name: "\U0001F41B Bug report" description: "Let us know if something is wrong \U0001F914" title: "\U0001F41B " labels: [bug, needs triage] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Make sure to add all the information needed to understand the bug so that someone can help. If the info is missing we'll add the `Needs more information` label and close the issue until there is enough information. - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Is there an existing issue for this? description: It would greatly help us reducing duplicates and we would really appriacte if you could search the existing issues for the problem you are experiencing. options: - label: I have searched the existing issues required: true - type: textarea id: current_behavior attributes: label: Current Behavior description: A concise description of what you're experiencing. validations: required: false - type: textarea id: expected_behavior attributes: label: Expected Behavior description: A concise description of what you expected to happen. validations: required: false - type: textarea id: repro_steps attributes: label: Steps To Reproduce description: Steps to reproduce the behaviour. If the error came in a response from the REST API, please specify the url here. placeholder: | 1. In this environment... 2. With this config... 3. Run '...' 4. See error... validations: required: false - type: textarea attributes: id: system_env label: Environment description: | If you have used the public API, please just say "Used public API", and add your browser and its version. If you are self-hosting, then write down your OS, the method of hosting (docker/container, kubernetes, or plain), and the version of jikan you are running. examples: - **OS**: Ubuntu 20.04 - **Browser**: Firefox 104.1 - **Android Runtime**: 7.6.3 placeholder: | - OS: - Browser: - PHP Version on server side (if self-hosted): - Is redis used (if self-hosted): - Search engine used (if self-hosted): render: markdown validations: required: false - type: textarea attributes: id: extra_info label: Anything else? description: | Other information / Contextual information. Links? References? Anything that will give us more context about the issue you are encountering! e.g. detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, screenshots, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. stackoverflow, discord channel link, etc Tip: You can attach images or log files by clicking this area to highlight it and then dragging files in. validations: required: false