### # App ### APP_ENV=production APP_DEBUG=false APP_KEY= APP_TIMEZONE=UTC APP_URL=http://localhost APP_VERSION="4.0.0-rc.7" ### # Logging ### LOG_CHANNEL=stack LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL= LOG_LEVEL=debug ### # Database Caching (MongoDB) ### DB_CACHING=true DB_CONNECTION=mongodb DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=27017 DB_DATABASE=jikan DB_ADMIN=jikan DB_USERNAME= DB_PASSWORD= ### # Database query default values ### MAX_RESULTS_PER_PAGE=25 ### # Enable MyAnimeList Heartbeat # # Monitor bad requests to determine whether MyAnimeList is down # # Fallback once the following threshold is reached ### SOURCE=local SOURCE_BAD_HEALTH_THRESHOLD=10 # Recheck source availability (in seconds) SOURCE_BAD_HEALTH_RECHECK=10 # Fail count only within specified time range (in seconds) SOURCE_BAD_HEALTH_RANGE=30 # Max Fail stores SOURCE_BAD_HEALTH_MAX_STORE=50 # Disable failover if the score reaches the following (0.0-1.0 values ONLY) # e.g 0.9 means 90% successful requests to MyAnimeList SOURCE_GOOD_HEALTH_SCORE=0.9 # Max time request is allowed to take # https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_TIMEOUT.html SOURCE_TIMEOUT=10 ### # Caching (File, Redis, etc) # Can be added over DB Caching ### CACHING=false CACHE_DRIVER=array # Caching TTL (in seconds) on specific endpoints CACHE_DEFAULT_EXPIRE=86400 # 1 day CACHE_META_EXPIRE=300 # 5 minutes CACHE_USER_EXPIRE=300 # 5 minutes CACHE_USERLIST_EXPIRE=3600 # 1 hour CACHE_404_EXPIRE=604800 # 7 days CACHE_SEARCH_EXPIRE=432000 # 5 days CACHE_PRODUCERS_EXPIRE=432000 # 5 days CACHE_MAGAZINES_EXPIRE=432000 # 5 days CACHE_MICROCACHE_EXPIRE=60 ### # Redis Caching Configuration ### REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 ### # Micro Caching # Uses CACHE_DRIVER ### MICROCACHING=false MICROCACHING_EXPIRE=5 ### # Queue management # Uses QUEUE_CONNECTION as queue storage (MongoDB, Redis, etc) ### QUEUE_CONNECTION=database QUEUE_TABLE=jobs QUEUE_FAILED_TABLE=jobs_failed QUEUE_DELAY_PER_JOB=5 ### # Scout config ### # For TypeSense use: typesense #SCOUT_DRIVER=typesense #SCOUT_QUEUE=false ### # TypeSense Config ### #TYPESENSE_HOST=localhost #TYPESENSE_PORT=8108 #TYPESENSE_API_KEY= #TYPESENSE_SEARCH_EXHAUSTIVE=true #TYPESENSE_SEARCH_CUTTOFF_MS=450 ### # GitHub generate report URL on fatal errors ### GITHUB_REPORTING=true GITHUB_REST="jikan-me/jikan-rest" GITHUB_API="jikan-me/jikan" ### # OpenAPI ### SWAGGER_VERSION=3.0 ### # API call insights ### # Enable/Disable insights API system INSIGHTS=false #WIP # Max requests store in seconds - default 2 days INSIGHTS_MAX_STORE_TIME=172800 ### # Error reporting ### REPORTING=false REPORTING_DRIVER=sentry SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN="https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0" SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE=0.5 ### # Endpoints ### DISABLE_USER_LISTS=false