For this installation we will assume that we are working on AlmaLinux 8 or 9. Warning: This guide does not cover any security hardening or rate limiting.
Note: These steps also work with AlmaLinux 9, but it will install PHP 8 instead of 7.
3. Enable and start Apache/PHP-FPM: `systemctl enable httpd; systemctl enable php-fpm` and `systemctl start httpd; systemctl start php-fpm`.
4. Let's help MTR to work, execute the following command: `ln -s /usr/sbin/mtr /usr/bin/mtr` and also mtr helper called mtr-packet: `ln -s /usr/sbin/mtr-packet /usr/bin/mtr-packet`.
5. You *must* configure SELinux before this all works, or you can disable SELinux using `setenforce 0` and possibly make it permanent: `nano /etc/selinux/config` change to `SELINUX=disabled`.
6. Upload the contents of the ZIP to /var/www/html/.
7. Rename config.dist.php to config.php and adjust the settings.
8. (Optional) You might want to enable SSL using LetsEncrypt, take a look at [](
Upgrading from a previous version is easy, simply overwrite your current installation with the new files. Then update your config.php accordingly, the script will automatically check for missing variables.
If you open up config.dist.php you will see that there are some features that allows you to customize the looking glass, this includes a custom CSS override.
You may also extend the looking glass with a custom block.
### TODO
- Move to Composer;
- Software-based rate limiting;
- Implement a template engine, for advanced customization;
We would love to receive code contributions in the form of a pull request. We prefer this over forking, so if you have any code improvements feel free to commit.
This project is inspired by the [LookingGlass project]( of @telephone and uses his procExecute() function, although slightly modified.