter_var( $attr['share'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
// Abort if...
if ( ! $story_data ) {
return '';
// Prepare hook arguments
$hook_args = array(
'post_id' => $story_id,
'post_type' => 'fcn_story',
'story_id' => $story_id,
'story_data' => $story_data,
'follow' => $follow,
'reminder' => $reminder,
'subscribe' => $subscribe,
'download' => $download,
'rss' => $rss,
'share' => $share
// Transient?
$transient_enabled = fictioneer_enable_shortcode_transients( 'fictioneer_story_actions' );
if ( $transient_enabled && $cache ) {
$base = serialize( $attr ) . $classes;
$transient_key = "fictioneer_shortcode_story_actions_html_" . md5( $base );
$transient = get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( ! empty( $transient ) ) {
return $transient;
// Add filter for buttons
add_filter( 'fictioneer_filter_story_buttons', 'fictioneer_shortcode_remove_story_buttons', 99, 2 );
// Build HTML
$html = '<section class="story-actions story__after-summary ' . esc_attr( $classes ) . '">';
$html .= fictioneer_get_media_buttons( $hook_args );
$html .= '<div class="story__actions">' . fictioneer_get_story_buttons( $hook_args ) . '</div></section>';
// Remove filter for buttons
remove_filter( 'fictioneer_shortcode_remove_story_buttons', 99, 2 );
// Minify HTML
$html = fictioneer_minify_html( $html );
// Cache in Transient
if ( $transient_enabled && $cache ) {
set_transient( $transient_key, $html, FICTIONEER_SHORTCODE_TRANSIENT_EXPIRATION );
// Return minified HTML
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_story_actions', 'fictioneer_shortcode_story_actions' );
* Removes buttons for the [fictioneer_story_actions] shortcode
* This function only works if boolean arguments are provided for
* 'follow', 'reminder', 'subscribe', and/or 'download'.
* @since 5.14.0
* @param array $output Associative array with HTML for buttons to be rendered.
* @param array $args Arguments passed to filter.
* @return array The filtered output.
function fictioneer_shortcode_remove_story_buttons( $output, $args ) {
if ( ! ( $args['follow'] ?? 1 ) ) {
unset( $output['follow'] );
if ( ! ( $args['reminder'] ?? 1 ) ) {
unset( $output['reminder'] );
if ( ! ( $args['subscribe'] ?? 1 ) ) {
unset( $output['subscribe'] );
if ( ! ( $args['download'] ?? 1 ) ) {
unset( $output['epub'] );
unset( $output['ebook'] );
return $output;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show subscribe button
* @since 5.14.0
* @param string|null $attr['post_id'] Optional. Post ID to subscribe to (for plugins). Defaults to current ID.
* @param string|null $attr['story_id'] Optional. Story ID to subscribe to (for plugins). Defaults to current ID.
* @param string|null $attr['inline'] Optional. Whether the button should be wrapped in a block. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_subscribe_button( $attr ) {
// Setup
$post_id = absint( $attr['post_id'] ?? $attr['story_id'] ?? get_the_ID() );
$classes = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' );
$subscribe_buttons = fictioneer_get_subscribe_options( $post_id );
if ( filter_var( $attr['inline'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
$classes .= ' _inline';
// Build and return button
if ( ! empty( $subscribe_buttons ) ) {
return sprintf(
'<div class="toggle-last-clicked subscribe-menu-toggle button _secondary popup-menu-toggle _popup-right-if-last ' . esc_attr( $classes ) . '" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="%s"><div><i class="fa-solid fa-bell"></i> %s</div><div class="popup-menu _bottom _center">%s</div></div>',
fcntr( 'subscribe', true ),
fcntr( 'subscribe' ),
// Return nothing if empty
return '';
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_subscribe_button', 'fictioneer_shortcode_subscribe_button' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show story comments
* @since 5.14.0
* @param string|null $attr['story_id'] Optional. Story ID to get comments for. Defaults to current ID.
* @param string|null $attr['header'] Optional. Whether to show the heading with count. Default true.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_story_comments( $attr ) {
// Abort if...
if ( ! is_page_template( 'singular-story.php' ) ) {
return fictioneer_notice(
__( 'The [fictioneer_story_comments] shortcode requires the "Story Page" template.' ),
// Setup
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $attr['story_id'] ?? get_the_ID(), 'fcn_story' );
$story_data = fictioneer_get_story_data( $story_id ?: 0 );
$header = filter_var( $attr['header'] ?? 1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$classes = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['classes'] ?? $attr['class'] ?? '' );
$style = esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['style'] ?? '' ) );
if ( ! $story_data ) {
return '';
// Require functions (necessary in post editor for some reason)
require_once __DIR__ . '/hooks/_story_hooks.php';
// Buffer
// Output story comment section
'story_id' => $story_id,
'story_data' => $story_data,
'shortcode' => 1,
'classes' => $classes,
'header' => $header,
'style' => $style
// Capture and return buffer
return fictioneer_minify_html( ob_get_clean() );
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_story_comments', 'fictioneer_shortcode_story_comments' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show selected story data
* Data: id, word_count, chapter_count, icon, age_rating, rating_letter, comment_count,
* datetime, date, time, categories, tags, genres, fandoms, characters, or warnings.
* Format: default, raw, or short. Not all of them apply to all data.
* @since 5.14.0
* @param string|null $attr['data'] The requested data, one at a time. See description.
* @param string|null $attr['story_id'] Optional. Story ID to get comments for. Defaults to current ID.
* @param string|null $attr['format'] Optional. Special formatting for selected data. See description.
* @param string|null $attr['date_format'] Optional. Format for date string. Defaults to WP settings.
* @param string|null $attr['time_format'] Optional. Format for time string. Defaults to WP settings.
* @param string|null $attr['separator'] Optional. Separator string for tags, genres, fandoms, etc.
* @param string|null $attr['tag'] Optional. The wrapper HTML tag. Defaults to 'span'.
* @param string|null $attr['class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $attr['inner_class'] Optional. Additional CSS classes for nested items, separated by whitespace.
* @param string|null $attr['style'] Optional. Inline style applied to wrapper element.
* @param string|null $attr['inner_style'] Optional. Inline style applied to nested items.
* @return string The shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_story_data( $attr ) {
// Setup
$story_id = fictioneer_validate_id( $attr['story_id'] ?? get_the_ID(), 'fcn_story' );
$story_data = fictioneer_get_story_data( $story_id ?: 0 );
$data = $attr['data'] ?? '';
$format = $attr['format'] ?? '';
$separator = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['separator'] ?? '' ) ?: ', ';
$classes = esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' ) );
$inner_classes = esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['inner_class'] ?? '' ) );
$style = esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['style'] ?? '' ) );
$inner_style = esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['inner_style'] ?? '' ) );
$tag = wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['tag'] ?? 'span' );
$output = '';
if ( ! $story_data ) {
return '';
// Get requested data
switch ( $data ) {
case 'word_count':
$output = $story_data['word_count'] ?? 0;
$output = $format !== 'short' ? $output : fictioneer_shorten_number( $output );
$output = ( $format === 'raw' || $format === 'short' ) ? $output : number_format_i18n( $output );
case 'chapter_count':
$output = $story_data['chapter_count'] ?? 0;
$output = $format === 'raw' ? $output : number_format_i18n( $output );
case 'status':
$output = $story_data['status'] ?? '';
case 'icon':
$output = esc_attr( $story_data['icon'] ?? '' );
$output = $output ? "<i class='{$output}'></i>" : '';
case 'age_rating':
$output = $story_data['rating'] ?? '';
case 'rating_letter':
$output = $story_data['rating_letter'] ?? '';
case 'comment_count':
$output = $story_data['comment_count'] ?? 0;
$output = $format === 'raw' ? $output : number_format_i18n( $output );
case 'id':
$output = $story_data['id'] ?? '';
case 'datetime':
$date = get_the_date( $attr['date_format'] ?? '', $story_id );
$time = get_the_time( $attr['time_format'] ?? '', $story_id );
$output = sprintf( $format ? $format : '%s at %s', $date, $time );
case 'date':
$output = get_the_date( $attr['date_format'] ?? '', $story_id );
case 'time':
$output = get_the_time( $attr['time_format'] ?? '', $story_id );
// Get requested terms
if ( in_array( $data, ['categories', 'tags', 'genres', 'fandoms', 'characters', 'warnings'] ) ) {
$terms = $data === 'categories' ? get_the_category( $story_id ) : ( $story_data[ $data ] ?? [] );
$terms = is_array( $terms ) ? $terms : [];
$output = [];
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$link = get_tag_link( $term );
$output[] = "<a href='{$link}' class='story-page-terms _{$data} {$inner_classes}' style='{$inner_style}'>{$term->name}</a>";
$output = implode( $separator, $output );
// Build and return output
return $output ? "<{$tag} class='story-data {$classes}' style='{$style}'>{$output}</{$tag}>" : '';
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_story_data', 'fictioneer_shortcode_story_data' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show a Font Awesome icon
* @since 5.14.0
* @param string|null $attr['class'] The icon classes, separated by whitespace.
* @return string The shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_font_awesome( $attr ) {
// Setup
$classes = esc_attr( trim( wp_strip_all_tags( $attr['class'] ?? '' ) ) );
if ( empty( $classes ) ) {
return '';
// Build and return output
return "<i class='{$classes}'></i>";
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_fa', 'fictioneer_shortcode_font_awesome' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to show sidebar
* @since 5.20.0
* @param string|null $attr['name'] Optional. Name of the sidebar. Default 'fictioneer_sidebar'.
* @return string The captured shortcode HTML.
function fictioneer_shortcode_sidebar( $attr ) {
// Setup
$name = sanitize_text_field( $attr['name'] ?? '' ) ?: 'fictioneer-sidebar';
// Buffer
// Does sidebar exist?
if ( ! is_active_sidebar( $name ) ) {
// Remove filters
remove_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'fictioneer_excerpt_ellipsis' );
remove_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'fictioneer_custom_excerpt_length' );
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<div class="fictioneer-sidebar _shortcode">
<div class="fictioneer-sidebar__wrapper">
<?php dynamic_sidebar( $name ); ?>
<?php // <--- End HTML
// Restore filters
add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'fictioneer_excerpt_ellipsis' );
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'fictioneer_custom_excerpt_length' );
// Capture and return buffer
return ob_get_clean();
if ( ! get_option( 'fictioneer_disable_all_widgets' ) ) {
add_shortcode( 'fictioneer_sidebar', 'fictioneer_shortcode_sidebar' );
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* Shortcode to add a tooltip with an associated footnote
* @since 5.25.0
* @param string $atts['header'] Optional. Header of the tooltip.
* @param string $atts['content'] Content of the tooltip.
* @param bool $atts['footnote'] Optional. Whether to show the footnote. Default true.
* @param string $content Shortcode content.
* @return string HTML for the tooltip and associated footnote link.
function fictioneer_shortcode_tooltip( $atts, $content = null ) {
// Initialize a static counter for unique tooltip/footnote IDs
static $tooltip_id_counter = 0;
// Setup
$default_atts = array(
'header' => '',
'content' => '',
'footnote' => true,
$atts = shortcode_atts( $default_atts, $atts, 'fcnt' );
$footnote_allowed = get_option( 'fictioneer_generate_footnotes_from_tooltips' ) && $atts['footnote'];
$footnote_link = '';
// Sanitize user inputs
$tooltip_header = trim( wp_kses_post( $atts[ 'header' ] ) );
$tooltip_content = trim( wp_kses_post( $atts[ 'content' ] ) );
// Bail if no content
if ( empty( $tooltip_content ) ) {
return $content;
// Increment counter
// Prepare footnote if allowed
if ( $footnote_allowed ) {
// Create a footnote link to be appended to the tooltip content
$footnote_link = sprintf(
'<sup class="tooltip-counter"><a href="#footnote-%1$d" class="footnote-link">%1$d</a></sup>',
// Prepare data attributes for the tooltip
$tooltip_data = array(
'dialog-header' => $tooltip_header,
'dialog-content' => $tooltip_content . $footnote_link,
// Convert data array to HTML attributes
$tooltip_data_attributes = array_map(
function ( $key, $value ) {
return sprintf( 'data-%s="%s"', esc_attr( $key ), esc_attr( $value ) );
array_keys( $tooltip_data ),
$tooltip_title = _x( 'Click to see note', 'Tooltip shortcode.', 'fictioneer' );
// Construct the HTML for the tooltip
$html = sprintf(
'<span><a id="tooltip-%1$d" class="modal-tooltip" title="%2$s" %3$s data-click-action="open-tooltip-modal">%4$s</a>%5$s</span>',
esc_attr( $tooltip_title ),
implode( ' ', $tooltip_data_attributes ),
// Collect footnote if allowed
if ( $footnote_allowed ) {
do_action( 'fictioneer_collect_footnote', $tooltip_id_counter, $tooltip_content );
return $html;
add_shortcode( 'fcnt', 'fictioneer_shortcode_tooltip' );