- improved searching with low letter count
- removed the ability to order anime by type and rating
- fixed schedules endpoint's filter parameter yet again
- improved configuration
- fixed filtering anime by producers
- fixed filtering manga by magazines
- fixed search analytics in case of short search terms
- better typesense 0.24.1 support
- exhaustive search disabled by default
- central place for the MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE option
- added class for getting searchable attributes of models in typesense
- added support for typesense 0.24.1
- fixed issue where empty `filter_by` field being sent to typesense which resulted in an error
- added infix indexing for title fields in case of Anime/Manga
- added more env vars for customising typesense search
- upgraded typesense driver
- added user animelist/mangalist endpoints back
- fixed issues with the container image
- improved club model factory
- fixed ordering while searching when search engine is disabled (mongodb based search)
- added logic to forward `order_by` parameter to the search engine
- modified mongodb query when no search engine is present to use "textMatchScore" name instead of "score" for text match scores -- the text score projection was shadowing the "score" attribute