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<?php namespace CodeIgniter\HTTP;
use App\Config\AppConfig;
* Class OutgoingRequest
* A lightweight HTTP client for sending synchronous HTTP requests
* via cURL.
* @todo Add a few helpers for dealing with JSON, forms, files, etc.
* @package CodeIgniter\HTTPLite
class CURLRequest extends Request
* @var ResponseInterface
protected $response;
* @var URI
protected $base_uri;
* The setting values
* @var array
protected $config = [
'timeout' => 0.0,
'connect_timeout' => 150,
'debug' => false
* Takes an array of options to set the following possible class properties:
* - baseURI
* - timeout
* - any other request options to use as defaults.
* @param array $options
public function __construct(AppConfig $config, URI $uri, ResponseInterface $response=null, array $options=[])
if (! function_exists('curl_version'))
throw new \RuntimeException('CURL must be enabled to use the CURLRequest class.');
$this->response = $response;
$this->base_uri = $uri;
* Sends an HTTP request to the specified $url. If this is a relative
* URL, it will be merged with $this->baseURI to form a complete URL.
* @param $method
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function request($method, string $url, array $options = []): Response
$url = $this->prepareURL($url);
$this->send($method, $url);
return $this->response;
* Convenience method for sending a GET request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function get(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('get', $url, $options);
* Convenience method for sending a DELETE request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function delete(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('delete', $url, $options);
* Convenience method for sending a HEAD request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function head(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('head', $url, $options);
* Convenience method for sending an OPTIONS request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function options(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('options', $url, $options);
* Convenience method for sending a PATCH request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function patch(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('patch', $url, $options);
* Convenience method for sending a POST request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function post(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('post', $url, $options);
* Convenience method for sending a PUT request.
* @param string $url
* @param array $options
* @return Response
public function put(string $url, array $options = []): Response
return $this->request('put', $url, $options);
* Sets the correct settings based on the options array
* passed in.
* @param array $options
protected function parseOptions(array $options)
if (array_key_exists('base_uri', $options))
$this->base_uri = $this->base_uri->setURI($options['base_uri']);
if (array_key_exists('headers', $options) && is_array($options['headers']))
foreach ($options['headers'] as $name => $value)
$this->setHeader($name, $value);
foreach ($options as $key => $value)
$this->config[$key] = $value;
* If the $url is a relative URL, will attempt to create
* a full URL by prepending $this->base_uri to it.
* @param string $url
* @return string
protected function prepareURL(string $url): string
// If it's a full URI, then we have nothing to do here...
if (strpos($url, '://') !== false)
return $url;
$uri = $this->base_uri->resolveRelativeURI($url);
return (string)$uri;
* Fires the actual cURL request.
* @param string $url
public function send(string $method, string $url)
// Reset our curl options so we're on a fresh slate.
$curl_options = [];
$curl_options[CURLOPT_URL] = $url;
$curl_options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = true;
$curl_options[CURLOPT_HEADER] = true;
$curl_options[CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT] = true;
$curl_options = $this->setCURLOptions($curl_options, $this->config);
$curl_options = $this->applyMethod($method, $curl_options);
$curl_options = $this->applyRequestHeaders($curl_options);
$output = $this->sendRequest($curl_options);
// Split out our headers and body
$break = strpos($output, "\r\n\r\n");
if ($break !== false)
// Our headers
$headers = explode("\n", substr($output, 0, $break));
// Our body
$body = substr($output, $break+4);
return true;
* Takes all headers current part of this request and adds them
* to the cURL request.
* @param array $curl_options
protected function applyRequestHeaders(array $curl_options=[]): array
$headers = $this->headers();
if (empty($head)) return $curl_options;
$set = [];
foreach ($headers as $name => $value)
$set[] = $name.': '. $this->headerLine($name);
$curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $set;
return $curl_options;
protected function applyMethod($method, array $curl_options): array
$method = strtoupper($method);
$curl_options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $method;
$size = strlen($this->body);
// Have content?
if ($size === null || $size > 0)
$curl_options = $this->applyBody($curl_options);
return $curl_options;
if ($method == 'PUT' || $method == 'POST')
// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2
if (is_null($this->header('content-length')))
$this->setHeader('Content-Length', 0);
else if ($method == 'HEAD')
$curl_options[CURLOPT_NOBODY] = 1;
return $curl_options;
protected function applyBody(array $curl_options=[]): array
if (! empty($this->body))
$curl_options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = (string)$this->body();
// curl sometimes adds a content type by default, prevent this
$this->setHeader('Content-Type', '');
return $curl_options;
* Parses the header retrieved from the cURL response into
* our Response object.
* @param array $headers
protected function setResponseHeaders(array $headers = [])
foreach ($headers as $header)
if (($pos = strpos($header, ':')) !== false)
$title = substr($header, 0, $pos);
$value = substr($header, $pos+1);
$this->response->setHeader($title, $value);
else if (substr($header, 0, 4) == 'HTTP')
preg_match('#^HTTP\/(1\.[01]) ([0-9]+) (.+)#', $header, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1]))
if (isset($matches[2]))
$this->response->setStatusCode($matches[2], isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null);
protected function setCURLOptions(array $curl_options=[], array $config=[])
// Auth Headers
if (! empty($config['auth']))
$curl_options[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = $config['auth'][0].':'.$config['auth'][1];
if (! empty($config['auth'][2]) && strtolower($config['auth'][2]) == 'digest')
// Certificate
if (! empty($config['cert']))
$cert = $config['cert'];
if (is_array($cert))
$curl_options[CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD] = $cert[1];
$cert = $cert[0];
if (! file_exists($cert))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSL certificate not found at: '. $cert);
$curl_options[CURLOPT_SSLCERT] = $cert;
// Debug
if (isset($config['debug']))
$curl_options[CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = 1;
$curl_options[CURLOPT_STDERR] = is_bool($config['debug']) ? fopen('php://output', 'w+') : $config['debug'];
// Decode Content
if (! empty($config['decode_content']))
$accept = $this->headerLine('Accept-Encoding');
if ($accept)
$curl_options[CURLOPT_ENCODING] = $accept;
$curl_options[CURLOPT_ENCODING] = '';
$curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = 'Accept-Encoding';
// Timeout
$curl_options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS] = (float)$config['timeout'] * 1000;
// Connection Timeout
$curl_options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS] = (float)$config['connect_timeout'] * 1000;
return $curl_options;
* Does the actual work of initializing cURL, setting the options,
* and grabbing the output.
* @param array $curl_options
* @return string
protected function sendRequest(array $curl_options = []): string
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_options);
// Send the request and wait for a response.
$output = curl_exec($ch);
if($output === false)
throw new \RuntimeException(curl_errno($ch) .': '. curl_error($ch));
return $output;