2018-09-08 23:26:19 -07:00

945 B

name about
Bug report Create a report to help us improve

name: Bug report about: Help us improve the framework by reporting bugs!

Direction We use github issues to track bugs, not for support.
If you have a support question, or a feature request, raise these as threads on our forum.

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

CodeIgniter 4 version Which version (and branch, if applicable) the bug is in.

Affected module(s) Which package or class is the bug in, if known.

Expected behavior, and steps to reproduce if appropriate A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen, and how you got there.
Feel free to include a text/log extract, but use a pastebin facility for any screenshots you deem necessary.


  • OS: [e.g. Windows 99]
  • Web server [e.g. Apache 1.2.3]
  • PHP version [e.g. 6.5.4]