2024-01-14 16:01:20 +01:00

21 lines
923 B

Each pull request should address a single issue and have a meaningful title.
- PR title must include the type (feat, fix, chore, docs, perf, refactor, style, test) of the commit per Conventional Commits specification. See for the discussion.
- Pull requests must be in English.
- If a pull request fixes an issue, reference the issue with a suitable keyword (e.g., Fixes <issue number>).
- All bug fixes should be sent to the __"develop"__ branch, this is where the next bug fix version will be developed.
- PRs with any enhancement should be sent to the next minor version branch, e.g. __"4.5"__
Explain what you have changed, and why.
- [ ] Securely signed commits
- [ ] Component(s) with PHPDoc blocks, only if necessary or adds value
- [ ] Unit testing, with >80% coverage
- [ ] User guide updated
- [ ] Conforms to style guide