+ Message_link :
+ * Create a private channel on TG.
+ * Send a list of Chat/Channel ids starting with -100 in your log channel like below.
+ * Bot will automatically download links in those chats/channels.
+ * Now copy that message's link and you will get something like
+ https://t.me/c/123456789/1
+ * So your value would be -100123456789/1
+ * User : Your user id to control bot.
+ * Trigger : Trigger to access bot.
+ * Download Latest [Termux](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/releases).
+ ```bash
+ # Update local packages after installing Termux.
+ yes|apt update && yes|apt upgrade
+ ```
+ * Run the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ # Install required packages.
+ apt install -y python git
+ # Clone Repo.
+ git clone -q https://github.com/anonymousx97/instadl
+ cd instadl
+ # Install Pypi packages
+ pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
+ pip install -r req.txt
+ #Setup config.env
+ cp sample-config.env config.env
+ # Add your variables after running next command.
+ nano config.env
+ # Start bot
+ python instadl.py
+ ```
+ * If everything is correct you will get