alice.conf: Add some comments about section usage #147

jof merged 1 commits from jof/describe-config into develop 2024-02-29 17:20:16 +08:00
jof commented 2024-02-23 12:35:35 +08:00 (Migrated from

I was duplicating a lot of prefixes into [rejection_reasons]. With the BIRD source, this wasn't an issue, but with bgplgd sources which don't show Adj-RIBs-Out data per-peer, the presence of a route in the [rejection_reasons] section actually shows the route as filtered, even though it wasn't actually getting filtered out.

This adds some comments to the sections to describe their use a bit more, in the hopes of preventing this confusion for future alice-lg operators.

I was duplicating a lot of prefixes into `[rejection_reasons]`. With the BIRD source, this wasn't an issue, but with bgplgd sources which don't show Adj-RIBs-Out data per-peer, the presence of a route in the `[rejection_reasons]` section actually shows the route as filtered, even though it wasn't actually getting filtered out. This adds some comments to the sections to describe their use a bit more, in the hopes of preventing this confusion for future alice-lg operators.
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