createOne([ "mal_id" => 1 ]); $this->get('/v4/manga/1') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure(['data' => [ 'mal_id', 'url', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url', 'small_image_url', 'large_image_url' ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url', 'small_image_url', 'large_image_url' ], ], 'title', 'title_english', 'title_japanese', 'title_synonyms', 'type', 'chapters', 'volumes', 'status', 'publishing', 'published' => [ 'from', 'to', 'prop' => [ 'from' => [ 'day', 'month', 'year' ], 'to' => [ 'day', 'month', 'year' ] ], 'string' ], 'score', 'scored_by', 'rank', 'popularity', 'members', 'favorites', 'synopsis', 'background', 'authors' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'type', 'name', 'url' ] ], 'serializations' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'type', 'name', 'url' ] ], 'genres' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'type', 'name', 'url' ] ] ]]); } public function testCharacters() { $this->givenDummyCharactersStaffData("/v4/manga/1/characters", "manga"); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/characters') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure(['data'=>[ [ 'character' => [ 'mal_id', 'url', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url' ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url', 'small_image_url', ], ], 'name', ], 'role', ] ]]); } public function testNews() { $document = $this->dummyResultsDocument('/v4/manga/1/news', 'manga', [[ 'mal_id' => 60609964, 'url' => '', 'title' => 'North American Anime & Manga Releases for September', 'date' => '2020-08-31T14:34:00+00:00', 'author_username' => 'ImperfectBlue', 'author_url' => '', 'forum_url' => '', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url' => '', ], ], 'comments' => 0, 'excerpt' => 'Here are the North American anime & manga releases for September Week 1: September 1 - 7 Anime Releases Africa no Salaryman (TV) (Africa Salaryman) Complete Coll...', ]]); DB::table("manga_news")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/news') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'pagination' => [ 'last_visible_page', 'has_next_page', ], 'data' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'url', 'title', 'date', 'author_username', 'author_url', 'forum_url', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url', ], ], 'comments', 'excerpt' ] ] ]); } public function testPictures() { $document = $this->dummyScraperResultDocument( '/v4/manga/1/pictures', 'manga', [[ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url' => '', 'small_image_url' => '', 'large_image_url' => '', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url' => '', 'small_image_url' => '', 'large_image_url' => '', ], ]], 'pictures' ); DB::table("manga_pictures")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/pictures') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'data' => [ [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url', 'large_image_url', 'small_image_url', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url', 'large_image_url', 'small_image_url', ], ] ] ]); } public function testStats() { $document = $this->dummyScraperResultDocument('/v4/manga/1/statistics', "manga", [ 'reading' => 1293641, 'completed' => 37, 'on_hold' => 239382, 'dropped' => 164598, 'plan_to_read' => 195375, 'total' => 1893033, 'scores' => [ [ 'score' => 1, 'votes' => 9470, 'percentage' => 0.9, ], [ 'score' => 2, 'votes' => 3363, 'percentage' => 0.3, ], ], ] ); DB::table("manga_stats")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/statistics') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure(['data'=>[ 'reading', 'completed', 'on_hold', 'dropped', 'plan_to_read', 'total', 'scores' => [ [ 'score', 'votes', 'percentage' ] ] ]]); } public function testForum() { $document = $this->dummyScraperResultDocument('/v4/manga/1/forum', "manga", [ [ 'mal_id' => 2022869, 'url' => '', 'title' => 'What was the reception like when this first came out?', 'date' => '2022-06-15T00:00:00+00:00', 'author_username' => 'NextUniverse', 'author_url' => '', 'comments' => 7, 'last_comment' => [ 'url' => '', 'author_username' => 'Bacon_and_Eggs', 'author_url' => '', 'date' => '2022-06-19T06:26:00+00:00', ], ] ], "topics"); DB::table("manga_forum")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/forum') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'data' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'url', 'title', 'date', 'author_username', 'author_url', 'comments', 'last_comment' => [ 'url', 'author_username', 'author_url', 'date' ] ] ] ]); } public function testMoreInfo() { $document = $this->dummyScraperResultDocument('/v4/manga/1/moreinfo', "manga", ["moreinfo" => "asd"]); DB::table("manga_moreinfo")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/moreinfo') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure(['data'=>[ 'moreinfo' ]]); } public function testReviews() { $document = $this->dummyResultsDocument('/v4/manga/1/reviews', "manga", [ [ 'mal_id' => 7406, 'url' => '', 'type' => 'manga', 'reactions' => [ 'overall' => 2112, 'nice' => 2105, 'love_it' => 3, 'funny' => 1, 'confusing' => 0, 'informative' => 2, 'well_written' => 1, 'creative' => 0, ], 'date' => '2008-08-24T05:46:00+00:00', 'review' => 'People who know me dd', 'score' => 10, 'tags' => [ 0 => 'Recommended', ], 'is_spoiler' => false, 'is_preliminary' => false, 'chapters_read' => null, 'user' => [ 'url' => '', 'username' => 'TheLlama', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url' => '', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url' => '', ], ], ], ] ]); DB::table("manga_reviews")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/reviews') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'pagination' => [ 'last_visible_page', 'has_next_page', ], 'data' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'url', 'type', 'reactions', 'date', 'review', 'score', 'tags', 'is_spoiler', 'is_preliminary', 'chapters_read', 'user' => [ 'url', 'username', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url', ], ], ] ] ] ]); } public function testReviewsTwo() { $this->mockJikanParserWith404RespondingUpstream(); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/reviews?page=100') ->seeStatusCode(404) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'status', 'type', 'message', 'error' ]); } public function testRecommendations() { $document = $this->dummyScraperResultDocument('/v4/manga/1/recommendations', 'manga', [ 'recommendations' => [ [ 'entry' => [ 'mal_id' => 205, 'url' => '', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url' => '', 'small_image_url' => '', 'large_image_url' => '', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url' => '', 'small_image_url' => '', 'large_image_url' => '', ], ], 'title' => 'Samurai Champloo', ], 'url' => '', 'votes' => 118, ] ] ]); DB::table('manga_recommendations')->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/recommendations') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'data' => [ [ 'entry' => [ 'mal_id', 'url', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url', 'small_image_url', 'large_image_url' ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url', 'small_image_url', 'large_image_url' ], ], 'title' ], 'url', 'votes', ] ] ]); } public function testUserUpdates() { $document = $this->dummyResultsDocument('/v4/manga/1/userupdates', 'manga', [ [ 'user' => [ 'username' => 'Mar-E', 'url' => '', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url' => '', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url' => '', ], ], ], 'score' => NULL, 'status' => 'Watching', 'volumes_read' => 16, 'volumes_total' => 26, 'chapters_read' => 22, 'chapters_total' => 22, 'date' => '2023-01-31T22:34:00+00:00', ] ]); DB::table("manga_userupdates")->insert($document); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/userupdates') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'pagination' => [ 'last_visible_page', 'has_next_page', ], 'data' => [ [ 'user' => [ 'username', 'url', 'images' => [ 'jpg' => [ 'image_url', ], 'webp' => [ 'image_url', ], ], ], 'score', 'status', 'volumes_read', 'volumes_total', 'chapters_read', 'chapters_total', 'date' ] ] ]); } public function testUserUpdatesNotFound() { $this->mockJikanParserWith404RespondingUpstream(); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/userupdates?page=200') ->seeStatusCode(404); } public function testMangaRelations() { Manga::factory()->createOne([ "mal_id" => 1, "related" => [ [ 'relation' => 'Other', 'entry' => [ [ 'mal_id' => 793, 'type' => 'manga', 'name' => 'Wanted!', 'url' => '', ], [ 'mal_id' => 25146, 'type' => 'manga', 'name' => 'One Piece x Toriko', 'url' => '', ], ], ] ] ]); $this->get('/v4/manga/1/relations') ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJsonStructure([ 'data' => [ [ 'relation', 'entry' => [ [ 'mal_id', 'type', 'name', 'url' ] ], ] ] ]); } public function test404() { $this->mockJikanParserWith404RespondingUpstream(); $this->get('/v4/manga/1000000') ->seeStatusCode(404); } }