From e97fe64327cc3e70240800e7c1d86463b152b9f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anonymousx97 <88324835+anonymousx97@users.noreply.github>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 15:55:02 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Rework and Feature update.
--- | 13 +- | 159 ---------------
req.txt | 2 +-
sample-config.env | 8 +- | 492 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644
create mode 100644
diff --git a/ b/
index d749266..81a6731 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
* Bot will automatically download links in those chats/channels.
* Now copy that message's link and you will get something like
- * So your value would be -100123456789/1
+ * So your values would be LOG=-100123456789, MESSAGE=1
* User : Your user id to control bot.
@@ -60,8 +61,12 @@
* Send Instagram link in any authorised chat/channel, bot will try to download and send the media.
* Owner only commands:
* `.dl link` to download and send media in any chat.
- * `.update` to refresh chat list without restarting bot.
- * `.restart` to restart bot.
+ * `.rdl` to download media from reddit.
+ * `.bot update` to refresh chat list without restarting bot.
+ * `.bot restart` to restart bot.
+ * `.bot ids` to get chat / channel / user IDs.
+ * `.bot join or leave` to join / leave chat using ID.
+ * `.del` to delete message.
* These commands can be used anywhere and are not limited to authorised chats.
# Known limitations:
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f06272..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import time
-from dotenv import load_dotenv
-from pyrogram import Client, filters, idle
-from pyrogram.handlers import MessageHandler
-from pyrogram.types import Message
-from pyrogram.errors import PeerIdInvalid
-import logging
-if os.path.isfile("config.env"):
- load_dotenv("config.env")
-bot = Client(
- name="bot",
- session_string=os.environ.get("STRING_SESSION"),
- api_id=int(os.environ.get("API_ID")),
- api_hash=os.environ.get("API_HASH"),
-user_= int(os.environ.get("USER"))
-chat_var = os.environ.get("MESSAGE_LINK").split("/")
-chat_list = []
-handler_ = None
-async def add_h():
- try:
- msg = (await bot.get_messages(int(chat_var[0]), int(chat_var[1]))).text
- except PeerIdInvalid:
- print("WARNING:\n Make sure you have entered the\n message link variable correctly\n Check for details\n\nCurrently running on command mode.\n")
- return
- chat_list.clear()
- chat_list.extend([int(i) for i in msg.split()])
- global handler_
- handler_ = bot.add_handler(
- MessageHandler(
- dl, filters.regex("^*") &
- ),
- group=1,
- )
-async def update_h(bot, message: Message):
- bot.remove_handler(*handler_)
- await add_h()
- await message.reply("Chat list refreshed")
-def boot():
- bot.start()
- bot.add_handler(
- MessageHandler(dl, filters.command(commands="dl", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user([user_])), group=0
- )
- bot.add_handler(
- MessageHandler(
- update_h, filters.command(commands="update", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user([user_])
- ),
- group=2,
- )
- try:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_var[0], text="#Instadl\n**Started**")
- except PeerIdInvalid:
- pass
- print("STARTED")
- idle()
-def dl(bot, message: Message):
- msg_ = message.reply("`trying to download...`")
- import shutil
- m = message.text.split()
- caption = "Shared by : "
- if message.sender_chat:
- caption += message.author_signature
- else:
- caption += (
- bot.get_users(message.from_user.username or
- ).first_name
- del_link = True
- for i in m:
- if i.startswith("http"):
- try:
- link = i.split("/?")[0] + "/?__a=1&__d=dis"
- import requests
- from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, MediaEmpty, WebpageCurlFailed
- #import fake_headers
- #h = fake_headers.Headers(browser="chrome", os="android", headers=True).generate()
- session = requests.Session()
- rurl_ = session.get(link)
- url = rurl_.json()["graphql"]["shortcode_media"]
- if url["__typename"] == "GraphVideo":
- url_=url["video_url"]
- message.reply_video(url_, caption=caption)
- if url["__typename"] == "GraphImage":
- url_=url["display_url"]
- message.reply_photo(url_, caption=caption)
- if url["__typename"] == "GraphSidecar":
- msg_.edit("Multiple Media found.\nTrying to send all......")
- for i in url["edge_sidecar_to_children"]["edges"]:
- time.sleep(1)
- if i["node"]["__typename"] == "GraphImage":
- url_=i["node"]["display_url"]
- message.reply_photo(
- url_, caption=caption
- )
- if i["node"]["__typename"] == "GraphVideo":
- url_=i["node"]["video_url"]
- message.reply_video(url_, caption=caption)
- except FloodWait as f:
- time.sleep(f.value + 2)
- except (MediaEmpty, WebpageCurlFailed):
- from wget import download
- x = download(url_)
- message.reply_video(x, caption=caption)
- if os.path.isfile(x):
- shutil.rmtree(x)
- except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError):
- try:
- time_ = time.time()
- import yt_dlp
- v = f"{time_}/v.mp4"
- _opts = {
- "outtmpl": v,
- "logger": logger,
- "ignoreerrors": True,
- "quite":True,
- "format": "bv[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4]",
- }
- x = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(_opts).download(i)
- message.reply_video(v, caption=caption)
- shutil.rmtree(str(time_))
- except Exception as e:
- msg_.edit(f"link not supported or private.")
- if not str(e).startswith("Failed to decode") and len(chat_list)!=0:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_var[0], text=str(e))
- del_link = False
- if del_link:
- msg_.delete()
- if del_link or == 1503856346:
- message.delete()
-@bot.on_message(filters.command(commands="restart", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user([user_]))
-async def rest(bot, message):
- import sys
- os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, "")
- sys.exit()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- boot()
diff --git a/req.txt b/req.txt
index c8d967c..bc52371 100644
--- a/req.txt
+++ b/req.txt
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ Pyrogram==2.0.57
diff --git a/sample-config.env b/sample-config.env
index 3a5fee2..6a9486e 100644
--- a/sample-config.env
+++ b/sample-config.env
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ API_HASH="abcd1238fn...."
\ No newline at end of file
+USERS=[12345678] # Multiple user IDs should be separated by ,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1452e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+import asyncio
+import base64
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+from subprocess import call
+import aiohttp
+import yt_dlp
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+from pyrogram import Client, filters, idle
+from pyrogram.enums import ChatType
+from pyrogram.errors import MediaEmpty, PhotoSaveFileInvalid, WebpageCurlFailed, PeerIdInvalid
+from pyrogram.handlers import MessageHandler
+from pyrogram.types import InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo, Message
+from wget import download
+if os.path.isfile("config.env"):
+ load_dotenv("config.env")
+bot = Client(
+ name="bot",
+ session_string=os.environ.get("STRING_SESSION"),
+ api_id=os.environ.get("API_ID"),
+ api_hash=os.environ.get("API_HASH"),
+log_chat = os.environ.get("LOG")
+if log_chat == None:
+ print("Enter log channel id in config")
+ exit()
+chat_list = []
+handler_ = []
+users = json.loads(os.environ.get("USERS"))
+trigger = os.environ.get("TRIGGER")
+e_json = base64.b64decode("Lz9fX2E9MSZfX2Q9MQ==").decode("utf-8")
+@bot.on_message(filters.command(commands="bot", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user(users))
+async def multi_func(bot, message: Message):
+ rw_message = message.text.split()
+ try:
+ if "restart" in rw_message:
+ """Restart bot"""
+ os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, __file__)
+ elif "ids" in rw_message:
+ """Get chat / channel id"""
+ ids = ""
+ reply = message.reply_to_message
+ if reply:
+ reply_forward = reply.forward_from_chat
+ reply_user = reply.from_user
+ ids += f"Chat : `{}`\n"
+ if reply_forward:
+ ids += f"Replied {'Channel' if reply_forward.type == ChatType.CHANNEL else 'Chat'} : `{}`\n"
+ if reply_user:
+ ids += f"User : {}"
+ else:
+ ids = f"Chat :`{}`"
+ await message.reply(ids)
+ elif "update" in rw_message:
+ """Update Auto-DL chats"""
+ for i in handler_:
+ bot.remove_handler(*i)
+ await add_h()
+ await message.reply("Chat list refreshed")
+ elif "join" in rw_message:
+ """Join a Chat"""
+ if len(rw_message) > 2:
+ try:
+ await bot.join_chat(rw_message[-1])
+ except KeyError:
+ await bot.join_chat(rw_message[-1].split()[-1])
+ except Exception as e:
+ return await message.reply(str(e))
+ await message.reply("Joined")
+ elif "leave" in rw_message:
+ """Leave a Chat"""
+ if len(rw_message) == 3:
+ chat = rw_message[-1]
+ else:
+ chat =
+ await bot.leave_chat(chat)
+ else:
+ await message.reply("Social-DL is running.")
+ except Exception:
+ await bot.send_message(chat_id=log_chat, text=str(traceback.format_exc()))
+ filters.command(commands="term", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user(users)
+async def run_cmd(bot, message: Message):
+ """Function to run shell commands"""
+ cmd = message.text.replace("+term", "")
+ status_ = await message.reply("executing...")
+ process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
+ cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ stdout, stderr = await process.communicate()
+ if process.returncode is not None:
+ output = f"${cmd}"
+ if stdout:
+ output += f"\n\n**Output:**\n\n`{stdout.decode('utf-8')}`"
+ if stderr:
+ output += f"\n\n**Error:**\n\n`{stderr.decode('utf-8')}`"
+ await status_.edit(output)
+@bot.on_message(filters.command(commands="del", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user(users))
+async def delete_message(bot, message: Message):
+ """Delete Messages"""
+ reply = message.reply_to_message
+ await message.delete()
+ if reply:
+ await reply.delete()
+@bot.on_message(filters.command(commands="dl", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user(users))
+async def dl(bot, message: Message):
+ """ The main Logic Function to download media """
+ response = await bot.send_message(, "`trying to download...`")
+ rw_message = message.text.split()
+ curse_ = ""
+ caption = "Shared by : "
+ if message.sender_chat:
+ caption += message.author_signature
+ else:
+ caption += message.from_user.first_name
+ check_dl = "failed"
+ if "-d" in rw_message:
+ doc = True
+ else:
+ doc = False
+ for i in rw_message:
+ if i.startswith(""):
+ check_dl = await iyt_dl(url=i)
+ curse_ = "#FuckInstagram"
+ if check_dl == "failed":
+ check_dl = await json_dl(iurl=i, caption=caption, doc=doc)
+ if "" in i or "" in i or "" in i:
+ check_dl = await iyt_dl(url=i)
+ if isinstance(check_dl, dict):
+ """Send Media if response from check dl contains data dict"""
+ if isinstance(check_dl["media"], list):
+ for data_ in check_dl["media"]:
+ if isinstance(vv, list):
+ """Send Grouped Media if data contains a list made of smaller lists of 5 medias"""
+ await bot.send_media_group(
+ media=data_,
+ if message.reply_to_message
+ else None,
+ )
+ await asyncio.sleep(3)
+ else:
+ """Send Document if data is list of media files"""
+ await bot.send_document(
+ document=data_,
+ caption=caption,
+ if message.reply_to_message
+ else None,
+ )
+ """ If media isn't a list then it's a single file to be sent """
+ if isinstance(check_dl["media"], str):
+ if doc:
+ await bot.send_document(
+ document=check_dl["media"],
+ caption=caption,
+ if message.reply_to_message
+ else None,
+ )
+ else:
+ if check_dl["type"] == "img":
+ await bot.send_photo(
+ photo=check_dl["media"],
+ caption=caption,
+ if message.reply_to_message
+ else None,
+ )
+ if check_dl["type"] == "vid":
+ try:
+ await bot.send_video(
+ video=check_dl["media"],
+ caption=caption,
+ thumb=check_dl["thumb"]
+ if os.path.isfile(check_dl["thumb"])
+ else None,
+ if message.reply_to_message
+ else None,
+ )
+ except (MediaEmpty, WebpageCurlFailed):
+ pass
+ if os.path.exists(str(check_dl["path"])):
+ shutil.rmtree(str(check_dl["path"]))
+ check_dl = "done"
+ if check_dl == "failed":
+ await response.edit(f"Media Download Failed.\n{curse_}")
+ if check_dl == "done":
+ await message.delete()
+ await response.delete()
+async def iyt_dl(url: str):
+ """Stop post url handling because this only downloads Videos and post might contain images"""
+ if url.startswith(""):
+ return "failed"
+ path_ = time.time()
+ video = f"{path_}/v.mp4"
+ thumb = f"{path_}/i.png"
+ _opts = {
+ "outtmpl": video,
+ "ignoreerrors": True,
+ "ignore_no_formats_error": True,
+ "format": "bv[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4]",
+ "quiet": True,
+ "logger": FakeLogger(),
+ }
+ return_val = "failed"
+ try:
+ yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(_opts).download(url)
+ if os.path.isfile(video):
+ call(
+ f'''ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss 0.1 -i "{video}" -vframes 1 "{thumb}"''',
+ shell=True,
+ )
+ return_val = {
+ "path": str(path_),
+ "type": "vid",
+ "media": video,
+ "thumb": thumb,
+ }
+ except BaseException:
+ pass
+ return return_val
+async def json_dl(iurl: str, doc: bool, caption: str):
+ link = iurl.split("/?")[0] + e_json
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ try:
+ async with session.get(link, timeout=10) as session:
+ session_resp = await session.text()
+ rjson = json.loads(session_resp)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return "failed"
+ if "require_login" in rjson:
+ print('failed')
+ return_val = "failed"
+ if "graphql" in rjson:
+ try:
+ url = rjson["graphql"]["shortcode_media"]
+ d_dir = f"downloads/{time.time()}"
+ os.makedirs(d_dir)
+ if url["__typename"] == "GraphVideo":
+ url_ = url["video_url"]
+ wget_x = download(url_, d_dir)
+ call(
+ f'''ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss 0.1 -i "{wget_x}" -vframes 1 "{d_dir}/i.png"''',
+ shell=True,
+ )
+ return_val = { "path": d_dir, "type": "vid", "media": wget_x, "thumb": d_dir + "/i.png" }
+ if url["__typename"] == "GraphImage":
+ url_ = url["display_url"]
+ wget_x = download(url_, d_dir + "/i.jpg")
+ return_val = { "path": d_dir, "type": "img", "media": wget_x, "thumb": "" }
+ if url["__typename"] == "GraphSidecar":
+ doc_list = []
+ vlist = []
+ vlist2 = []
+ plist = []
+ plist2 = []
+ for i in url["edge_sidecar_to_children"]["edges"]:
+ if i["node"]["__typename"] == "GraphImage":
+ url_ = i["node"]["display_url"]
+ wget_x = download(url_, d_dir)
+ if wget_x.endswith(".webp"):
+ os.rename(wget_x, wget_x + ".jpg")
+ wget_x = wget_x + ".jpg"
+ if doc:
+ doc_list.append(wget_x)
+ else:
+ if len(plist) >= 5:
+ plist2.append(InputMediaPhoto(media=wget_x, caption=caption))
+ else:
+ plist.append(InputMediaPhoto(media=wget_x, caption=caption))
+ if i["node"]["__typename"] == "GraphVideo":
+ url_ = i["node"]["video_url"]
+ wget_x = download(url_, d_dir)
+ if doc:
+ doc_list.append(wget_x)
+ else:
+ if len(vlist) >= 5:
+ vlist2.append(InputMediaVideo(media=wget_x, caption=caption))
+ else:
+ vlist.append(InputMediaVideo(media=wget_x, caption=caption))
+ if doc:
+ return_val = {"path": d_dir, "media": doc_list}
+ else:
+ return_val = {
+ "path": d_dir,
+ "media": [
+ zz for zz in [plist, plist2, vlist, vlist2] if len(zz) > 0
+ ],
+ }
+ except Exception:
+ await bot.send_message(chat_id=log_chat, text=str(traceback.format_exc()))
+ return return_val
+@bot.on_message(filters.command(commands="rdl", prefixes=trigger) & filters.user(users))
+async def reddit_dl(bot, message: Message):
+ ext = None
+ del_link = True
+ rw_message = message.text.split()
+ response = await bot.send_message(
+, text="Trying to download..."
+ )
+ if message.sender_chat:
+ sender_ = message.author_signature
+ else:
+ sender_ = message.from_user.first_name
+ for link_ in rw_message:
+ if link_.startswith(""):
+ link = link_.split("/?")[0] + ".json?limit=1"
+ headers = {
+ "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10_8_7 rv:5.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.31.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/533.31.5",
+ }
+ try:
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.get(link, headers=headers) as ss:
+ session_response = await ss.json()
+ json_ = session_response[0]["data"]["children"][0]["data"]
+ check_ = json_["secure_media"]
+ title_ = json_["title"]
+ subr = json_["subreddit_name_prefixed"]
+ caption = f"__{subr}:__\n**{title_}**\n\nShared by : {sender_}"
+ d_dir = str(time.time())
+ os.mkdir(d_dir)
+ if isinstance(check_, dict):
+ v = f"{d_dir}/v.mp4"
+ t = f"{d_dir}/i.png"
+ if "oembed" in check_:
+ vid_url = json_["preview"]["reddit_video_preview"]["fallback_url"]
+ await bot.send_animation(
+ animation=vid_url,
+ unsave=True,
+ caption=caption,
+ )
+ else:
+ vid_url = check_["reddit_video"]["hls_url"]
+ call(
+ f'ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i "{vid_url.strip()}" -c copy {v}',
+ shell=True,
+ )
+ call(
+ f'''ffmpeg -ss 0.1 -i "{v}" -vframes 1 "{t}"''', shell=True
+ )
+ await message.reply_video(v, caption=caption, thumb=t)
+ else:
+ media_ = json_["url_overridden_by_dest"]
+ try:
+ if media_.strip().endswith(".gif"):
+ ext = ".gif"
+ await bot.send_animation(
+ animation=media_,
+ unsave=True,
+ caption=caption,
+ )
+ if media_.strip().endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".webp")):
+ ext = ".png"
+ await message.reply_photo(media_, caption=caption)
+ except (MediaEmpty, WebpageCurlFailed):
+ download(media_, f"{d_dir}/i{ext}")
+ if ext == ".gif":
+ await bot.send_animation(
+ animation=f"{d_dir}/i.gif",
+ unsave=True,
+ caption=caption,
+ )
+ else:
+ try:
+ await message.reply_photo(f"{d_dir}/i.png", caption=caption)
+ except PhotoSaveFileInvalid:
+ await message.reply_document(document=f"{d_dir}/i.png", caption=caption)
+ if os.path.exists(str(d_dir)):
+ shutil.rmtree(str(d_dir))
+ except Exception:
+ del_link = False
+ await bot.send_message(chat_id=log_chat, text=str(traceback.format_exc()))
+ await response.edit("Link doesn't contain any media or is restricted\nTip: Make sure you are sending original post url and not an embedded post.")
+ continue
+ if del_link:
+ await message.delete()
+ await response.delete()
+class FakeLogger(object):
+ def debug(self, msg):
+ pass
+ def warning(self, msg):
+ pass
+ def error(self, msg):
+ pass
+async def add_h():
+ message_id = os.environ.get("MESSAGE")
+ if message_id == None:
+ print("Enter Message id in config.\n")
+ return 1
+ try:
+ msg = (await bot.get_messages(int(log_chat), int(message_id))).text
+ except PeerIdInvalid:
+ print("Log channel not found.\nCheck the variable for mistakes")
+ return 1
+ chat_list.clear()
+ if msg == None:
+ print("Message not found\nCheck variable for mistakes\n")
+ return 1
+ try:
+ chats_list = [int(i) for i in msg.split()]
+ except ValueError:
+ print("Chat id message contains letters\nonly numerical ids are allowed.\nOr the message id is wrong.\n")
+ return 1
+ chat_list.extend(chats_list)
+ social_handler = bot.add_handler(
+ MessageHandler(
+ dl,
+ (
+ (
+ filters.regex(r"^*")
+ | filters.regex(r"^*")
+ | filters.regex(r"^*")
+ | filters.regex(r"^*")
+ )
+ &
+ ),
+ ),
+ group=1,
+ )
+ reddit_handler = bot.add_handler(
+ MessageHandler(
+ reddit_dl,
+ (filters.regex(r"^*") &,
+ ),
+ group=2,
+ )
+ handler_.extend([social_handler, reddit_handler])
+async def boot():
+ check_handlers = await add_h()
+ msg = "#Social-dl\nStarted\n"
+ if check_handlers == 1:
+ msg += "Running in command only mode."
+ print(msg)
+ await bot.send_message(chat_id=int(log_chat), text=msg)
+ await idle()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ bot.start()