services: nginx: image: hybula/lookingglass-nginx:1 container_name: lg-nginx build: context: . dockerfile: docker/nginx/Dockerfile network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped php-fpm: image: hybula/lookingglass-php:1 container_name: lg-php build: context: . dockerfile: docker/php-fpm/Dockerfile network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped environment: # For a better reference as to what these variables do, check out 'config.dist.php' or 'docker/php-fpm/src/config.php'. # Please replace them with values that are relevant to your situation! LOCATION: Location FACILITY: Facility FACILITY_URL: http://localhost/ LOGO_URL: LOGO: '

Company Looking Glass


Company Looking Glass

' IPV4_ADDRESS: IPV6_ADDRESS: ::1 MAPS_QUERY: Amsterdam # Pass these variables with any arbitrary value to disable the respective block. # DISABLE_BLOCK_NETWORK: 'true' # DISABLE_BLOCK_LOOKINGGLASS: 'true' # DISABLE_BLOCK_SPEEDTEST: 'true' # Uncomment to enable the custom block, which you can use to add something custom to the LG. # ENABLE_CUSTOM_BLOCK: 'true' # Uncomment if you require visitors to accept the Terms of Use; the value should be a link to the terms. # LG_TERMS: http://localhost/ # iperf3: # image: networkstatic/iperf3:latest # container_name: lg-iperf3 # network_mode: host # command: -s # tty: true # stdin_open: true # restart: unless-stopped