* Grammar updates to the General folder * Grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * More minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Minor grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Grammar fixes * Changed to AdGuard Ad Blocker * Minor text fix * Corrected to "phishing site filter" * Fixed the Facebook link * Changed adguard-dns.com to adguard-dns.io * Grammar fixes * Changed to Disclosure * Minor text updates Co-authored-by: Vasily Bagirov <vbagirov@adguard.com>
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title | taxonomy | visible | |||
Userscripts |
true |
First, let's get it clear. What is a userscript? Userscripts (we also call them "extensions") are, de-facto, mini-programs written in Javascript. They modify or extend the functionality of one or more websites. Many AdGuard users may be already familiar with such userscripts as AdGuard Assistant, Popup Blocker, and AdGuard Extra.
Supported apps
AdGuard can significantly broaden website functionality by acting as a userscript manager. You can add your custom scripts or manage the existing ones in our three products: AdGuard for Windows, AdGuard for Android and AdGuard for Mac.
Recommended AdGuard scripts
These userscripts come directly from the AdGuard developers, and we can guarantee that they are effective and safe. Remember: whenever you download a userscript from an unknown source, you expose yourself to risk, as some scripts may be harmful to your computer. Get new scripts only from the sources you trust 100%. Furthermore, here are some examples of popular sites with scripts.
AdGuard Extra - An extension that blocks advertising in difficult cases when the usual filter-based approach is not enough.
AdGuard Popup Blocker - The name speaks for itself. It blocks popups - one of the most annoying types of ads on web pages.
AdGuard Assistant (legacy version) - This custom extension is designed to control filtering directly from the browser page (manual blocking, exclusion of the site, etc.).
Note that this version of Assistant is legacy and there is no point in using it on new systems, since it has been replaced with the full-fledged Browser Assistant. But legacy Assistant might be of help if there is no Browser Assistant extension for your browser.
Disable AMP - A script, pre-installed only in AdGuard for Android, that disables AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) on the Google search results page.
Where can you get more userscripts?
As userscripts are created mainly by enthusiasts, you should be cautious when installing them. Yet, there is a great variety of interesting scripts that can really make using some websites more convenient.
Here we will describe some of the most popular userscript catalogs.
Stylish (userstyles.org)
Userstyles.org is a catalog of user styles, but it allows you to load them as userscripts. Thus, any user style can be installed via AdGuard. Be careful if you decide to install an unpopular script - there's a risk it might be harmful.
Greasy Fork
Greasy Fork is a userscript catalog by Stylish creators. Unlike the above-mentioned userstyles.org, the scripts in this catalog undergo moderation, so their credibility is much higher.
OpenUserJS.org is an open source userscript catalog written in nodeJS. It doesn't have moderation so stay alert to any suspicious scripts.
If you like the idea of personifying your browser with the help of userscripts, and you have any questions, you can ask them on one of these websites:
Request License
If you are developing your own custom script and want to test how it works with AdGuard, request a beta-license key for the app.
To get it, please send an email to devteam at adguard.com with the following information:
Subject: Userscript author license request
Body: Please tell us about the userscripts you are working on.
Here is a mailto link.
Metadata block
Supported properties
Unsupported properties
These properties will be simply ignored by Adguard.
Supported GM functions
AdGuard supports both old GM_ functions and new GM4 API that use GM object.
Note that all listed old Greasemonkey functions are deprecated but still supported.
GM.info / GM_info
GM.setValue / GM_setValue
GM.getValue / GM_getValue
GM.listValues / GM_listValues
GM.deleteValue / GM_deleteValue
GM.getResourceUrl / GM_getResourceURL
GM.setClipboard / GM_setClipboard
GM.xmlHttpRequest / GM_xmlhttpRequest
GM.openInTab / GM_openInTab
Here you can find more information about Greasemonkey API.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Name as shown to the user when locale is english or unknown
// @name:ru Name as shown to the user when locale is russian
// @description Description as shown to the user when locale is english or unknown
// @description:ru Description as shown to the user when locale is russian
// @icon https://myhomepage.com/myuserscript.png
// @version
// @downloadURL https://dl.myhomepage.org/myuserscript.user.js
// @updateURL https://dl.myhomepage.org/myuserscript.meta.js
// @homepageURL https://myhomepage.com/myuserscript
// @include *
// @exclude *://website.com/*
// @resource https://myhomepage.com/myuserscript.css
// @require https://myhomepage.com/mylibrary.js
// @grant property:settings
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_getResourceURL
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
console.log("I am loaded!");