2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
import asyncio
import base64
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
import glob
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
import traceback
from subprocess import call
import aiohttp
import yt_dlp
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pyrogram import Client , filters , idle
from pyrogram . enums import ChatType
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
from pyrogram . errors import MediaEmpty , PeerIdInvalid , PhotoSaveFileInvalid , WebpageCurlFailed
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
from pyrogram . handlers import MessageHandler
from pyrogram . types import InputMediaPhoto , InputMediaVideo , Message
from wget import download
if os . path . isfile ( " config.env " ) :
load_dotenv ( " config.env " )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
bot = Client ( name = " bot " , session_string = os . environ . get ( " STRING_SESSION " ) , api_id = os . environ . get ( " API_ID " ) , api_hash = os . environ . get ( " API_HASH " ) )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
log_chat = os . environ . get ( " LOG " )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
if log_chat is None :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
print ( " Enter log channel id in config " )
exit ( )
chat_list = [ ]
handler_ = [ ]
users = json . loads ( os . environ . get ( " USERS " ) )
trigger = os . environ . get ( " TRIGGER " )
e_json = base64 . b64decode ( " Lz9fX2E9MSZfX2Q9MQ== " ) . decode ( " utf-8 " )
@bot.on_message ( filters . command ( commands = " bot " , prefixes = trigger ) & filters . user ( users ) )
async def multi_func ( bot , message : Message ) :
rw_message = message . text . split ( )
try :
if " restart " in rw_message :
""" Restart bot """
os . execl ( sys . executable , sys . executable , __file__ )
elif " ids " in rw_message :
""" Get chat / channel id """
ids = " "
reply = message . reply_to_message
if reply :
reply_forward = reply . forward_from_chat
reply_user = reply . from_user
ids + = f " Chat : ` { reply . chat . id } ` \n "
if reply_forward :
ids + = f " Replied { ' Channel ' if reply_forward . type == ChatType . CHANNEL else ' Chat ' } : ` { reply_forward . id } ` \n "
if reply_user :
ids + = f " User : { reply . from_user . id } "
else :
ids = f " Chat :` { message . chat . id } ` "
await message . reply ( ids )
elif " update " in rw_message :
""" Update Auto-DL chats """
for i in handler_ :
bot . remove_handler ( * i )
await add_h ( )
await message . reply ( " Chat list refreshed " )
elif " join " in rw_message :
""" Join a Chat """
if len ( rw_message ) > 2 :
try :
await bot . join_chat ( rw_message [ - 1 ] )
except KeyError :
await bot . join_chat ( rw_message [ - 1 ] . split ( ) [ - 1 ] )
except Exception as e :
return await message . reply ( str ( e ) )
await message . reply ( " Joined " )
elif " leave " in rw_message :
""" Leave a Chat """
if len ( rw_message ) == 3 :
chat = rw_message [ - 1 ]
else :
chat = message . chat . id
await bot . leave_chat ( chat )
else :
await message . reply ( " Social-DL is running. " )
except Exception :
await bot . send_message ( chat_id = log_chat , text = str ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
@bot.on_message ( filters . command ( commands = " term " , prefixes = trigger ) & filters . user ( users ) )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
async def run_cmd ( bot , message : Message ) :
""" Function to run shell commands """
cmd = message . text . replace ( " +term " , " " )
status_ = await message . reply ( " executing... " )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
process = await asyncio . create_subprocess_shell ( cmd , stdout = asyncio . subprocess . PIPE , stderr = asyncio . subprocess . PIPE )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
stdout , stderr = await process . communicate ( )
if process . returncode is not None :
output = f " $ { cmd } "
if stdout :
output + = f " \n \n **Output:** \n \n ` { stdout . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) } ` "
if stderr :
output + = f " \n \n **Error:** \n \n ` { stderr . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) } ` "
await status_ . edit ( output )
@bot.on_message ( filters . command ( commands = " del " , prefixes = trigger ) & filters . user ( users ) )
async def delete_message ( bot , message : Message ) :
""" Delete Messages """
reply = message . reply_to_message
await message . delete ( )
if reply :
await reply . delete ( )
@bot.on_message ( filters . command ( commands = " dl " , prefixes = trigger ) & filters . user ( users ) )
async def dl ( bot , message : Message ) :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
""" The main Logic Function to download media """
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
rw_message = message . text . split ( )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
reply = message . reply_to_message
reply_id = reply . id if reply else None
sender_ = message . author_signature or message . from_user . first_name or " "
response = await bot . send_message ( message . chat . id , " `trying to download...` " )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
curse_ = " "
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
caption = f " Shared by : { sender_ } "
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
check_dl = " failed "
if " -d " in rw_message :
doc = True
else :
doc = False
for i in rw_message :
if i . startswith ( " https://www.instagram.com/ " ) :
check_dl = await iyt_dl ( url = i )
curse_ = " #FuckInstagram "
if check_dl == " failed " :
check_dl = await json_dl ( iurl = i , caption = caption , doc = doc )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
elif " twitter.com " in i or " https://youtube.com/shorts " in i or " tiktok.com " in i :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
check_dl = await iyt_dl ( url = i )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
elif " www.reddit.com " in i :
check_dl = await reddit_dl ( url_ = i , doc = doc , sender_ = sender_ )
curse_ = " Link doesn ' t contain any media or is restricted \n Tip: Make sure you are sending original post url and not an embedded post. "
else :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if isinstance ( check_dl , dict ) :
if isinstance ( check_dl [ " media " ] , list ) :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
for vv in check_dl [ " media " ] :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if isinstance ( vv , list ) :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
await bot . send_media_group ( message . chat . id , media = vv , reply_to_message_id = reply_id )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
await asyncio . sleep ( 3 )
else :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
await bot . send_document ( message . chat . id , document = vv , caption = check_dl [ " caption " ] + caption , reply_to_message_id = reply_id , force_document = True )
else :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if doc :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
await bot . send_document ( message . chat . id , document = check_dl [ " media " ] , caption = check_dl [ " caption " ] + caption , reply_to_message_id = reply_id , force_document = True )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
else :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
try :
if check_dl [ " type " ] == " img " :
await bot . send_photo ( message . chat . id , photo = check_dl [ " media " ] , caption = check_dl [ " caption " ] + caption , reply_to_message_id = reply_id )
elif check_dl [ " type " ] == " vid " :
await bot . send_video ( message . chat . id , video = check_dl [ " media " ] , caption = check_dl [ " caption " ] + caption , thumb = check_dl [ " thumb " ] , reply_to_message_id = reply_id )
else :
await bot . send_animation ( message . chat . id , animation = check_dl [ " media " ] , caption = check_dl [ " caption " ] + caption , reply_to_message_id = reply_id , unsave = True )
except PhotoSaveFileInvalid :
await bot . send_document ( message . chat . id , document = check_dl [ " media " ] , caption = check_dl [ " caption " ] + caption , reply_to_message_id = reply_id )
except ( MediaEmpty , WebpageCurlFailed , ValueError ) :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if os . path . exists ( str ( check_dl [ " path " ] ) ) :
shutil . rmtree ( str ( check_dl [ " path " ] ) )
check_dl = " done "
if check_dl == " failed " :
await response . edit ( f " Media Download Failed. \n { curse_ } " )
if check_dl == " done " :
await message . delete ( )
await response . delete ( )
async def iyt_dl ( url : str ) :
2023-02-04 19:56:39 +05:30
""" Stop handling post url because this only downloads Videos and post might contain images """
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
if not url . startswith ( " https://www.instagram.com/reel/ " ) :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
return " failed "
path_ = time . time ( )
video = f " { path_ } /v.mp4 "
thumb = f " { path_ } /i.png "
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
_opts = { " outtmpl " : video , " ignoreerrors " : True , " ignore_no_formats_error " : True , " format " : " bv[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4] " , " quiet " : True , " logger " : FakeLogger ( ) }
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
return_val = " failed "
try :
yt_dlp . YoutubeDL ( _opts ) . download ( url )
if os . path . isfile ( video ) :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
call ( f ''' ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss 0.1 -i " { video } " -vframes 1 " { thumb } " ''' , shell = True )
return_val = { " path " : str ( path_ ) , " type " : " vid " , " media " : video , " thumb " : thumb if os . path . isfile ( thumb ) else None , " caption " : " " }
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
except BaseException :
return return_val
async def json_dl ( iurl : str , doc : bool , caption : str ) :
link = iurl . split ( " /? " ) [ 0 ] + e_json
2023-02-04 19:56:39 +05:30
async with ( aiohttp . ClientSession ( ) as csession , csession . get ( link , timeout = 10 ) as session ) :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
try :
2023-02-04 19:56:39 +05:30
session_resp = await session . text ( )
rjson = json . loads ( session_resp )
except json . decoder . JSONDecodeError :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
return " failed "
if " require_login " in rjson :
2023-02-03 16:01:49 +05:30
return " failed "
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
return_val = " failed "
if " graphql " in rjson :
try :
url = rjson [ " graphql " ] [ " shortcode_media " ]
d_dir = f " downloads/ { time . time ( ) } "
os . makedirs ( d_dir )
if url [ " __typename " ] == " GraphVideo " :
url_ = url [ " video_url " ]
wget_x = download ( url_ , d_dir )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
call ( f ''' ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss 0.1 -i " { wget_x } " -vframes 1 " { d_dir } /i.png " ''' , shell = True )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " type " : " vid " , " media " : wget_x , " thumb " : d_dir + " /i.png " , " caption " : " " }
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if url [ " __typename " ] == " GraphImage " :
url_ = url [ " display_url " ]
wget_x = download ( url_ , d_dir + " /i.jpg " )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " type " : " img " , " media " : wget_x , " thumb " : None , " caption " : " " }
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if url [ " __typename " ] == " GraphSidecar " :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
url_list = [ ]
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
for i in url [ " edge_sidecar_to_children " ] [ " edges " ] :
if i [ " node " ] [ " __typename " ] == " GraphImage " :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
url_list . append ( i [ " node " ] [ " display_url " ] )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
if i [ " node " ] [ " __typename " ] == " GraphVideo " :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
url_list . append ( i [ " node " ] [ " video_url " ] )
downloads = await async_download ( urls = url_list , path = d_dir , doc = doc , caption = caption + " \n .. " )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " media " : downloads }
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
except Exception :
await bot . send_message ( chat_id = log_chat , text = str ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) )
return return_val
async def reddit_dl ( bot , message : Message ) :
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
link = url_ . split ( " /? " ) [ 0 ] + " .json?limit=1 "
headers = { " user-agent " : " Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10_8_7 rv:5.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.31.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/533.31.5 " }
return_val = " failed "
try :
async with ( aiohttp . ClientSession ( ) as session , session . get ( link , headers = headers ) as ss ) :
response = await ss . json ( )
json_ = response [ 0 ] [ " data " ] [ " children " ] [ 0 ] [ " data " ]
caption = f ' __ { json_ [ " subreddit_name_prefixed " ] } :__ \n ** { json_ [ " title " ] } ** \n \n '
d_dir = str ( time . time ( ) )
os . mkdir ( d_dir )
is_vid , is_gallery = json_ . get ( " is_video " ) , json_ . get ( " is_gallery " )
if is_vid :
video = f " { d_dir } /v.mp4 "
thumb = f " { d_dir } /i.png "
vid_url = json_ [ " secure_media " ] [ " reddit_video " ] [ " hls_url " ]
call ( f ' ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i " { vid_url . strip ( ) } " -c copy { video } ' , shell = True )
call ( f ''' ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss 0.1 -i " { video } " -vframes 1 " { thumb } " ''' , shell = True )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " type " : " vid " , " media " : video , " thumb " : thumb , " caption " : caption }
elif is_gallery :
grouped_media_urls = [ f ' https://i.redd.it/ { i [ " media_id " ] } .jpg ' for i in json_ [ " gallery_data " ] [ " items " ] ]
downloads = await async_download ( urls = grouped_media_urls , path = d_dir , doc = doc , caption = caption + f " Shared by : { sender_ } " )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " media " : downloads }
else :
2023-02-20 22:59:01 +05:30
media_ = json_get ( " url_overridden_by_dest " , " " ) . strip ( )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
if media_ . endswith ( ( " .jpg " , " .jpeg " , " .png " , " .webp " ) ) :
img = download ( media_ , d_dir )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " type " : " img " , " media " : img , " thumb " : None , " caption " : caption }
elif media_ . endswith ( " .gif " ) :
gif = download ( media_ , d_dir )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " type " : " animation " , " media " : gif , " thumb " : None , " caption " : caption }
else :
gif_url = json_ . get ( " preview " , { } ) . get ( " reddit_video_preview " , { } ) . get ( " fallback_url " )
if gif_url :
gif = download ( gif_url , d_dir )
return_val = { " path " : d_dir , " type " : " animation " , " media " : gif , " thumb " : None , " caption " : caption }
except Exception :
await bot . send_message ( chat_id = log_chat , text = str ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) )
return return_val
async def async_download ( urls : list , path : str , doc : bool = False , caption : str = " " ) :
down_loads = await asyncio . gather ( * [ asyncio . to_thread ( download , url , path ) for url in urls ] )
if doc :
return down_loads
[ os . rename ( file , file + " .png " ) for file in glob . glob ( f " { path } /*.webp " ) ]
files = glob . glob ( f " { path } /* " )
grouped_images = [ InputMediaPhoto ( img , caption = caption ) for img in files if img . endswith ( ( " .png " , " .jpg " , " .jpeg " ) ) ]
grouped_videos = [ InputMediaVideo ( vid , caption = caption ) for vid in files if vid . endswith ( ( " .mp4 " , " .mkv " , " .webm " ) ) ]
return_list = [ grouped_images [ imgs : imgs + 5 ] for imgs in range ( 0 , len ( grouped_images ) , 5 ) ] + [
grouped_videos [ vids : vids + 5 ] for vids in range ( 0 , len ( grouped_videos ) , 5 )
return return_list
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
class FakeLogger ( object ) :
def debug ( self , msg ) :
def warning ( self , msg ) :
def error ( self , msg ) :
async def add_h ( ) :
message_id = os . environ . get ( " MESSAGE " )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
if message_id is None :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
print ( " Enter Message id in config. \n " )
return 1
try :
msg = ( await bot . get_messages ( int ( log_chat ) , int ( message_id ) ) ) . text
except PeerIdInvalid :
print ( " Log channel not found. \n Check the variable for mistakes " )
return 1
chat_list . clear ( )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
if msg is None :
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
print ( " Message not found \n Check variable for mistakes \n " )
return 1
try :
chats_list = [ int ( i ) for i in msg . split ( ) ]
except ValueError :
print ( " Chat id message contains letters \n only numerical ids are allowed. \n Or the message id is wrong. \n " )
return 1
chat_list . extend ( chats_list )
social_handler = bot . add_handler (
MessageHandler (
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
dl , ( (
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
filters . regex ( r " ^https://www.instagram.com/* " )
| filters . regex ( r " ^https://youtube.com/shorts/* " )
| filters . regex ( r " ^https://twitter.com/* " )
| filters . regex ( r " ^https://vm.tiktok.com/* " )
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
| filters . regex ( r " ^https://www.reddit.com/* " )
) & filters . chat ( chat_list ) ) ) ,
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
group = 1 ,
2023-02-20 22:21:53 +05:30
handler_ . append ( social_handler )
2023-02-03 15:55:02 +05:30
async def boot ( ) :
check_handlers = await add_h ( )
msg = " #Social-dl \n Started \n "
if check_handlers == 1 :
msg + = " Running in command only mode. "
print ( msg )
await bot . send_message ( chat_id = int ( log_chat ) , text = msg )
await idle ( )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
bot . start ( )
bot . run ( boot ( ) )