Redis throws this error even if you have about 1/4 of your RAM free. This is because it does a background save of your entire Redis cache - which is stored in-memory and which fails without the sufficient required memory.
- Run `lsof | grep deleted` to check for the "Lumen.log" process, you'll know when it has a bizzare amount of space allocated to the process to it. Copy the process ID and then kill it; `kill [process id]` e.g `kill 12345`
This is an error forwarded from MAL, it typically happens when MAL is down. The Jikan response body includes the HTTP status from MAL, like: `[HTTP code] on [request url]`
2.`redis-cli --scan --pattern queue_update:* | xargs redis-cli del` or alternatively replace `del` with `unlink` to have it done in the background ([Redis 4.0.0 required](
3.`redis-cli --scan --pattern queues:* | xargs redis-cli del` or alternatively replace `del` with `unlink` to have it done in the background ([Redis 4.0.0 required](