added a way to add custom header and footer (#1) #30

jonathanspw merged 1 commits from main into main 2023-11-02 01:38:44 +08:00
jonathanspw commented 2023-11-02 00:03:08 +08:00 (Migrated from
  • added a way to add custom header and footer

  • rework to be backwords compatible for people who dont update their config file

  • isset to make sure no warnings are shown

* added a way to add custom header and footer * rework to be backwords compatible for people who dont update their config file * isset to make sure no warnings are shown
dqos commented 2023-11-02 01:38:41 +08:00 (Migrated from

Thanks! Looks good.

Thanks! Looks good.
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