This PR does two things...
First, it adds a basic Tailwind configuration out of the box. This lets you start using Tailwind immediately without installing any starter kit. Useful if you just want to mess around or build things from scratch.
Second, it adds a composer run dev script, which starts php artisan serve, php artisan queue:listen --tries=1, php artisan pail (now a dev dependency by default), and npm run dev all in one command, with color coded output in the terminal using concurrently.
While this file can be used for local overrides, that is not its
only intended usage. E.g. a common setup would be like this:
- *docker-compose.yml*: services shared across builds
- *docker-compose.override.yml*: services only used in development
- *docker-compose.production.yml*: configuration needed for building production images.
Now for regular development you just need to run `docker-compose up --build` and only
in you CI you would build and run for production by explicitly naming the yml files.
TL;DR: Excluding docker-compose.override.yml seems to be a personal preference of
someone and they should do that in their global .gitignore if the are so inclined.
Docker allows for you to override parts of `docker-compose.yml` locally with the help of a `docker-compose.override.yml` file:
I propose to have this file ignored by default for new projects, similarly to how `.env` is ignored to be able to override default configuration (locally).
Example use case: Someone might want to use Laravel Sail, but would have multiple Laravel projects running in MySQL and would like to run a single MySQL server for each project and have a way to be able to override docker-compose to make that happen. Or maybe just in general they want to add a new service that they want to run only for themselves, and not for colleagues.
PHPUnit version 7.3 adds a new argument `--cache-result` which allows you to do awesome things like re-run test failures using a command like:
`phpunit --cache-result --order-by=defects --stop-on-defect`
The cache file is stored as `.phpunit.result.cache`
I believe PHPUnit 8 will have caching on by default, so this file will start popping up in everyone's project quickly.
Following, I was correctly pointed that the small proposition should be made over here. Here's a copy / past of my message, for clarity's sake.
When you run `npm run hmr`, a `hot` file is created to the public folder for the `mix()` helper to know if it has to server from the webpack server or not. This file does not go away until we run `npm run dev` (or `watch`).
True, if we use `npm run production` in our production server it goes away too, but in case we don't make it go away in development, I don't think it's necessary to version it.
These files should not end up in source control IMO. And even though Passport is a separate package it is a first-party one and the base Laravel install should be "prepared" for it.
What do you guys think?
If you open a (laravel) project in phpstorm, it places a `.idea` folder in the project root. This contains project-specific ide settings. You usually don't want to include such files in a git repo.
Seems sensible if Laravel's going to push Elixir.
A person unfamiliar with the node ecosystem should be able to use Elixir with ease, however I don't feel they should necessarily know up-front that they should add node_modules to their global .gitignore file.