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synced 2025-02-20 11:23:35 +08:00
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548 lines
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<?php /** @noinspection PhpIllegalPsrClassPathInspection */
namespace Tests\Integration;
use App\Anime;
use App\CarbonDateRange;
use App\Http\QueryBuilder\AnimeSearchQueryBuilder;
use App\Http\QueryBuilder\MediaSearchQueryBuilder;
use App\Testing\ScoutFlush;
use App\Testing\SyntheticMongoDbTransaction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Sequence;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Tests\TestCase;
class AnimeSearchEndpointTest extends TestCase
use SyntheticMongoDbTransaction;
use ScoutFlush;
public function __construct($name = null, array $data = [], $dataName = '')
parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName);
$this->searchIndexModelCleanupList = ["App\\Anime"];
protected function getBaseUri(): string
return "/v4/anime";
private function generateFiveSpecificAndTenRandomElementsInDb(array $params): array
// 10 random elements
->overrideFromQueryStringParameters($params, true)
// 5 specific elements
$f = Anime::factory(5)
return $f->raw()[0];
public function limitParameterCombinationsProvider(): array
return [
[5, []],
[5, ["type" => "tv"]],
[5, ["type" => "tv", "min_score" => 7]],
[5, ["type" => "tv", "max_score" => 6]],
[5, ["type" => "tv", "status" => "complete", "max_score" => 8]],
[5, ["type" => "movie", "status" => "complete", "max_score" => 8]]
public function startDatesParameterProvider(): array
return [
[["start_date" => "2022"]],
[["start_date" => "2012-05"]],
[["start_date" => "2012-05-12"]],
[["start_date" => "2012-04-01"]],
[["start_date" => "2012-04-28"]],
[["start_date" => "2012-06-05", "page" => 1]],
public function endDatesParameterProvider(): array
return [
[["end_date" => "2022"]],
[["end_date" => "2012-05"]],
[["end_date" => "2012-05-12"]],
[["end_date" => "2012-05-12", "page" => 1]],
public function startAndEndDatesParameterProvider(): array
return [
[["start_date" => "2021", "end_date" => "2022"]],
[["start_date" => "2021-01", "end_date" => "2021-02"]],
[["start_date" => "2021-01-01", "end_date" => "2021-03-22"]],
[["start_date" => "2021-01-01", "end_date" => "2021-03-22", "page" => 1]],
public function genresParameterCombinationsProvider(): array
return [
[["genres" => "1,2"]],
[["genres_exclude" => "4,5", "type" => "tv"]],
[["genres" => "1,2", "genres_exclude" => "3", "min_score" => 8, "type" => "tv", "status" => "complete", "page" => 1]],
public function emptyDateRangeProvider(): array
return [
[["start_date" => ""]],
[["end_date" => ""]],
[["end_date" => "", "start_date" => ""]],
public function commonParameterProvider(): array
return [
[["status" => "airing"]],
[["status" => "complete"]],
[["status" => "upcoming"]],
[["status" => "Airing"]],
[["status" => "Complete"]],
[["status" => "Upcoming"]],
[["max_score" => "8"]],
[["min_score" => "6"]],
[["max_score" => "7", "min_score" => "3"]],
[["rating" => "pg"]],
[["rating" => "rx"]],
[["rating" => "r"]],
[["rating" => "pg13"]],
[["rating" => "g"]],
[["rating" => "r17"]],
public function invalidScoreParameterProvider(): array
return [
[["max_score" => "634638"], 15],
[["min_score" => "673473"], 0],
[["max_score" => "72344", "min_score" => "3532325"], 0],
[["max_score" => 1, "min_score" => 5], 0],
public function invalidRatingParameterProvider(): array
return [
[["rating" => "6263ssd"], 0],
[["rating" => "rx1"], 0],
[["rating" => "pg133"], 0]
public function orderByFieldMappingProvider(): array
$orderByFieldMappings = array_merge(MediaSearchQueryBuilder::ORDER_BY, AnimeSearchQueryBuilder::ORDER_BY);
$params = [];
foreach ($orderByFieldMappings as $paramName => $orderByField) {
$params[] = [$paramName, $orderByField];
return $params;
public function letterParameterProvider(): array
$letters = range("a", "f");
$result = [];
foreach ($letters as $letter) {
$result[] = [["letter" => $letter], 5];
return $result;
* @test
public function shouldReturnMethodNotAllowedResponseIfMethodNotAllowed()
$this->json("POST", "/v4/anime", ["title" => "Dum"])
* @dataProvider limitParameterCombinationsProvider
public function testLimitParameter(int $limitCount, array $additionalParams)
Anime::factory( 25)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse([
"limit" => $limitCount,
$this->assertPaginationData($limitCount, 25, $limitCount);
$this->assertCount($limitCount, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider emptyDateRangeProvider
public function testSearchByEmptyDatesShouldDoNothing($params)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$this->assertCount(15, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider startDatesParameterProvider
public function testSearchByStartDate($params)
$overrides = $this->generateFiveSpecificAndTenRandomElementsInDb($params);
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$actualStartDate = Carbon::parse(data_get($content, "data.0.aired.from"));
$paramStartDate = Carbon::parse($overrides["aired"]["from"]);
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $paramStartDate->diff($actualStartDate)->days);
// we created 5 elements according to parameters, so we expect 5 of them.
$this->assertCount(5, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider endDatesParameterProvider
public function testSearchByEndDate($params)
$overrides = $this->generateFiveSpecificAndTenRandomElementsInDb($params);
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$actualEndDate = Carbon::parse(data_get($content, "data.0.aired.to"));
$paramEndDate = Carbon::parse($overrides["aired"]["to"]);
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(0, $actualEndDate->diff($paramEndDate)->days);
// we created 5 elements according to parameters, so we expect 5 of them.
$this->assertCount(5, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider startAndEndDatesParameterProvider
public function testSearchByStartAndEndDate($params)
$overrides = $this->generateFiveSpecificAndTenRandomElementsInDb($params);
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$actualStartDate = Carbon::parse(data_get($content, "data.0.aired.from"));
$paramStartDate = Carbon::parse($overrides["aired"]["from"]);
$actualEndDate = Carbon::parse(data_get($content, "data.0.aired.to"));
$paramEndDate = Carbon::parse($overrides["aired"]["to"]);
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $paramStartDate->diff($actualStartDate)->days);
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(0, $actualEndDate->diff($paramEndDate)->days);
// we created 5 elements according to parameters, so we expect 5 of them.
$this->assertCount(5, $content["data"]);
public function testSearchWithStartDateEqualToParam()
// we test here whether the filtering works by start date
// if the start date parameter's value exactly matches
// with one item in the database.
// this is mainly focused on mongodb features
$startDate = "2015-02-01";
$carbonStartDate = Carbon::parse($startDate);
$f = Anime::factory(1);
"aired" => new CarbonDateRange($carbonStartDate, null)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse(["start_date" => $startDate]);
$actualStartDate = Carbon::parse(data_get($content, "data.0.aired.from"));
$this->assertEquals(0, $carbonStartDate->diff($actualStartDate)->days);
$this->assertCount(1, $content["data"]);
public function testSearchWithEndDateEqualToParam()
// we test here whether the filtering works by start date
// if the start date parameter's value exactly matches
// with one item in the database.
// this is mainly focused on mongodb features
$endDate = "2015-03-28";
$carbonEndDate = Carbon::parse($endDate);
$f = Anime::factory(1);
"aired" => new CarbonDateRange(Carbon::parse("2015-01-05"), $carbonEndDate)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse(["end_date" => $endDate]);
$actualEndDate = Carbon::parse(data_get($content, "data.0.aired.to"));
$this->assertEquals(0, $carbonEndDate->diff($actualEndDate)->days);
$this->assertCount(1, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider genresParameterCombinationsProvider
public function testSearchByGenres($params)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
// we created 5 elements according to parameters, so we expect 5 of them.
$this->assertCount(5, $content["data"]);
public function testSearchByInvalidStatusParameter()
$params = [
"status" => "gibberish"
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
// it should return all, and disregard the gibberish filter
$this->assertCount(15, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider invalidScoreParameterProvider
public function testSearchByInvalidScoreParameters($params, $expectedCount)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider commonParameterProvider
public function testSearchByCommonParams($params)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
// we created 5 elements according to parameters, so we expect 5 of them.
$this->assertCount(5, $content["data"]);
public function testSearchByExplicitDefaultMinMaxScores()
// test for https://github.com/jikan-me/jikan-rest/issues/309
"genres" => "1,2"
$content = $this->getJsonResponse([
"genres" => "1,2",
"min_score" => "0.0",
"max_score" => "10.0"
$this->assertCount(5, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider orderByFieldMappingProvider
public function testOrderByQueryStringParameter(string $paramName, string $orderByField)
$expectedCount = 3;
$f = Anime::factory($expectedCount);
* @var Collection $items
$items = $f->createManyWithOrder($orderByField);
$content = $this->getJsonResponse([
"order_by" => $paramName
$expectedItems = $items->map(fn($elem) => data_get($elem, $orderByField));
$actualItems = collect($content["data"])->map(fn($elem) => data_get($elem, $orderByField));
if ($actualItems->first() instanceof Carbon && $expectedItems->first() instanceof Carbon) {
$expectedItems = $expectedItems->map(fn(Carbon $elem) => $elem->getTimestamp());
$actualItems = $actualItems->map(fn(Carbon $elem) => $elem->getTimestamp());
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $content["data"]);
$this->assertCollectionsStrictlyEqual($expectedItems, $actualItems);
public function testOrderingByScoreWithKeywordSearch()
// test for issue https://github.com/jikan-me/jikan-rest/issues/332
$title = "awesome anime";
$items = Anime::factory(3)->state(new Sequence(
["score" => 8.05],
["score" => 7.15],
["score" => 6.51],
"titles" => [
"type" => "Default",
"title" => $title
"title" => $title,
"title_english" => $title,
"title_japanese" => $title,
"title_synonyms" => [$title],
Anime::factory(3)->state(new Sequence(
["score" => 3.05],
["score" => 4.15],
["score" => 1.51],
$content = $this->getJsonResponse([
"order_by" => "score",
"q" => "awesome",
"page" => 1,
"sort" => "desc",
"limit" => 15
$expectedItems = $items->map(fn($elem) => data_get($elem, "score"));
$actualItems = collect($content["data"])->map(fn($elem) => data_get($elem, "score"));
$this->assertPaginationData(3, 3, 15);
$this->assertCount(3, $content["data"]);
$this->assertCollectionsStrictlyEqual($expectedItems, $actualItems);
* @dataProvider invalidRatingParameterProvider
public function testSearchByInvalidRatingParameters($params, $expectedCount)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $content["data"]);
* @dataProvider letterParameterProvider
public function testSearchByLetter($params, $expectedCount)
$content = $this->getJsonResponse($params);
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $content["data"]);
public function testSearchByInvalidLetterParameter()
$expectedCount = 0;
"letter" => "a"
$content = $this->getJsonResponse([
"letter" => "asd"
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $content["data"]);
public function testTypeSenseSearchPagination()
// this should test https://github.com/jikan-me/jikan-rest/issues/298
$title = "awesome anime";
// typesense api only returns 250 hits max on one page
"titles" => [
"type" => "Default",
"title" => $title
"title" => $title,
"title_english" => $title,
"title_japanese" => $title,
"title_synonyms" => [$title],
$content = $this->getJsonResponse([
"q" => "awesome",
"page" => 2
$this->assertPaginationData(25, 255);
$this->assertCount(25, $content["data"]);
// https://github.com/jikan-me/jikan-rest/issues/298 shows that the array indexes start at 25, not from 0
$this->assertArrayHasKey(0, $content["data"]);