API_ID=12345678 # You API ID API_HASH="abf12395nskfns" # HASH API_KEYS=[] # Your https://api.webscraping.ai/ Keys # Multiple values are separated by , # so [122456, 78990] BLOCKED_USERS_MESSAGE_ID = 0 # Last digits of a link # t.me/1263849/69 # 69 in the end of the list so Value is 69 # Blocked users list DEV_MODE=0 # Change to 1 if you want exec, sh, shell commands LOG_CHAT=-100..... # Log channel •Required• AUTO_DL_MESSAGE_ID=0 # Last digits of link # For Auto DL chat List TRIGGER="." STRING_SESSION="Aq0dj......" # Your session USERS_MESSAGE_ID = 0 # for Users List with full bot access # enter last digits of link