One optimized query for all is better than one query per chapter. Seriously, what was I thinking?
405 lines
16 KiB
405 lines
16 KiB
* Partial: Story Content
* Rendered in the single-fcn_story.php template below the summary section
* with description, tags, content warnings, and action row.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Fictioneer
* @since 4.7
* @see single-fcn_story.php
* @internal $args['story_data'] Story data from fictioneer_get_story_data().
* @internal $args['story_id'] Current story and post ID.
// Setup
$story_id = $args['story_id'];
$story = $args['story_data'];
$custom_pages = fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_story_custom_pages' );
$tab_pages = [];
$above_collapse = 5;
if ( $custom_pages ) {
foreach ( $custom_pages as $page_id ) {
$tab_pages[] = [$page_id, fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_short_name', $page_id ), get_the_content( null, false, $page_id )];
// Check for cached chapters output
$chapters_html = FICTIONEER_CACHE_CHAPTER_LISTS ? get_transient( 'fictioneer_story_chapter_list_' . $story_id ) : null;
// Flags
$hide_icons = fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_story_hide_chapter_icons' ) || get_option( 'fictioneer_hide_chapter_icons' );
$enable_groups = get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_chapter_groups' ) && ! fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_story_disable_groups' );
$disable_collapse = fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_story_disable_collapse' );
// Query blog posts (if any)
$category = implode( ', ', wp_get_post_categories( $args['story_id'] ) );
$blog_posts = new WP_Query(
array (
'nopaging' => false,
'posts_per_page' => 10,
'cat' => $category == 0 ? '99999999' : $category,
'no_found_rows' => true,
'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
'update_post_term_cache' => false
// ======================================================================================
// ======================================================================================
<input type="radio" id="toggle-chapter" name="story_tab" hidden checked>
if ( $blog_posts->have_posts() ) {
echo '<input type="radio" id="toggle-blog" name="story_tab" hidden>';
if ( $custom_pages ) {
$index = 0;
foreach ( $tab_pages as $page ) {
if ( empty( $page[1] ) ) continue;
echo '<input type="radio" id="toggle-custom-' . $index . '" name="story_tab" hidden>';
<input id="toggle-order" type="checkbox" hidden>
<input id="toggle-view" type="checkbox" hidden>
// ======================================================================================
// ======================================================================================
<section id="tabs" class="story__tabs tabs-wrapper padding-left padding-right">
<div class="tabs">
<label id="chapter-tab" for="toggle-chapter" class="tabs__item" tabindex="0">
if ( $story['status'] === 'Oneshot' ) {
_e( 'Oneshot', 'fictioneer' );
} else {
echo sprintf(
__( '%1$s %2$s', 'fictioneer' ),
_n( 'Chapter', 'Chapters', $story['chapter_count'], 'fictioneer' )
<?php if ( $blog_posts->have_posts() ) : ?>
<label id="blog-tab" for="toggle-blog" class="tabs__item" tabindex="0"><?php echo fcntr( 'story_blog' ); ?></label>
<?php endif; ?>
if ( $custom_pages ) {
$index = 0;
foreach ( $tab_pages as $page ) {
if ( empty( $page[1] ) ) continue;
echo '<label tabindex="0" id="custom-tab-' . $index . '" for="toggle-custom-' . $index . '" class="tabs__item">' . $page[1] . '</label>';
if ( $index > 3) break; // Only show 4 custom tabs
<div class="story__chapter-list-toggles">
<label class="list-button story__toggle _view" for="toggle-view" tabindex="0">
<?php fictioneer_icon( 'grid-2x2', 'on' ); ?>
<i class="fa-solid fa-list off"></i>
<label class="list-button story__toggle _order" for="toggle-order" tabindex="0">
<i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-down-1-9 off"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-arrow-down-9-1 on"></i>
// ======================================================================================
// ======================================================================================
if ( $custom_pages ) {
$index = 0;
foreach ( $tab_pages as $page ) {
if ( empty( $page[1] ) ) continue;
<section id="tab-page-<?php echo $index; ?>" class="story__custom-page padding-left padding-right padding-top padding-bottom content-section background-texture">
<div class="story__custom-page-wrapper"><?php echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $page[2] ); ?></div>
if ( $index > 3) break; // Only show 4 custom tabs
// ======================================================================================
// ======================================================================================
<?php if ( ! empty( $chapters_html ) ) : echo $chapters_html; ?>
<?php else : ob_start(); ?>
<section id="chapters" class="story__chapters">
$chapters = fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_story_chapters', $story_id );
$chapter_groups = [];
// Loop and prepare groups
if ( ! empty( $chapters ) ) {
// Query chapters
$chapter_query = new WP_Query(
'post_type' => 'fcn_chapter',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post__in' => $chapters,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'orderby' => 'post__in', // Preserve order from meta box
'posts_per_page' => -1, // Get all chapters (this can be hundreds)
'no_found_rows' => false, // Improve performance
'update_post_term_cache' => false // Improve performance
if ( $chapter_query->have_posts() ) {
while( $chapter_query->have_posts() ) {
// Setup
$chapter_id = get_the_ID();
// Skip not visible chapters
if ( fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_hidden' ) ) continue;
// Data
$group = fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_group' );
$group = empty( $group ) ? fcntr( 'unassigned_group' ) : $group;
$group = $enable_groups ? $group : 'all_chapters';
$group_key = sanitize_title( $group );
$warning_color = fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_warning_color' );
$warning_color = empty( $warning_color ) ? '' : 'color: ' . $warning_color . ';';
if ( ! array_key_exists( $group_key, $chapter_groups ) ) {
$chapter_groups[sanitize_title( $group )] = array(
'group' => $group,
'data' => []
$chapter_groups[sanitize_title( $group )]['data'][] = array(
'id' => get_the_ID(),
'link' => get_permalink(),
'timestamp' => get_the_time( 'c' ),
'password' => $post->post_password,
'list_date' => get_the_date( '', $post ),
'grid_date' => get_the_time( get_option( 'fictioneer_subitem_date_format', 'M j, y' ) ),
'icon' => fictioneer_get_icon_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_icon' ),
'text_icon' => fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_text_icon' ),
'prefix' => fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_prefix' ),
'title' => fictioneer_get_safe_title( $chapter_id ),
'list_title' => fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_list_title' ),
'words' => get_post_meta( $chapter_id, '_word_count', true ),
'warning' => fictioneer_get_field( 'fictioneer_chapter_warning' ),
'warning_color' => $warning_color
// Reset postdata
// Build HTML
if ( ! empty( $chapter_groups ) ) {
$group_index = 0;
$has_groups = count( $chapter_groups ) > 1 && get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_chapter_groups' );
foreach ( $chapter_groups as $group ) {
$index = 0;
$reverse_order = 999999;
$is_collapsed = ! $disable_collapse && ! get_option( 'fictioneer_disable_chapter_collapsing' );
$is_collapsed = $is_collapsed && count( $group['data'] ) >= $above_collapse * 2 + 3;
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<div class="chapter-group<?php echo $hide_icons ? ' _no-icons' : ''; ?>">
<?php if ( $has_groups ) : ?>
<input id="group-toggle-<?php echo $group_index; ?>" class="chapter-group__toggle" type="checkbox" hidden>
<label class="chapter-group__label" for="group-toggle-<?php echo $group_index; ?>" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Toggle chapter group collapse', 'fictioneer' ); ?>">
<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down chapter-group__heading-icon"></i>
<span><?php echo $group['group']; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<ol class="chapter-group__list">
<?php foreach ( $group['data'] as $chapter ) : ?>
<?php $index++; ?>
<?php if ( $is_collapsed && $index == $above_collapse + 1 ) : ?>
<input id="chapters-toggle-<?php echo $group_index; ?>" type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" hidden>
<li class="chapter-group__list-item _collapse" style="order: <?php echo $reverse_order - $index; ?>">
<label for="chapters-toggle-<?php echo $group_index; ?>" tabindex="0">
<span><?php printf( __( 'Show %s more', 'fictioneer' ), count( $group['data'] ) - $above_collapse * 2 ); ?></span>
<?php $index++; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<li class="chapter-group__list-item" style="order: <?php echo $reverse_order - $index; ?>">
<?php if ( ! empty( $chapter['text_icon'] ) && ! $hide_icons ) : ?>
<span class="chapter-group__list-item-icon _text text-icon"><?php echo $chapter['text_icon']; ?></span>
<?php elseif ( ! $hide_icons ) : ?>
<i class="<?php echo empty( $chapter['icon'] ) ? 'fa-solid fa-book' : $chapter['icon']; ?> chapter-group__list-item-icon"></i>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php echo $chapter['link']; ?>" class="chapter-group__list-item-link truncate _1-1 <?php echo $chapter['password'] ? '_password' : ''; ?>">
<?php if ( ! empty( $chapter['prefix'] ) ): ?>
<span class="chapter-group__list-item-prefix list-view"><?php echo $chapter['prefix']; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<span class="chapter-group__list-item-title list-view"><?php echo $chapter['title']; ?></span>
<span class="grid-view"><?php
if ( ! empty( $chapter['list_title'] ) ) {
echo wp_strip_all_tags( $chapter['list_title'] );
} else {
if ( $chapter['prefix'] ) echo '<span>' . $chapter['prefix'] . '</span> ';
echo '<span>' . $chapter['title']. '</span>';
<?php if ( $chapter['password'] ) : ?>
<i class="fa-solid fa-lock icon-password grid-view"></i>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="chapter-group__list-item-subrow truncate _1-1 dot-separator">
<?php if ( ! empty( $chapter['warning'] ) ) : ?>
<span class="chapter-group__list-item-warning list-view" style="<?php echo $chapter['warning_color']; ?>">
<?php printf( __( '<b>Warning:</b> <span>%s</span>', 'fictioneer' ), $chapter['warning'] ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( $chapter['password'] ) : ?>
<span class="chapter-group__list-item-password list-view"><?php echo fcntr( 'password' ); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<time datetime="<?php echo $chapter['timestamp']; ?>" class="chapter-group__list-item-date">
<span class="list-view"><span><?php echo $chapter['list_date']; ?></span></span>
<span class="grid-view"><?php echo $chapter['grid_date']; ?></span>
<span class="chapter-group__list-item-words">
<span class="list-view"><?php printf( _x( '%s<span> Words</span>', 'Words in chapter list', 'fictioneer' ), number_format_i18n( $chapter['words'] ) ); ?></span>
<span class="grid-view"><?php printf( _x( '%s<span> Words</span>', 'Words in chapter list', 'fictioneer' ), fictioneer_shorten_number( $chapter['words'] ) ); ?></span>
<?php if ( get_option( 'fictioneer_enable_checkmarks' ) ) : ?>
<div class="chapter-group__list-item-right">
class="checkmark chapter-group__list-item-checkmark"
data-story-id="<?php echo $story_id; ?>"
data-id="<?php echo $chapter['id']; ?>"
aria-label="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Chapter checkmark for %s.', 'fictioneer' ), $chapter['title'] ); ?>"
><i class="fa-solid fa-check"></i></button>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php // <--- End HTML
} else {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<div class="chapter-group<?php echo $hide_icons ? ' _no-icons' : ''; ?>">
<ol class="chapter-group__list">
<li class="chapter-group__list-item _empty">
<span><?php _e( 'No chapters published yet.', 'fictioneer' ) ?></span>
<?php // <--- End HTML
// Store output
$chapters_html = ob_get_contents();
// Flush buffered output
// Cache for next time (24 hours)
set_transient( 'fictioneer_story_chapter_list_' . $story_id, $chapters_html, 86400 );
// ======================================================================================
// ======================================================================================
<section class="story__blog">
<ol class="story__blog-list">
if ( $blog_posts->have_posts() ) {
while ( $blog_posts->have_posts() ) {
// Start HTML ---> ?>
<li class="story__blog-list-item">
<div class="story__blog-list-item-wrapper">
<span class="story__blog-title">
<a class="story__blog-link" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>:
<span class="story__blog-content"><?php echo fictioneer_get_limited_excerpt( 160 ); ?></span>
<?php // <--- End HTML