The first big packets sent to a "low-MTU" client correctly
triggers the creation of a temporary route containing the reduced MTU.
But after the temporary route has expired, new ICMP6 "packet too big"
will be sent, rt6_pmtu_discovery will find the previous EXPIRED route
check that its mtu isn't bigger then in icmp packet and do nothing
before the temporary route will not deleted by gc.
I make the simple experiment:
while :; do
time ( dd if=/dev/zero bs=10K count=1 | ssh hostname dd of=/dev/null ) || break;
The "time" reports real 0m0.197s if a temporary route isn't expired, but
it reports real 0m52.837s (!!!!) immediately after a temporare route has
Signed-off-by: Andrey Vagin <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>