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CodeIgniter 4 Development
This repo contains work that may or may not make it into the official version of CodeIgniter.
More information about the plans for version 4 can be found in the announcement on the forums.
We are not accepting contributions from the public until a stable enough base has been formed, and our plans fleshed out and things settle down a little bit. At that point, we will welcome your comments and help creating the best framework for our community.
Server Requirements
PHP version 7 is required.
You can obtain a working Vagrant box from Rasmus Lerdorf here.
Tests are done using the latest version of PHPUnit, which is currently 4.8.x. It is easiest to install it globally using Composer. Tests are restricted to classes within the /system
directory, and the directory structure should of the tests should mimic the directory structure of /system
Running Tests
Tests are run from the command line from the project root - the same folder that has the phpunit.xml
file in it.
$ phpunit
Simply calling this will run the entire test suite.
Checking Code Coverage
Code Coverage requires that XDebug is also install and running in your current PHP setup. The following command will run coverage, provide a coverage report on screen, in a text file (coverage.txt) and within the /coverage directory.
$ phpunit --colors --coverage-text=coverage.txt --coverage-html=coverage/