name = \get_class($exception); $report->code = $exception->getCode(); $report->error = $exception->getMessage(); $report->trace = "{$exception->getFile()} on line {$exception->getLine()}"; $report->repo = $repo ?? env('GITHUB_REST', 'jikan-me/jikan-rest'); $report->requestUri = $request->getRequestUri(); $report->requestMethod = $request->getMethod(); $report->jikanVersion = Versions::getVersion('jikan-me/jikan'); $report->phpVersion = PHP_VERSION; $report->redisRunning = false; if (env('CACHING') && strtolower(env('CACHE_DRIVER')) === 'redis') { try { $report->redisRunning = trim(app('redis')->ping()) === 'PONG' ? "Connected" : "Disconnected"; } catch (ConnectionException $e) { $report->redisRunning = false; } } $report->instanceType = 'UNKNOWN'; if (env('APP_ENV') !== 'testing') { if (array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $_SERVER)) { $report->instanceType = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === '' ? 'OFFICIAL' : 'HOSTED'; } else { $report->instanceType = 'HOSTED-RR'; } } return $report; } /** * @return string */ public function __toString() : string { // 🐛 emoji v $title = "%F0%9F%90%9B" . urlencode(" [{$this->instanceType}] Generated Issue: {$this->getClassName()}"); $currentBehavior = urlencode( "The API has returned an error: \n```{$this->name}```\nStatus code: ```{$this->code}```\nMessage: ```{$this->error}```\nTrace: ```{$this->trace}```" ); $expectedBehavior = urlencode("The API should have returned a successful response with data."); $env = urlencode( "Jikan Parser Version**: ```{$this->jikanVersion}```\nPHP: ```{$this->phpVersion}```\nIs redis used: ```{$this->redisRunning}```" ); $reproSteps = urlencode( "Http Request: `{$this->requestMethod} {$this->requestUri}" ); return "{$this->repo}/issues/new?template=bug.yml&title={$title}&system_env={$env}&repro_steps={$reproSteps}&expected_behavior={$expectedBehavior}¤t_behavior={$currentBehavior}"; } /** * @return string */ public function getClassName() : string { $path = explode('\\', $this->name); return array_pop($path); } /** * @param string $name * @return GithubReport */ public function setName(string $name): GithubReport { $this->name = $name; return $this; } /** * @param string $code * @return GithubReport */ public function setCode(string $code): GithubReport { $this->code = $code; return $this; } /** * @param string $error * @return GithubReport */ public function setError(string $error): GithubReport { $this->error = $error; return $this; } /** * @param string $repo * @return GithubReport */ public function setRepo(string $repo): GithubReport { $this->repo = $repo; return $this; } /** * @param string $trace * @return GithubReport */ public function setTrace(string $trace): GithubReport { $this->trace = $trace; return $this; } /** * @param string $jikanVersion * @return GithubReport */ public function setJikanVersion(string $jikanVersion): GithubReport { $this->jikanVersion = $jikanVersion; return $this; } /** * @param string $redisRunning * @return GithubReport */ public function setRedisRunning(string $redisRunning): GithubReport { $this->redisRunning = $redisRunning; return $this; } /** * @param string $instanceType * @return GithubReport */ public function setInstanceType(string $instanceType): GithubReport { $this->instanceType = $instanceType; return $this; } }