new UTCDateTime(), "modifiedAt" => new UTCDateTime(), "request_hash" => "request:$mediaType:" . sha1($uri), ...($wrapKey !== null ? [$wrapKey => $content] : $content) ]; } protected function dummyResultsDocument(string $uri, string $mediaType, array $resultsContent, $hasNextPage = false, $lastVisiblePage = 1): array { return $this->dummyScraperResultDocument( $uri, $mediaType, [ "results" => $resultsContent, "has_next_page" => $hasNextPage, "last_visible_page" => $lastVisiblePage ] ); } protected function givenDummyCharactersStaffData($uri, $mediaType) { DB::table($mediaType === "anime" ? $mediaType."_characters_staff" : $mediaType."_characters")->insert([ "createdAt" => new UTCDateTime(), "modifiedAt" => new UTCDateTime(), "request_hash" => "request:$mediaType:" . sha1($uri), "characters" => [ [ "character" => [ "mal_id" => 3, "url" => "", "images" => [ "jpg" => [ "image_url" => "", "small_image_url" => "" ], "webp" => [ "image_url" => "", "small_image_url" => "" ] ], "name" => "Black, Jet" ], "role" => "Main", "favorites" => 1, ...($mediaType === "anime" ? [ "voice_actors" => [ [ "person" => [ "mal_id" => 357, "url" => "", "images" => [ "jpg" => [ "image_url" => "" ] ], "name" => "Ishizuka, Unshou" ], "language" => "Japanese" ] ] ] : []) ] ], ...( $mediaType === "anime" ? [ "staff" => [ [ "person" => [ "mal_id" => 40009, "url" => "", "images" => [ "jpg" => [ "image_url" => "" ] ], "name" => "Maseba, Yutaka" ], "positions" => [ "Producer" ] ] ] ] : [] ) ]); } protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->faker = FakerFactory::create(); $this->faker->addProvider(new FakerEnumProvider($this->faker)); $this->maxResultsPerPage = env("MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE", 25); } /** * Creates the application. * * @return \Laravel\Lumen\Application */ public function createApplication() { /** * @var Application $app */ $app = require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; // a http client which fails the tests if requests are leaking to MAL. $mockHttpClient = \Mockery::mock(HttpClientInterface::class); /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ $mockHttpClient->allows() ->request(\Mockery::any(), \Mockery::any(), \Mockery::any()) ->andThrow(new CustomTestException("Http Request to MAL server was attempted during testing. By default we throw this exception to indicate a buggy test.")); $jikan = new \Jikan\MyAnimeList\MalClient($mockHttpClient); $app->instance('JikanParser', $jikan); $app->singleton(ExceptionHandler::class, TestExceptionsHandler::class); $database = env('DB_DATABASE', 'jikan_tests'); $app['config']->set('database.connections.mongodb.database', $database === 'jikan' ? 'jikan_tests' : $database); $app['config']->set('jikan.micro_caching_enabled', false); $app->register(TestServiceProvider::class); Container::setInstance($app); /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ Facade::setFacadeApplication($app); return $app; } protected function setUpTraits() { parent::setUpTraits(); $uses = array_flip(class_uses_recursive(get_class($this))); // we want to empty the search index if (isset($uses[ScoutFlush::class])) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $this->runScoutFlush(); } if (isset($uses[SyntheticMongoDbTransaction::class])) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $this->beginDatabaseTransaction(); } } public function assertPaginationData(int $expectedCount, ?int $expectedTotal = null, ?int $perPage = null): TestResponse { if (is_null($expectedTotal)) { $expectedTotal = $expectedCount; } if (is_null($perPage)) { $perPage = $this->maxResultsPerPage; } $this->response->assertJsonPath("pagination.items.count", $expectedCount); $this->response->assertJsonPath("", $expectedTotal); return $this->response->assertJsonPath("pagination.items.per_page", $perPage); } public function assertCollectionsStrictlyEqual(Collection $expectedItems, Collection $actualItems): void { $this->assertEquals(0, $expectedItems->diff($actualItems)->count()); $this->assertEquals($expectedItems->toArray(), $actualItems->toArray()); } protected function mockJikanParserWith404RespondingUpstream() { $httpClient = \Mockery::mock(HttpClientInterface::class); $response = \Mockery::mock(ResponseInterface::class); /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ $httpClient->allows()->request(\Mockery::any(), \Mockery::any(), \Mockery::any())->andReturn($response); $response->allows([ "getStatusCode" => 404, "getHeaders" => [], "getContent" => "" ]); $this->app->instance("HttpClient", $httpClient); $this->app->instance("JikanParser", new MalClient($httpClient)); } }