Better status information from gobgp #20

emil-palm wants to merge 3 commits from Netnod/gobgp_status into develop
emil-palm commented 2019-05-10 22:59:14 +08:00 (Migrated from

DO NOT MERGE YET. Waiting on PRs from GoBGP.

including version and uptime/reconfigured info.

### **DO NOT MERGE YET. Waiting on PRs from GoBGP.** including version and uptime/reconfigured info.
annikahannig (Migrated from approved these changes 2019-05-11 16:42:35 +08:00
annikahannig (Migrated from left a comment

Looks good to me!

Looks good to me!
annikahannig commented 2020-07-08 22:37:50 +08:00 (Migrated from

@mrevilme Are there any news on the gobgp side? :)

@mrevilme Are there any news on the gobgp side? :)
This pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.
  • backend/Makefile
  • backend/sources/gobgp/routes.go
  • backend/sources/gobgp/source.go


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin Netnod/gobgp_status:Netnod/gobgp_status
git checkout Netnod/gobgp_status
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