63 lines
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63 lines
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import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from flask import Blueprint, request, render_template, current_app
from app.functions.utils import exception_handler, send_webhook, get_client_ip
from app.functions.netmiko import execute_command
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
bp = Blueprint('main', __name__)
# Route to render the main page
def index():
site = current_app.config['SITE']
devices = deepcopy(current_app.config['DEVICES'])
commands = current_app.config['COMMANDS']
for device in devices.values():
device.pop('credentials', None)
return render_template('index.html', site=site, devices=devices, commands=commands)
# Route to handle command execution requests
@bp.route('/execute', methods=['POST'])
def execute():
data = request.get_json()
input_device = data.get('device')
input_command = data.get('command')
input_target = data.get('target').strip()
input_ip_version = data.get('ipVersion')
if not all([input_device, input_command, input_target, input_ip_version]):
raise Exception("Missing required parameters")
device = current_app.config['DEVICES'].get(input_device, {})
command = current_app.config['COMMANDS'].get(input_command, {})
# Verify device and command exist
if not device or not command:
raise Exception("Device or command not found")
# Verify command is allowed for this device
if input_command not in device.get('commands', []):
raise Exception("Command not allowed for this device")
# Execute the command using network_utils
ip_version = 6 if input_ip_version == "IPv6" else 4
result = execute_command(device, command['format'], input_target, ip_version)
# Send a webhook notification with client IP and command output
webhook = current_app.config['CONFIG'].get('webhook')
if not result['error'] and webhook:
client_ip = get_client_ip()
send_webhook(webhook['url'], f"Client IP: `{client_ip}`\nDevice: `{input_device}`\nCommand: `{input_command} -{ip_version} {input_target}`")
return result |