Fictioneer 5.22.0 Stable
released this
2024-08-06 21:09:26 +08:00 | 957 commits to main since this releaseYou now have the option to add a sidebar! Whether that makes sense is debatable, but there it is. This update also includes many important fixes and improvements, styling for widget blocks like the calendar, and new customization options. For anyone struggling with migrating from another theme, take a look at the new migration guide for pointers.
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Highlight: Sidebar
Previously, rendering a sidebar was only possible via shortcode and lacked proper styling. Now, you can enable a two-column layout in the Customizer (left or right). For additional control, you can choose to hide the sidebar globally on certain post types or individually on each post or page. More details can be found in the updated documentation.
Release Notes
- Fixed: Large site logos should no longer break the layout on mobile
- Fixed: File block embeds will no longer break the button style
- Fixed: Block margins should now be always removed inside layout blocks
- Fixed: Scheduled stories and chapters now also trigger Discord messages when published
- Fixed: Elementor Pro does no longer cause a white screen of death
- Fixed: Multibyte languages (Chinese, Ukrainian, etc.) should now work in the advanced search form
- Fixed: The status and age rating on story pages is now translatable
- Fixed: The chapter formatting options will now also work on custom font sizes
- Improved: Prevent access of bookshelf page for logged-out users
- Improved: Added measures to prevent caching of user-specific pages
- Improved: Refined base and grow factor of card font sizes
- Improved: Empty card description will now default to the post excerpt
- Improved: Reduced minimum character threshold for card descriptions before the excerpt is used
- Improved: Updated heading and post title font sizes
- Improved: Updated Font Awesome to version 6.6.0
- New: Added "single" param to Latest Updates shortcode to only show one chapter
- New: Added option to show latest chapters on large story cards
- New: Added story page cover positions float-top-left and float-top-right
- New: Re-enabled the date archives because why not
- New: Added styling for more blocks (calendar, categories, meta, login, etc.)
- New: Added no-theme-style utility CSS class to remove styling from some blocks
- New: Added optional sidebar column plus related settings
- Dev: Replaced the "simple" param of Latest Updates with "type" which can also be simple
- Dev: Added wrappers and CSS classes to card footer items
- Dev: Renamed fictioneer_filter_article_card_footer to fictioneer_filter_shortcode_article_card_footer
- Dev: Re-hooked fictioneer_post_chapter_to_discord from save_post to transition_post_status
- Dev: Re-hooked fictioneer_post_story_to_discord from save_post to transition_post_status
- Dev: Removed obsolete FICTIONEER_OLD_POST_THRESHOLD constant
- Dev: Moved the chapter actions and footer into from the template into hooks
- Dev: Added .h1 to .h6 utility classes
- Dev: Added consideration for a colors.json in the child theme, merging it with the parent one
- Dev: Added CSS custom property for navigation font size
- Dev: Added fictioneer_filter_story_header_classes filter